Racing Angels -chp 3

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Chapter 3
The Offices of MRDI LLC, Darlington, South Carolina, 1100 Sunday
I drove home Kelly after getting a large ‘garbage’ pizza with a 2-liter coke to go. We spent most of the night talking about how I would be accepted at school if I showed up as a girl and answering text messages. The crazy part was when she told me that most of the kids at school already thought that I was a male to female transsexual. She pointed out that the only shitheads that would have a problem with me coming would be the homophobes on the wrestling and basketball teams. Not that I ever gave a shit about what those pud pounders thought. No, the only people that I cared about what they thought were my parents and Kelly. Well Kelly’s parents too.

I spent the night with Kelly at her house. We weren’t left in peace though. From the time that Sharron sent out that text until around nine pm, either Kelly’s or my phone was receiving text messages. Mostly from the girls that wanted to know if it was true that I was holding try outs for female pit crew members. Kelly must have answered that question twenty time or more. I had to put my foot down when the freshmen started asking to try out.

I had to send out a mass text laying down the ground rules to try out for the pit crews. The first of which was that no one under the age of 17 years and 6 months could try out. Second try outs were only open to those who were in their senior year. Thirdly you had to have enough credits to graduate early. Fourth all those trying out had to have a 3.0 grade point average. Fifth no one could try out without their parents’ permission. And lastly no one with a criminal record of any type need apply.

After I sent out that one mass text the pestering text messages dropped off to almost nothing. I knew that I was setting the bar on the high side. I needed to stop the insanity before it got to far out of hand. Besides, I already had sent requests to the people that I wanted on my pit crews. All the others were just trying to get in on the action.

I had several reasons for setting out the ground rules that I had. The first rule had to deal with the legal age to work in the pits of a Formula One race. The minimum age for pit crew members was exactly 17 years and 6 months. As much as I wanted to give the younger guys and gals a chance I couldn’t legally. I knew that this would cause problems for some people, but I couldn’t do anything about the rules or laws.

The second rule I put down was to keep the Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen from trying out. I know that I was being a hypocrite by putting that rule in place, but I had to keep them from dropping out. Which is exactly what most of them would do if they made the pit crew. I could drop out today and not worry about graduating. I have more than enough credits despite my three-year intermission for cancer. Mom won’t let me just sit around and feel sorry for myself during that time. She homeschooled me to keep me up with everyone else. The only reason why I wasn’t a Senior was political. The Superintendent of Schools felt that I should spend time in the other grades. Something about socialization with my peers bullshit.

Rule three was to cover not only my ass but the asses of those who would make the crews. If they wanted to graduate early they could. It was also there so I could weasel out of going back to school if old Iron Panties got out of hand. That bitch was on my shit list and was going to remain there until the day the school fired her ass, or she dropped dead.

When it came to rule four there was a very good reason for it. If you had a 3.0 grade point average, you qualified for the work study program. If the school want to push things, I would just have those that made the pit crews signup for work study. That would end all of our problems on that front.

I had two very good reasons for rule five. Firstly, I wanted everyone’s parents to know exactly what was going on. Secondly, most of these kids maybe old enough to serve in our military, but they still needed their parents’ permission to sign the contracts. Once again it was down to the legalities of the corporate world and that simple.

For the last rule I had three reasons. The first of which is if you had a criminal record you couldn’t get a passport. In a sport where you race on twenty-one different tracks in twenty-one deferent countries passports are a necessity. The second reason is it will discourage the jackasses trying to escape a juvie record by saying they’re in a respectable career. Lastly, it’ll keep the gearheads and motor monkeys from applying hoping that they can talk my parents into giving them a shoot at driving.

I know. I can hear every last one of you out there. Once again, I’m being a damned hypocrite. Well, I got news for you all. The only time I rat raced was when I had a score to settle. Even then I took every precaution to insure the safety of others on the roads. I may have put a few of the dickheads into a ditch over the years, but they could always walk away.

We fell asleep on her family’s couch sometime after eleven pm. We were both exhausted. Her from working a Saturday afternoon shift at Billy’s Big Barn. Me from the early wakeup and the test drive. That was how her parents found us the next morning a little after eight am. That was one of the things that I really liked about her mom and dad. They trusted me alone with their daughter when they were working shifts together. They usually had me come over to their house or they sent her over to my home when they were both on duty at the same time.

Oh, you’re wondering about that. It’s really simple. Kelly’s mom is a Paramedic and her dad is a Lieutenant with the Fire Department. I respect them both for the crazy shit they deal with on a day to day bases. Mrs. Ringwald usually works the track on race days. That’s where I first met Kelly. At the in-field care center. My family were at the Southern 500 two years ago when my brother being a dumbass tripped and broke his left wrist. It was Mrs. Ringwald who saw to him first before telling my mom he needed to go to the emergency room at the hospital.

