My UEI (Unknown Entity Intervention) Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 Chelle's POV

In the middle of the night I woke up, not quite sure what had awoken me. Then I felt Soph breathing fast, almost hyperventilating and occasionally twitching. I started stroking her and telling her that she was safe, that I was here to look after her and protect her and that her mum was nearby and wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

I kept repeating myself and tenderly touching her through her PJ's. Laura had warned me not to hold her too tightly as sometimes that made it worse. It seemed to be working as her breathing seemed less frantic. Slowly, over five minutes or so, she returned to normal. I don't think she woke up fully at any point. When I thought it was over I hugged her to me and felt her clutch my hand, like she didn't want to let me go. I felt such a warm feeling in my heart when she did that. I was really falling for her.

In the morning I asked her how she slept and she was so pleased that she hadn't disturbed me with a scream that I didn't have the heart to tell her what had happened. Besides she kissed in joy thinking that she had slept through. We both had to have a quick bathroom break or I think we would have stayed lip locked for the rest of the day.

We both climbed back into bed and lay on our sides facing each other.

“We have had to be very careful what we have said to each other for fear of others overhearing us. I have left out or avoided certain topics.” While she said this to me she was staring me intently in the eyes, then she looked away. “I really care for you, Chelle, so I want to be as honest as possible and answer any questions you may have.”

“You came to me when I was lost and alone. My supposed friends had abandoned me, my father has always been a distant figure and didn't care one way or another, but I thought my mother supported me. She says she does and then she sets me up with dates with boys to try and change my mind. I hope you don't mind, but.” I stroked her face causing her eyes to rise up and meet mine. I somehow sensed that I needed to be the dominant one in this relationship, so I needed to ask less and do more. “Since I am now in a committed relationship with you, ma belle, I will be stopping that. Through your actions I know all I need to know about you. I would like to know more, but I do not need to. Tell me about yourself, ma belle, but only what you want to.”

“What would you like to know?” She asked me in a small voice. She has secrets, I could tell and she was opening up and giving me the opportunity to know her skeletons, and yet doing so would hurt her.

“I do not really care what is in your past. I wouldn't mind knowing how you ended up with Laura Kind as your mother. Not if it is too painful though.”

She smiled sadly. “It will be painful, but you should know. Could you hold me and I will tell you.”

I lay on my back and pulled her onto my chest. I am not particularly big in the chest department so there wasn't a lot of cushioning and she had to shift a little to get comfortable. Then she told me about falling in love with a straight girl, Jen, whose boyfriend attacked her and killed her parents, her Aunt rescuing her and bringing her to the states. Her Aunt, Gem, working for Eve and Laura and then being invited into their home and the connection she made with Laura.

The tale did not take long to tell and was short on detail, but heavy on emotion. I stroked her as she lay on my chest, pulling herself together. “That is enough. Do you have any questions about me?” I asked her. She shook her head on my chest. Even if she did, I don't think she was in the right frame of mind to ask them.

After she had been quiet for awhile she sat up abruptly. “Enough moping.” She said and then took herself off to the bathroom. I had been enjoying her lying on me, but it probably was time to get up.

While she was in the bathroom I checked to see if anyone else was up and found Laura in the kitchen making breakfast. She asked me how the night went, so I told her what happened in the middle of the night and that Soph was unaware and I wanted it to stay that way. She thanked me for looking after her. I stayed to help her out in my PJ's until Soph emerged and then we swapped and she helped while I got myself sorted.

By the time I was ready Gem and Eve were at the table. Gem was introduced to me and I could see a vague resemblance if you discounted how stacked she was. I wondered if that meant Soph was going to end up like that and sort of hoped she did. I can't deny I am a fan of a nice big chest. I tried hard to keep eye contact with Gem when I spoke to her while feeling this almost magnetic pull down. It didn't help that I ended up sitting opposite her.

