Further to yesterday's missive i've had a busy time today. I spent the morning getting the meds I forgot i needed to collect on Saturday before shopping for some new bib shorts and other bits I need before I go to Austria in a fortnight.
Back home a lot lighter of purse I got down to the writing I should have done Saturday. It went okay, I got the chapter finished mid evening which gave me enough time to put together and format the second arc ready for Wednesday publication.
The latest chapters have introduced some new characters and hinted at some future storylines so I hope you'll be ready to support BC with some purchases when it goes live.
In other news, it seems hardly credible that my daughter is 35 on Friday and even that my Grandson is five months old. I don't feel old enough for that to be all true, I don't think I look old enough either, okay i'm not a twenty something but even so....
Advance warning then, in a fortnight I head off on a road trip to Austria and Bavaria for 10 days. The main purpose is to ride the Eddy Merckx Classic RTF east of Salzburg, a mere 169km but with 2600m of climbing. I'm a big girl, I can do it, honest. Afterwards we'll have a relaxed drive up through Bavaria stopping to look at all sorts of museums and stuff.
What does that mean for you? Well I will try to post on departure day, the 5th of September but unless i'm very lucky that will be the last until the 16th of the month. I will in the meantime try to get more of book 23 written before departure, there is an outside chance I could get the next arc completed but no promises.
Enough for this evening, I need some sleep before tomorrow's ride, a mere bagatel at @ 100km lol
For now
Hi Maddy.
Will we be hearing from Trixiebell Heartswoon any time soon?
May be a chance of something later in September. There will be, I hope, a lot of writing going on in the autumn, more from Trixie plus more Nena and of course Gaby. The intention is to get some other started stories finished, they taunt me every time I look through the files.
Of course there are new story ideas popping into my head all the time which may ferment into full blown tales and disrupt things.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Is it a French Taunter?
Is it a French Taunter?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I'm only a dumb blonde, what?
Madeline Anafrid Bell
French Taunter
French Taunter
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.