Anyway, back to the Ringwald’s walking in on us. We got the usual round of grief from her parents as they woke us up. They knew that we would never break the one rule they had for when one of us stayed over. Both feet on the floor with the door open. Or in the case of us sleeping on the couch. Clothes on at all times. The occasional cuddle they had no problems with. They just weren’t ready to become grandparents, yet. Over breakfast we asked them how their shifts went and was surprised to hear that it was abnormally quiet. No fire for Mr. Ringwald and no ER runs for Mrs. Ringwald. They had actually slept in their stations for the full night.

Mr. Ringwald did ask me if it was true about mom and dad holding try outs for pit crews among the high school teens. I told him and Mrs. Ringwald what was going on and about how I got the contract to race for Mercedes-Benz. They weren’t surprised to hear that Beth and I got offered the contract. They knew how well the two of us could drive. They were only surprised that we would be offering a chance like joining our pit crews like we were. That was when I told them the truth about how that came about.

Mr. Ringwald just sat there roaring with laughter. While Mrs. Ringwald gave me a sharp look before joining her husband in his laughter. The fact I had offered to sign up forty teens to be a pit crew just to prove one asshole wrong was priceless in their eyes. Not to mention justified.

I called my parents around nine am to let them know what was going on and to have them meet me at the family garage around noon. Only to have mom tell me that Beth and Joey had already filled them in. It seems that word had spread much faster than I expected last night. Mostly because of Beth’s and Joey’s friends texting or calling them to find out why they hadn’t been asked to join the pit crews. Thank the good Lord above, Beth had a ready-made answer for her friends and Joey’s. She just told them that I was the one that controlled what happened with the contract. In other words, she blamed me for not inviting their friends.

Thankfully, mom got onto Beth about putting all the blame on me. When mom showed Beth the five rules that I had sent out by text Beth and Joey both shut up. Mom also reminded Beth and Joey that the contract hinged upon me signing, not Beth. I was the one that Mercedes-Benz wanted the most. I knew that sooner or later that small fact was going to come back to bight me in the ass.

Anyway, I told mom about setting up the meeting with the parents and kids over at the garage at 1300. Mom said that was a good idea and she would take care of the rest. Mom also told me that I needed to be at the shop by eleven to sign the contract and to dress accordingly. When I asked her what she meant her answer almost through me for a loop.

I knew that I would need help in a major way. So, I asked Kelly to help me get ready for my grand reveal at the meeting. Kelly may be bisexual, but she was by no means a tomboy. She is one of the biggest girly-girls that I know. So, I know that she’ll help me dress in such a way as to prove the very important point that I need to this morning and afternoon.

After making a fast run down to the local Wally-world for panties, bra, hose, make-up, shoes, and a long-sleeved dress Kelly gave me my first ever makeover. I almost cried as I watched what little body hair I had wash down the drain. Not that I had much. Like I said before, the chemo really screwed with my body. One of the many things it messed with was my body hair. What was removed by the Nair was two years’ worth of growth. Yet, it had to be done. Because at eleven am today, Roberta Lee McGuire was making her grand debut and damned the torpedoes full steam ahead.

With less than thirty minutes before I needed to meet my parents at the shop Kelly pronounced me fit for viewing. I wasn’t too thrilled with the whole girly-girl look but I was able to talk Kelly out of high heels. I just wasn’t up to wearing those just yet. I know that there will be a time when I’ll have too but not today. Besides, I was the one driving. Kelly felt it would be best that, for the first time that I wore high heels, I shouldn’t be the one to drive. As she explained it to me there was an art to driving in heels. I may be hot behind the wheel but there is no way I’m trying that on my first official day as a girl.

As we pulled into the parking lot for my parents shop I recognize the cars for our family lawyers. I have to laugh at the law firm we use. For three of the meanest lawyers in a courtroom Bill, Dan, and Jacob don’t take themselves too seriously. Kelly gave me a strange look. “What’re your parents’ lawyers doing here?”

“Most likely to go over the contract before either Beth or I sign. Knowing dad, he called them as soon as I got off the phone with mom. I won’t put it past him to have the Mercedes-Benz people running in circles by now.”

“Well, I hope they can get things sorted out before everyone else shows up at two o’clock.” Kelly let her concern fill her voice. “I know that you want this contract bad Robbie, but I’m worried about the part where they are basically forcing you to come out.”

“You’re not the only one worried over that part, love. It’s not like it’s a nonissue though. I mean how many times do we get grief for holdings hands in public? I’ll answer that for you. TOO fucking many times. Most people don’t know my medical history. All they see is two very pretty girls in a lesbian relationship.” I didn’t want to tell her what mom and dad had told about Mrs. Carson.

