The End

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of Sweet Sixteen is now upon us with the posting of Birthday Girl!

I'm guessing you'll all want to read Book 17 but I may force you to read something else before that!

Anyhow, my weekend away was quite 'epic', the thick end of 400km riding over the 4 days and with temperatures reaching 38c on Monday, not always great riding conditions! I 'collected' more windmills, met up with old friends, drank beer, ate chips, visited the Railway Museum, ate more chips, looked at bikes, visited offspring and their offsprung and visited the gummi bear shop. Did I mention chips?

With all that riding I had plenty of thunking time about this and that and the popularity of a certain young lady from Chesterfield was high on the agenda. Not quite sure why she's so popular but I thought some of you might appreciate a Kindle variation through which the pierced personage can help fund BC so I've put together The Whitby Adventure - the first part of her tale, into a single volume which is available about now!

Lulu dead tree
Lulu digital

trixie 1 cover.JPG

A second volume, The Canterbury Tale will follow in due course.

In other news:

More Gaby has been written - not as fast as I'd like but its getting there. The new book has a lot going on with, I hope, some interesting twists and turns, all being well you should get to see the first segment mid July.

And not content with going away last weekend, i'm off on my travels again on Monday - another epic windmill hunt in south Lincolnshire - at least I'm not carting the camping gear for that though! Its only two days but I think there are 25 mills to find!

Well that's about it for today

so its Wiedersehn from Sheffield



Podracer's picture

No mayo?

"Reach for the sun."


Maddy Bell's picture

Lacking most of the weekend!


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Couldn't make this year. The awkward combination of working night shift over the weekend and a large and painful hole in my left leg from a bad fall. Just off to the doctor's again. Thank everything for the National Health Service! And as an elderly woman I now get free drugs.