A Friend in Deed: part 3

Janet gave a mental groan. She hadn’t meant to say that. She didn’t want to burden her friend with that particular problem. Sure, Nicole knew she was having problems. But she didn’t need to know that people were telling her she was going to hell. Now, here she was, trying to come up with another subject to talk about. “So,” Janet suddenly said. “When you said the snake-girl was the emissary to the gods, what did you mean by that?”

“Exactly what I said,” answered Nicole. “She’s the emissary to the gods.”

“Whose gods?”

"From what my mom said,” Nicole answered. “All of them.”

Janet blinked. She opened and closed her mouth several times. “How does that even work,” she finally asked. “Aren’t most gods insisting that they’re the only god?”

“Most religions,” Nicole stressed, “insist that they are the only true religion. A lot of religions have multiple gods, you know.”

Janet pressed. “But they still insist that they’re the only one, right.”

Nicole nodded then grimaced as a bump caused much jiggling in her abundance. “How to girls deal with this?”

Janet grinned then answered. “Most do not have that much. Most strippers don’t have that much. Girl you are a fantasy come true.”

“I wish your dream had smaller breasts,” grumbled the busty girl.” Janet just laughed.

“So,” Janet said after a moment. “What else do you know about that snake-girl? And what do you actually call her?”

“Her name is Rebecca. Or, were you asking what she is?”

“What she is. I’ve heard some arguments about that.”

“We’re not sure,” Nicole answered. “She has features of both a Naga and a Lamia. But neither has four arms or her coloration. So, we do not know what, exactly she is.”

“What does she say?”

“Nothing,” Nicole answered. “She says it doesn’t matter. She’s here and she has a job to do. Personally, I think either she, or the gods, have a twisted since of humor.”

Janet asked, “What if she’s something new? If she’s some new kind of monster, she may not have a name.”

Nicole tilter her head to the side. “I hadn’t thought of that,” she said. “Let’s talk about something else. I get enough talk about magic at home. With Mom and my sister going on about all the possible changes.”

“How about your dress,” Janet asked after a moment’s thought.

Nicole’s heart sank. She realized she may have made a mistake asking Janet to change the subject.

* * *

Nicole had never been so happy to get home. The questions Janet asked her about the dress were exhausting. She didn’t know much about dresses. And she didn’t want to learn. But the questions kept coming. When she wasn’t being asked about dresses, it was shoes. Or jewelry. It was a good thing she liked Janet, or these questions would have had her cancel the date.

She did have a little trouble opening the door as her right breast was pressing against it. When it did open, she had to catch herself as her breast tried to pull her out of the car. She blushed as she heard Janet giggle. By the time she got herself out and stable, Janet was already at the door to her house. “I thought you were going to wait on me,” she said.

“I’m avoiding temptation,” Janet answered back. “I think I’ll have enough of that tonight. And I don’t want to anger your mom. Magic is real, and you proved that it can transform people. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow sitting on a lily pad.”

“My mom would not do that,” exclaimed Nicole. “I doubt she’d turn you into anything.”

Janet gave Nicole a look. “She let you have a necklace that turned you into this, didn’t she?”

“Because I was doing this for you,” Nicole shot back. “Mom wouldn’t have let me use this otherwise.”

Janet blushed. “And I appreciate it. But I didn’t ask you to do this.”

“Yeah well,” an embarrassed Nicole said. “Enough with the mushy stuff, we do have a dance to get ready for.” They both started walking toward the house.

“Keep your eyes front,” Nicole said when Janet stumbled. “You’re not walking over a nice and level floor.”

“Your jiggling breasts are distracting me,” Janet replied. “I can’t help but look at them.”

“Janet,” Nicole sighed. “When I was a boy, I didn’t stare as much as you are. I didn’t want to be labeled a pervert.”

“As far as most people are concerned,” Janet sourly answered. “I’m already a pervert. So why hide it?”

Nicole didn’t know what to say. Luckily, they arrived at her front door, so she didn’t have to think of something. She reached for the doorknob. Before she could open it, the door was jerked open from the other side.

“Marcus,” exclaimed the woman standing in the open door. “Is that. . . you?”

Nicole stared at the woman. With a sinking heart, she realized that she had to look up to see the woman’s eyes. Standing at 5-foot-6, she had long curly black hair, hazel eyes, and a ready smile. All this fit in an oval face with high cheek bones. She had a slender figure that showed nicely in the pullover shirt and jeans she was wearing.

“Mom,” Nicole said. “I think you have some explaining to do.

Eyes wide, Mrs. Kimby looked her new daughter over. “What happened to you? Your boobs are huge!”