I think if she knew about Carson’s personal campaign to run us out of school Kelly would shoot the woman. She picked up on me hiding something from her. “Okay, Robbie. What are you keeping from me? Don’t try to say that you’re not either. You suck at lying.”

“Fine. Carson has made us her new personal crusade for the Moral Majority in Darlington, South Carolina. You don’t even want to know what the bitch has been trying to pull with the schoolboard concerning me. Let alone us. Dad has been running a massive interference campaign with the board and that bitch.”

Kelly stared at me in total disbelief. “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME?! What is that bitch’s beef with us?”

I just pointed at my chest. “Me. She keeps trying to force the issue of my appearance as grounds for my expulsion. She has claimed that I have repeatedly shown up at school in the dress of the opposite sex. Namely that of a boy. She keeps saying that I have engaged in crossdressing and blatant transvestism on school grounds. While engaging in an open lesbian relationship with you.”

“HOLY SHIT! Why haven’t my parents been informed of this?”

“Because my parents have been fighting Iron Panties for us both. As much as I would love to put that old bitch in her place it won’t happen anytime soon. She is just too well protected by the basketball and wrestling coaches. Not to mention that bigoted asshole Dr. Stone. I still can’t figure out how that man got elected as to Superintendent.” I groused.

“He paid off the election officials to stuff the ballot box. That’s how.” Kelly snarked. “Come on love. We’ve kept your loving public waiting long enough for you to make a grand entrance.”

Taking a deep breath, I opened my door and slid out the way Kelly taught me before leaving her house. It was with slow measure steps that I led the way to the front door of McGuire Racing Designs Incorporated LLC. I found the door unlocked and let Kelly go ahead of me as I held the door open.

The first person to see me was Mrs. Benz. “Mein Gott! Sie ist schöner als ich Träume Sie sein könnte!”

“What are you talking…” Karl Benz had just turned around getting his first good look at me. “Mein Gott! Du hattest Recht, Bertha. Sie macht ein schönes Mädchen.”

I was getting lost with the German that was being thrown around and starting to feel extremely embarrassed. I wanted to hug Sharron’s dad when he jumped my rescue. “Ladies and gentlemen, while I do speak Dutch fluently the others may not. Can I suggest that we use only English?”

“Ja Herr Dewey. You are correct. It is impolite to speak in a language that others may not understand in mixed company.” Mr. Benz said with a slight bow at the waist. He then turned back to me and took my right hand bowing over to kiss the back of it. “It is a pleasure to meet you Frauline. Meine Frau, was telling me that you were very pretty at the race track. Now that I see you in person I must say that meine Frau was wrong. You are but a raving beauty ready to blossem on the world’s stage of Formula 1 racing by storm.“

“I don’t know about that sir. I just want to drive fast, and any race car will do.” I answered truthfully. My response got a round of laughter from the adults with the exception of my parents and Mr. Daimler. They knew that I wasn’t joking around.

“Jewels, Robert, I will be honest with you. When you said that your youngest daughter lived to race yesterday I thought you were joking. Now, that I have met her. I must revise my opinion.” Daimler said looking me in the eye.

“And what would you say now, Gottlieb?” dad asked him coldly.

“That the young lady will be one of the greats. She just needs the right car to prove it. My question is are we the right fit for her? After all, we all know that she is not really a girl. Can she spend the rest of life as a woman in the eyes of the world? Does she have the needed strength to pull it off?” the man was pissing me off more and more with his questioning of my character. He reminded me of Iron Panties.

“You know something dad. We don’t need this fucking contract.” I looked over at mom. “Mom call the parents and tell them the meeting is on hold.” I turn back and look in Dailmer’s eyes. “I’m sure we can sell the power planets and cars to either Renault, Audi, BMW, Rolls Royce, or hell even Toyota.”

Daimler busted outed laughing. “Very good young lady. You have fire in your belly and passion in your heart. You will drive for our new racing team. You have my vote. You just have to win over that old bastard over there with the stone face.” The man Daimler pointed to had yet to say anything but I knew who he was.

“Well Herr Maybach? What is your challenge?” The man just chuckled and took my right hand before bowing over it with a kiss.

“Young Lady my only concern is where to get two full pit crews for you on such short notice? One for your sister and one for you. If you can come up with answer to that then you can walk on water.”

“I don’t know about walking on water, but I can get two full pit crews here by fourteen hundred.” I snarked at his look of disbelief. “What the good Lord would do with fish, I shall do with a simple text message.”

“What are you up to Roberta?” Dad asked with a sly yet knowing smile. I could tell that mom had filled him in on what I had done yesterday evening. Not to mention what was going to happen later.