Gem had some things she wanted to do so it was going to be the four of us until the evening. The plan was to have the limo take us back to my house so that I could pick up my music stuff and then we would all play with it here. Eve didn't want to get my hopes up and said this was all about having fun. With my permission we would take the songs that I had written and try and see what we could do with them and then sing them. Maybe even record it. Not for a record company, but our own enjoyment. If it turned out fantastic then she could talk to her contacts, but that was not the purpose. Again she repeated, the idea was to have fun.

I phoned my mum, just to let her know that I would be popping round to pick my stuff up. The conversation did not go exactly to plan.

“Hi mum, one of Soph's parents is really musical so we thought we would have a play together. I'll be round in the next half an hour to pick up my guitar and stuff.”

“That is fine dear. Do you still want to stay the night? If you can get home before seven I have a handsome boy who is just dying to meet you. You never know, he could be the one.”

I was getting fed up with this. “I will still be staying the night and no, I am not interested in dating any boy, handsome or ugly, rich or poor. No more, mum, please, no more. Just accept me for who I am, please.” I felt Soph's arms cuddling me from behind. I was so glad that I had moved into her bedroom to make the call. She had asked if I wanted privacy, but I really didn't expect anything more than a two minute conversation, just letting mum know that I was on my way.

“Is this about your friend who is not your girlfriend?” Her voice became harder. “Have you slept with her?”

“I am happy to say that Soph has moved from the friend to girlfriend category.” I tried to avoid the sleep question, since it was misleading. Yes we had slept together but no, we hadn't had sex, none of which I wanted to discuss with my mother.

“You have slept with her, haven't you, I can hear it in your voice. You know that doesn't speak well for her character, sleeping with someone on the first date. You can do so much better, baby.”

Now I was getting really annoyed. “What you are probably hearing in my voice is happiness, at least until I started this conversation with you. And if I did sleep with her on our first date wouldn't that mean your daughter was of low character and SHE could do better?” This wasn't going well. “I'll be round in half an hour. Bye.” I put the phone down. I turned to Soph. “Sorry about that. I think I should go on my own to pick up my stuff.”

She smiled at me mischievously. “I'll ask Eve to go with you. No one says no to Eve. She is like a force of nature. Besides, can you imagine the look on your mothers face when Eve turns up to help you pick up your guitar.”

I had to smile at that.

I filled Eve in on my circumstances a little. How on the surface my mother has pretended to be supportive and then, with a complete lack of understanding is trying to convert my sexuality by forcing me to go on dates with men, under the mistaken belief that I am bisexual. I also told her how my phone call went. She was sympathetic with my plight and willing to help.

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I can't wait...

to see the look on her mother's face when Eve shows up with her to pick up her things... LOL

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Me too.

WillowD's picture

And I am glad we are going to see more of Eve again. She has just been a background figure in recent chapters.

It Seems Like Chelle’s Home Situation

jengrl's picture

may force her to make other living arrangements . Her mother sounds like she is only willing to pay mild lip service to the idea of accepting that she likes women , but she will continue trying to force the issue about her dating boys . It will definitely be interesting to see her deal
with Eve . I can just see what will be spinning around in her head . I imagine she will try to blame Eve and Laura for influencing her to embrace her Lesbian “lifestyle” even more . It seems that those type of parents are always trying to look for blame about things that are really no one’s fault , but are just a part of how they were born .


Soph is emotionally dependant on Chelle's support

right now and probably doesn't want to upset her, but it might be a mistake not to tell Soph's whole story. Chelle may not believe Soph. However, if Chelle finds out later, she can't say Soph wasn't honest with her. Tough choice.

Does Chelle have...?

My5InchFMHeels's picture

Does Chelle have an aunt or Mom's BFF? Did Mom sleep in the same bed as Aunt Whatshername or the BFF? That being the case more than likely, Mom slept with her BFF or her Sister... May be something Chelle could point out. Or maybe Eve WILL point out that Chelle spending the night with Soph gave someone else a break, to get a full night sleep... due to her anxiety/nightmares.