“Ask the boob crazy girl,” Nicole answered. “Oh. My name is Nicole while I’m a girl.”

“I’m not boob crazy,” Janet protested as Mrs. Kimby looked at her.

Nicole and her mother looked at each other. Then they both looked at her breasts. They turned to look at Janet who blushed. “Okay. Maybe I’m a little obsessed,” she admitted.

“Why don’t we sit down,” Mrs. Kimby suggested. “Then we can get to the bottom of this.” The three females walked to the living room. Nicole and Janet sat on the sofa while Mrs. Kimby took the love seat.

“Now,” Mrs. Kimby said once they were settled. “Janet, you did put the locket on Nicole, right?” Janet nodded. “Then she turned into this?” Janet nodded again. “Hmmm.” Mrs. Kimby rubbed her chin.

“Mom,” Nicole said as she pulled the locket out of her cleavage. “Are you sure this thing is working right?”

“Dear,” Mrs. Kimby answered. “This locket has been in our family for thousands of years. Not once has it failed to deliver. Yes, sometimes the wearer was surprised at what body they got, but it still was the dream lover of their chosen one.”

“So why the giant boobs,” asked Nicole. “Janet admitted to liking large ones on short girls. But this is a too much.”

“Um, why don’t she take it off and let me try again,” Janet asked. “And why didn’t Nicole do that in the first place?”

“Because then she wouldn’t be able to use the locket for a week,” answered Mrs. Kimby. “That’s a failsafe that’s built into the locket. Too many transformations in a short period of time can cause serious problems. The more drastic the change, the faster the problems develop.”

“Don’t worry, Janet,” Nicole said. “This wasn’t that drastic a change. Despite the giant boobs. But that failsafe does prevent the chance of problems from happening.”

Mrs. Kimby stood up. “Nicole,” she said. “Let me see the locket.”

Nicole held the locket out for her mother to see. The older woman bent over to examine it. After a moment, Nicole cleared her throat with a light blush. “Mom. That’s my cleavage you’re studying.”

Her mother blushed. “I know, Dear. They’re just so big!”

“I know, right,” exclaimed Janet. “Your eyes just can’t help but to be pulled toward them.”

“Hush you,” Nicole said to Janet. Nicole wondered why she felt a warm tingle at Janet’s words.

“Oh dear,” Mrs. Kimby said. “I know what went wrong.”

“Well what,” Nicole demanded when her mother didn’t say anything for a long moment.

“You got the wrong locket,” the older woman answered. Her face was rapidly turning red.

“Okay,” Nicole said as she eyed her mother’s red face. “If I didn’t get the dream lover locket, what locket did I get, then?”

Mrs. Kimby backed away with a cough. “Well,” she said. “You got the fantasy lover locket. Which explains the giant boobs you’re sporting.”

The two teens stared at the older woman. Neither could believe what they had just heard. If, for different reasons. While excited to see her fantasy in the flesh, Janet did not want to inflict such extremely large breasts on anybody. She couldn’t imagine carrying around those weights for any length of time. Her C-cups were bad enough.

Nicole wasn’t happy to know that her current body was Janet’s fantasy lover. It was bad enough knowing that she was going to become her dream date. Now, she knew more about Janet than she was comfortable with. Certain fantasies people just kept to themselves. If for no other reason than they’d be embarrassed. She was surprised that Janet had only stared at her. Nicole knew she would be hard pressed not to do more if her fantasy lover was standing in front of her.

“So, um, what are we going to do,” Nicole managed to ask.

“Do you still want to go to that dance with Janet?”

Nicole looked at Janet. The girl in question had turned her head away from them. Nicole bit her lip then sighed. “Yes,” she firmly said. “I said I’d go with her if she put the locket on me. And she did. I can’t complain about the body. She did try to warn me.”

Mrs. Kimby nodded. “Alright then. You need to go and start getting ready. Your sister should have the bath ready for you. You need to go and get ready too, Janet. But, before you go, I’d like a few words with you.”

With a look toward Janet, Nicole got up and started walking to her bathroom. Once there, she found her sister, Julie, there. Julie was 5-foot-7-inches tall. Her slim figure was encased in a T-shirt and jeans. Her long, brown hair hung to her mid-back in a loose braid. She was just finishing putting out some bath items. The tub was full of steaming water. “Hey, Julie,” Nicole called as she entered the bathroom.

Nicole startled and spun around. Once she saw Nicole, her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped in surprise. Nicole could tell that the taller girl hadn’t expected her. “Marcus. Is that you?”

Nicole sighed. “Yes, it’s me, Julie. My name is Nicole right now.”