“Simple dad. Herr Maybach wants to know where we’re going to get two full pit crews. I’m going to show him.” I pulled out my phone and sent a message to all the kids that I had offered positions to last night. “Herr Maybach, if you care to stay for a meeting later on today. I’ll introduce you to our pit crews.”

“Young lady, I would love to see this miracle of organization that you have yet to perform.” He turned to the other members of the Mercedes-Benz party. “She has my vote. Shall we sign the contracts? I see no reason to wait any longer.”

Until now my parents’ lawyer had stayed out of things. As one they each pulled out six copies of the contracts. Beth being the oldest signed her contracts first. Then the Mercedes-Benz people signed their names below hers. Then mom and dad stepped up and sign their contracts with Mercedes-Benz. I was the last to sign a contract. I had put off signing until last just in case I needed to stick in my own stipulations. Thankfully the Mercedes-Benz people went along with what I wanted. They had even put in a clause where I had to find my own pit crew.

The only clause in the contract I had any problems with was the one concerning my appearance. It stated very clearly that I was to present a proper feminine appearance at all times. With the exception for when I was driving. The way it was worded I would have sworn they want me more for a model than as a driver. There was even a part that said they would reimburse me for any expenses incurred to promote that image. Another part said that Beth and I would be supplied with a Style Consultant.

Once all the contracts were signed Sharron’s dad handed me another set of documents to sign. I quickly read them over and realized that they were a petition for legal name change. I looked over at dad and mom before turning back to Mr. Howe. He quickly explained.

“Your parents called me yesterday afternoon after they were offered the contracts. I warned them of the legal problems and advised them of what would be your best course of action Robbie. I also read over your contract with Mr. Cheatem, and Mr. Dewey. Legally your contract and Beth’s are entertainment contracts. So, they can basically dictate how you kids look at all times.”

“We know sir. I kind of figured that out on my own when they wanted me to drive for them as a girl. I was pretty sure they would work that into my contract somewhere. I wasn’t sure they would set the same conditions for Beth though.” I knew that I had just signed away my life for the next five years, but I really didn’t care. I had my dream in my hands now. Nobody was going to take that away from me. If they tried, they would have to pry it from my cold dead fingers over my cold dead body.

I wanted to shake Mr. Howe’s hand for all the work he had done on mine and Beth’s behalf. Personally, I always had to laugh at the name of the law firm Mr. Howe worked for. I mean come on who wouldn’t get a laugh out of a law firm named, Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe. They may be some of the best lawyers in South Carolina and Pitbull’s in a courtroom, but they never took themselves too seriously.

I looked over at a box that was sitting on the floor by Mr. Cheatem. “What’s in the box Mr. Cheatem?”

“Those are fifty blank pit crew contracts waiting for names and signatures, Robbie. Before you ask, your mother got us on those the same time she had us going over yours and Beth’s contracts. She wanted us to be ready for whatever you pulled today. By the way, just what are you up to young lady?”

I know that I need to get used to the young lady bit, but it’s going to take time. I wanted to pound Joey when he sniggered at hearing me called young lady. And me not being able to do anything about it. For the next five years people would only see a pretty girl who could drive a Formula One racer.

“Mr. Cheatem, let’s just say that you, Mr. Howe, and Mr. Dewey will need to keep an open mind this afternoon. Especially when your daughters show up with their boyfriends.” Beth told him just before she started to giggle. “Robbie went way outside the box to get us two full pit crews on such a short notice. Hell, I don’t think anyone would have thought of what she did. I still want to know where she came up with the idea. Because it is totally off the chain.”

“You can thank that dumbass Thomas Hart for the idea. Well him and Danny Hailee.” Kelly told them.

“What is wrong with that boy? I’ve represented him four times in juvenile court for numerous screwups. If he breaks the law again the judge will throw the damned library at him, not just the book.” Mr. Dewey said to no one in particular.

About that time there was a knock at the front door. I smiled. “Looks like my pit crew recruits are showing up early.”

The adults all looked at me strangely as I went to the front door and let in the first group of teens with their parents. Over the next twenty-minutes I must have returned to the front door four more times letting in teenagers with their parents. Beth took charge of the teen boys and had them setting up folding chairs in garage bay number one. By the time everyone had arrived there was forty teenagers and almost eighty adults in the bay.

More than one of the parents was giving me questioning looks. They couldn’t place me but more than half of them did recognize me. the girls were all over me as they got their first good look at me as a girl. The guys on the other hand were giving me a wide berth for now. Not really knowing how to deal with one of their number suddenly jumping the great gender dive. And looking good while I did it. There were a few exceptions among the guys though.

Like Danny Hailee, Jose Chamberlin, Will Hackney, and Greg Smokes. Or as they are known around school, the Four Horsemen. You rarely saw one without the other three. They went almost everywhere together. Only when they were with their girlfriends on solo dates were they alone. They were also the four biggest members of the football team’s defensive line. I smiled as their parents just smiled at me as they took their seats. In their eyes I was giving their sons a second chance at getting out of South Carolina.

Until last night I hadn’t realized just how much one sport could affect the other athletic departments within a school. I smiled at the looks of confusion that had slowly crossed the faces of the Mercedes-Benz people first. I let my smile grow even wider as the daughters of Mr. Dewey, Mr. Cheatem, and Mr. Howe walked in with their mothers. Cassy, Sharron, and Charlotte were the big three in the cheerleader squads.

I was a little surprised to see Kathy Hall and her mother show up. Coach Hall was more than just the girls PE teacher. She was the Head Coach for the cheerleaders and girls swim team. The woman is known to be a real hard ass among the girls in her PE classes. Of all the female athletes I figured that the daughter of the Cheer Coach would have a scholarship to go somewhere. Then I remembered what Sharron said last night. No scouts no scholarships.

The next person to show up was definitely the last person in all of Darlington County I expected to see. He was also the one person I would kill to have on my pit crew and I didn’t even invite him and his dad. Tony ‘the tiger’ Towers, all state Junior MMA champion, and his father Ivan ‘the terror’ Towers retired MMA heavy weight. The rumors around school was that Tony had been trained by his dad form the time he was ten in MMA. Tony was also the same age as Beth and two years older than me.

“Um… hi Tony. Can I help you?”

“I heard that you were holding tryouts for pit crews. I thought that I would give it a shot. If you’ll let me that is?”

“Sure, why don’t you and your dad have seat with the others. We’ll be starting the meeting in a few minutes.” I told him. Then watched as he and his father walked over and joined the others.

“Was that Tony Towers and his dad?” Joey asked me.

“It sure as hell wasn’t Lady Gaga and her band.” I turned to look Joey in the eye. “Finish setting up, Joey. I have to let our parents know that we got a full house.”

“Sure thing, bro.” Joey said with a smile.

“Look Joey, I know this is going to be weird, but you need to start thinking of me as your sister. No more bro or Rob. From now on it’s got to be Robbie, Roberta, or sis. Got it?”

Joey was a good kid and a smart one too. He understood immediately what I was driving at. “Sure, thing sis.”

I found mom and dad talking with Mr. and Judge Keller. Yeah, you heard right. Mr. Keller’s wife, is the right honorable Judge Eloise Keller. The one judge in Darlington County that no double dealing cheating husband wants to see. The woman wasn’t known for showing mercy on spouses that cheat. She also was known for her no nonsense point of views on equal rights. I could tell right away that they were discussing my name change and contract.

“Excuse me your Honor, but the meeting going to start now.” I know I was interrupting but I want to get this show on the road. Besides, the Kellers had to know why they were here today.

“Thank you, dear. We’ll be right there.” Judge Keller gave me a smile. “We were just going over my schedule. I’m looking forward to seeing you in court on Thursday. I’m sorry I can’t get you in sooner, but I have several cases that have been on continuance for weeks now. Mr. Howe has explained the circumstance for the sudden need for a name change. Though I am not exactly happy with the conditions of your contract, I do understand the necessity behind them and I applaud your maturity and bravery in facing them.”

“Well, I’ll be honest if I want to be a professional driver then I have to face facts. Like the old saying goes. If it walks like duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. Dressing and living as a woman is me just accepting what everyone else sees me as, a woman. I know how I look. If I want to be respected and accepted I need to grow up and accept facts.”

“That is very commendable Roberta. If there are any legal questions raised during this meeting. Just refer them to me. Unlike those three shysters your parent hired. I can give you all the free legal consul you can handle.” The judge smirked.

“Now wait one damned minute, here, Eloise. We’re a reputable firm.” Mr. Cheatem huffed. “We only triple bill those overindulged country club butt buddies of yours.”

The adults just laughed at the off-colored humor as I led them over to the garage bay. I waited until everyone had taken their seats before beginning. I knew that I was about to make a lot of these parents and teenagers very happy.

“Seeing as how everyone is here early I would like to go ahead and get started.” I waited until it quieted down before starting. “As most of you have already heard. Yesterday, both my sister Beth and I were offered contracts by Mercedes-Benz as Formula one drivers. This morning we finalized those contracts in this very building. Part of those contracts is we get to pick our own pit crews. That is where your children come in.”

One of the fathers stood up and interrupted me. “Excuse me, Rob. But before you go too far could you clarify a point of contention among us all.” I knew what was coming so just nodded my head. “Do you wish to be referred to in the masculine or feminine?”

“I believe that I should answer that Roberta.” Everyone turned to look at Judge Keller. “As of this morning when Roberta signed her contract she took on the professional moniker of Roberta Lee McGuire. In accordance with the laws of this State Miss. McGuire had filed for a legal change of name and sexual identity. Does that answer your question Mr. Moore?”