“Okay,” Julie said as she stared at Nicole’s breasts. “But what happened to you? I thought you said you were going to let Janet put the locket on you.”

“I did,” Nicole answered as she shut the bathroom door. “She’s a lesbian, remember?”

Julie stared at her sister’s body. “Are you sure she’s a girl,” she asked. “You look like some horny boy’s wet dream.”

Nicole blushed hotly. “Yes. I’m sure,” she said. “She just likes short girls with big boobs.”

“More that big, I’d say,” Julie remarked as she turned back to the bathtub. “Those things are ginormous.”

“Hey! They’re attached to me, you know.”

“Either way,” Julie continued as if Nicole hadn’t said anything. “You need to get started. It takes a girl longer to get ready for a dance than a boy. So, strip.”

Nicole stared at her sister’s back. “You got to be kidding me,” she finally said.

“No, I’m not,” Julie said as she turned to face her younger sister. “You need to take a bath before you put on your dress.”

“But you’re in here with me!”

“So, what? We’re all girls here.” Julie eyed Nicole for a moment. “Unless there’s something in those pants that you haven’t told anybody.”

Nicole blushed. “Nope,” she said. “I’m all girl here.”

“Then what is the problem,” Julie asked.

“I’m not used to anybody being in here with me when I take a bath,” Nicole said. “It’s weird.”

Julie gave an exasperated sigh. “Look, girls do this a lot. I mean sure, we like our privacy, but we don’t really say much when another girl is in the room with us.” Nicole didn’t look convinced. “Think about this way. It’s just like a locker room. Only there’s just the two of us right now.”

“I don’t know,” an unsure Nicole said. “It still feels weird.”

“What about Janet,” Julie suddenly asked. “How can you go to the dance with her if you don’t take a bath? Don’t you think she’d be upset?”

Almost without thinking, Nicole started to take off her clothes. It wasn’t long before she was down to her bra and panties. She moved to take off her bra when she realized her sister was staring. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

“That’s all you, isn’t it,” Julie said.

Nicole looked down at her breasts. “Huh? What do you mean?”

“Your boobs,” Julie said. “They’re real. You don’t have any implants.”

“Of course, they’re real,” Nicole said. “Why wouldn’t they be? Why would you even ask that?”

“Because you’re bigger than any woman I’ve heard of,” Julie nearly shouted. “Even the ones who get the giant implants aren’t as big as you! Your boobs are close to twice the size of your head.”

“They’re really that big,” Nicole asked as she stared at her breasts. “I knew they were bigger than my head, but not that big.” She blinked. “Wait. There are some women who actually want boobs this big?” She hefted her chest.


“Seriously?” Nicole shook her head. “I don’t believe it. And, even if it was true, how would you know about it?”

“Internet,” Julie stated. “You only have to do a search to find these women. There are some sites that has them listed with links to their own websites.”

“If you’re so knowledgeable,” challenged Nicole. “Name two of them.”

Julie stared at her younger sister. She was so much like the brother she used to be. “Okay,” she said. “An adult model name Beshine and a retired porn star turned adult model name Chelsea Charms are the closest to you in size. Beshine has 10k cc implants last I heard. I don’t know what Chelsea has, but I do know that they’re always swelling. Both women have their own websites.”

Nicole opened her mouth but didn’t know what to say. Silently, she proceeded to take off her bra and panties. She tried to use one hand to steady her breasts when she went to get into the tub. But she quickly discovered that one hand wasn’t enough for breasts her size. One arm wasn’t enough either. She had to use both her arms. That left her a little unsteady when she tried to step into the tub.

“Need a hand,” Julie asked.

“Just this once,” Nicole answered. She gasped when Julie’s hand brushed her breasts. “Watch the hands.”

“It would be easier if your boobs weren’t so big,” Julie said. “But they are soft.” She squeezed the breast her hand was on. “And surprisingly firm.”


“What?” She looked at Nicole’s angry face. “You better get used to it. Girls will get into your personal space. Especially if they think you’re stuffing and they don’t like you. I figure that a lot of the girls at the dance will have an eye on you. Most won’t believe your boobs are real.”


“Prosthetics,” corrected Julie. “Remember, your size isn’t natural. Even if you are. Now, get to bathing. We have less than 4 hours to get you ready.”

* *

In her driveway, Janet sat in her car. She was thinking about what Mrs. Kimby had told her. She couldn’t believe it. She didn’t want to believe it. But she had to. With what she had learned, she wanted to call the date off. But that would hurt Marcus. She did not want to make his sacrifice meaningless. She’d just have to keep an eye on Nicole. She had to make sure none of the signs she had been warned about showed up.

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