“Thank you, Judge Keller. That does help out a good deal.” Moore looked back at me. “Please, continue Robbie?”

“No problem, Mr. Moore. I understand why you asked. I mean for the last eighteen years I have never shown any interest in dressing as a girl. Then I show up this morning out of the blue in hose, makeup, and a dress. So, yeah I can understand the confusion you and the other adults are feeling right now.”

“Um… Roberta, dear. Why have you decided to come out? Couldn’t you have driven as a young man?” asked Coach Hall.

“Let’s be honest here Coach. Do you really think I would ever get sponsors looking the way that I do and trying to pass myself off as a man? The answer to that is not a chance in hell. And that is what drives any sport. Sponsors. Sponsors bring in the big money and with that money comes more sponsors. More sponsors equals more money. No sponsor is going to back a female looking guy.”

“She does have point Lisa. We all know that sponsors drive auto racing. Look at how many times a NASCAR team has gone under after they lost their sponsor. The same has to be said for Formula One.” Dan Smokes, Greg’s father said from where he sat. “Please continue Robbie? Or due you prefer some other name?”

“Um… no Robbie is fine for now, Mr. Smokes. To be honest I haven’t given much thought about how I want to be addressed. I mean Robert and Roberta can both be call Robby, Robbie, Bobby, or Bobbie.” I looked over at Danny who started to chuckle at something.

“You can call me Ray or you call me Jay. You can call me Ray Jay, or Jay Ray.” Danny called out to let me know what was tickling his funny bone. Which naturally got the others in the room laughing at the joke that was so old. It was mummified.

“Thanks Danny. I’ll remember that as I pull in for our first pit practice.” I gave him a smile. “I’ll take extra care to not run over your toes.” Which just got everyone laughing all the harder.

Once everyone was again quieted down I got back on topic. “Now for the reason I’ve asked you all here today. I know that most of the kids in this room will not be going onto college after graduation for one reason or another.”

“Excuse me, Bobbie Lee.” I looked over at me dad crossly, but I was his child and he had the right to call me what he wanted. “You want to explain that crack about these kids not going to college. And how you came to that conclusion. After all that is a very private matter between families.”

“I ran into Sharron and Danny at Billy’s Big Barn last night. We got to talking about the contract offer and where I could find forty people to fill out all the positions. I had already offered a slot to Danny and asked him if he knew of any other guys at school who would fit the bill. He said yes, but there wouldn’t be enough for two full teams. That’s when Sharron suggested that we use the senior girls from our school.”

“So that’s why all the girls are here. You used an end run to fill out your needed positions!” Coach Hall crowed. “It may not be a grand win for women’s equal rights Robbie, but I salute your ingenuity for finding an answer. Where all anyone else would see is unrealized athletic talent.”

“What are you getting at Coach Hall? We got fourteen football players, eight baseball players, seven cheerleaders, five volleyball players, and six long distance runners from the girls track team. I get the boys being here. I can even see the girls track team members. But volleyball and cheerleaders. You have totally lost me now. Besides, shouldn’t these kids be going to some college, somewhere?” Dad asked her bluntly.

Only to have Sharron stand up and the question. “That’s where you’re wrong Mr. McGuire. All of us here are not going to any college. Simply because none of us can afford to pay out of our own pockets for the chance. Nobody here has an athletic scholarship thanks to the scouts avoiding our school. None of us have the grade point average to nail down scholastic scholarship, despite most of us being three-point-oh students. All of our parents either make too much or not enough money to qualify for government sponsored student aid, loans, or scholarships. To be blunt Mr. McGuire, unless you have some other away for all us to earn between one to four-hundred-thousand for a four-year degree, or three to six hundred-thousand for anything over a Bachelor degrees then Robbie’s offers are a dream come true.”

“Speaking of college scouts avoiding our school. Does anyone here know why that shit happened?” Asked Phil Chamberlin while pointed looking at Coach Hall.

“You can thank those thugs you’re so proud of Phillip.” Coach Hall snapped. “That’s right I’m placing the blame where it belongs. At the feet of the basketball and wrestling teams and their coaches. Those two teams have produced some of the biggest trouble makers in whatever college they attended in the last two years.”

“What does that have to do with the college scouts avoiding our kids’ school and the other teams there?” Mr. Chamberlin snapped.

I had, had enough of his shit and snapped. “Because no college wants to take a chance on any athlete that can be a potential pain in the ass embarrassment Mr. Chamberlin. I won’t even go into the number of complains that have been filed by students concerning bullying by the members of those two teams. That’s why none of them are here. Because I fucking well won’t give the chance of a life time to a pack of backstabbing thugs. Now, you want to get over yourself, and let me finish giving your son a chance at seeing the world? Or do you want to continue to bitch?”

Phillip Chamberlin sat down and shut up. He knew when he was in the wrong. Sometimes he had to have the truth pointed out to him. Yet when he did he always backed the truth. No matter how painful.

“The other reason I asked for just these people to be here is simple. All of the students here can meet my requirements to be a member of mine and Beth’s pit crews.” I was interrupted again, but by a different parent this time. “Yes, Mrs. Hanson, you have a question?”

“Yes, I do, Roberta. It is about these requirements. Just exactly what are they? And what are the reasons behind them?”

“I’ll answer that one for Roberta.” Dad said as he walked over to stand in front of the parents and teens. “I will be honest and tell you now that I have only just read the requirements that Bobbie has put in place. Requirements that her mother and I would have put in place ourselves if she hadn’t Caroline.”

“Oh my! She must have really set the bar high then.” Caroline Hanson gasped out. “May we still know them please?”

“First off no one under the age of 17 years and 6 months could try out. Second those who were in their senior year. Third have enough credits to graduate early. Fourth everyone has to have a 3.0 grade point average. Fifth no one can be here without their parents’ permission. And lastly no criminal records. As for our reason behind these requirements they should be self-explanatory.” When dad finished he walked back over where mom was standing.

“I’m sorry, Robert, but I need a little more information.” Judge Keller said from her place next to her daughter and son. The Keller twins Stacy and Steve.

“The first one has to deal with the age requirement for Formula One pit crews. FIA has decried that no one under the age of seventeen years and six months can be part of a pit crew. The minimum for drivers is eighteen.” I answered Judge Keller. Taking each point one at a time for her. I had an idea that she was doing this for more than just her personal education.

“The second and third requirements revolve around what can be a very touchy situation with the schoolboard. If you’re a senior and you have enough credits to graduate. It doesn’t matter how many class you are currently carrying. You can enroll in the work study program. I am pretty sure that everybody here is now eligible for work study and can graduate early with no notice.” I watched as more than thirty heads nodded as one.

“The fourth requirement of having to carry a three-point-oh gp is simple. It give them a backdoor into the work study program. And as they will all be employed by an International racing team. They can do their school work on-line under the homeschool guidelines when we have to be outside of the country.” When I started explaining my reasons behind the requirements I saw more than one parent pulling out pad and pen. Now, all of them were taking notes and fallowing my every word.

“While a good many of the kids here are over eighteen. I didn’t feel right about just allowing them to sign a contract that could take them to a foreign country without your knowledge. I remember how my Uncle Bud’s signing up with the US Army upset grandma and grandpa. He just went in one day signed up then disappeared for five months. Only coming home after he completed Basic and AIT. He really scared my grandparents. I won’t let that happen here.” I could see from the looks on the faces of more than a few parents that they were happy I did put that requirement in place.

“The last requirement is because this is an International sport. It’s extremely hard to get a passport with a criminal record. Even if it is a juvie record.” I looked over at Judge Keller to back me up on this point. She didn’t even hesitate.

“Although it can be difficult to obtain a passport for a convicted felon, it is not impossible. Whether a convicted felon can obtain a United States passport will depend on the felony that was committed. There are some automatic disqualifications to obtaining a passport if you are a convicted felon such as convicted international drug trafficking. Other issues such as owing 5,000 dollars or more in child support or loans could disqualify someone from obtaining a passport as well. However, when it comes to juvenile offenders there are only two automatic disqualifiers. The first is any drug conviction for possession with intent to distribute. And murder is the second. There may be other disqualifiers with the new immigrations laws though. So, you’ll have to double check my facts. I hope that answers your question Robbie?” Judge Keller said after she stood.

“Yes, ma’am. It does. And thank you, for that clarification.” I took a deep breath before continuing. “As you can see I have set down some rather steep requirements for our pit crews. Are there any more questions? If not Mr.’s Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe, have the contracts for your children ready to sign. Those not eighteen will need their parents to sign also. I’ll let you talk amongst yourselves over the decision to sign.”

I walked back over to where my family was standing with the people from Mercedes-Benz. Mom gave me a smile then a hug. “You did good honey. I’m so proud of you.”

“I don’t know how many we’ll get yet mom. Some of the parents may not let or want their kids to sign.” I had to be honest with them. I wasn’t about to get their hopes. As it is we may still have to go to outside sources for pit crew members.

“Young lady, I doubt that will be a problem. Turn around and look.” Mrs. Benz said with a smile. So, I did. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement of facts. A line had already formed at the table being used by our family lawyers. They each had one teen with one parent standing in front of them as they went over the contracts. “I doubt that you will have a problem filling out your pit crews. Now, for the hard part. We need to do is line up sponsorship for you and your sister.”

“No, ma’am. This was the easy part. The hard part will come tomorrow morning and facing down the school administration. I got a feeling that there will be at least one potential skunk in the woodpile.”

“Well, we are not due to fly out for another seven days Roberta. If this Headmaster of yours wishes to cause problems. I am quite sure that OUR lawyers and with your parents’ lawyers can sort things out. After all you have done nothing wrong, and neither have these other youngsters.” I listened closely to Mrs. Jellinek. She may not have said as much but you would have to be a fool to not hear the threat in her words. For some reason I had this strange feeling that this was one woman you did not play games with lightly. She was a Great White shark in a gold fish pound.


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Great Story

jennifer breanna's picture

This is shaping up to be a excellent story. It gives me another reason to look forward to Friday nights. I wonder if they can get db to fork up scholarships for the entire pit crew.

Car Talk

I really miss The Tappet Brothers, Click and Clack. They brightened my Saturday mornings for decades. Pickup Andropov, (limo driver), Dewey, Cheatam & Howe, Haywood Jabuzoff, and of course, "Don't drive like my brother!" Your reference to them made me smile!

Loved Car Talk as well.

Actually got some good information from them as well. The law firm of Dewey, Cheatam & Howe didn't only have Car Talk as clients, but also the comedy team of Howard, Fine and Howard, also known as The Three Stooges. :-)

Doing it right!

My5InchFMHeels's picture

It's great to see the bar set high. Moving those speeds though, you kinda need to have the bar set high just to survive.

Sounds like a certain

Wendy Jean's picture

high school is going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

"White shark in a gold fish pound"

WillowD's picture

I'm sure this is just a typo but I have this mental picture of a shark in a small pond with a number of objects under him pounded flat into meat blobs that were formerly known as gold fish.

And as another comment said, this story is turning into a great story. If it gets enough chapters, this will probably be a great one to publish as a novel. And as much as I love Robbie's back story and driving skills, I really REALLY love her people and leadership skills.

no typo

wolfjess7's picture

that is exactly what you get when you put a 1 and 1/2 ton shark in a small pond with gold fish. Gold Fish POUND. (you can thank Shark Week for the Great White ideas. God how i love this time of the year.)

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Hmmm, I can see Old Iron

Hmmm, I can see Old Iron Panties getting her ass handed to her in a manner she never expected. Looking forward to another thrilling chapter of a great story coming soon to a BC/TS near us.

The look on her face...

on Monday morning when the cheerleaders turn up en-masse to her office
"We'd like to apply for the work program"
"ALL of you?"
"Who in their right mind would employ all of you?"
"You don't expect me to believe Mercedes-Benz are going to employ all of you to sell cars"
Oh, we're not going to be selling cars... We're going to be racing them!"

Oh Jessica...

Robyn B's picture

You are so cruel. I am not into the surfing thing, but reaching the end of this chapter was such a disappointment. I wanted more. I want more, Mrs. Bumble.
Reading, reading, getting more excited, getting more involved in the story, riding the crest of the wave that all readers seek, and then, the wave collapses from under you 'cos the chapter finished. I imagine that is how a surfer feels when the water just disappears from under you as the wave collapses.

I think we need to find some more staying power for your wave generator Jess!

Robyn B

A great story so far

but shouldn't Sharron's Dad mention that he's speaking German fluently instead of Dutch at the meeting ?
Both languages might sound the same for anyone who doesn't speak either of those, but there is a difference between the two ;)

One question. *giggles*

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

"proper feminine appearance at all times. With the exception for when ... driving."

Does that mean a sundress & high-heels, when doing work on her personal car, etc?
I'd like to see that discussion *giggles*

>i< ..:::

It's hard, but doable

Jamie Lee's picture

With the driving offer, Danny, Kelly, and others, Rob has finally realized he's fighting an uphill battle on flat ground. The changes he's undergoing are not going to stop or can be reversed. He will always be seen as a girl for now on out, so instead of fighting his person tide, he'll flow with it.

Setting a high bar ensures only those seriously interested would apply for the two pit crews. That two coaches and one arse wipe allowed a bunch of muts to ruin the scholarship chances of the whole school should be a red flag somewhere that there is a major problem at that school.

The other being as Sharon stated, can't afford even one year of college or gain assistance. Once upon a time that wasn't the case, not anymore.

Brain bucket is going to have a hissy fit when those signing up as pit crew hit the office in the morning. Hopefully she'll do something that gets her hauled before the judge.

Others have feelings too.

Dewey, Cheatem and Howe

I can actually believe that as a solicitors practice. Here in the English Midlands, there's a Wright Hassall solicitors and an estate agents (realtor, for those in the US) called Doolittle & Dalley (although given they've been around for ~150 years, evidently don't!)

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!