The Blue Whale Chapter 10

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The young woman helplessly bound and gagged opened her eyes and began shivering. She felt cold as if she was a frozen body in a morgue. She looked around as much as she could with terror in her eyes. With a final shiver, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep but restless sleep...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A young girl has fallen into a deep but restless sleep. She will not find rest, but another nightmare even more frightening than her last nightmare. It is unnaturally cold and dark this night in Collinsport. Foul creatures roam the woods around Collinsport searching for their prey while the residents of Collinsport find their sleep restless. Even the dead in their graves rest uneasily this night as the forces of darkness move through the Dark Shadows that encompass all this terrifying night...


{Jackie again uneasily opens her eyes to find herself in a bar. If a stranger were to enter The Blue Whale this evening, he might notice a young woman in an incongruous French Maid Outfit sitting across from a much older gentleman - a person of distinction from his manner and dress - clearly "old money".

Jackie thought {Where am I? Who is this man I'm sitting with?}

Jackie looked at the man intently. She found him intensely attractive. She could feel herself becoming aroused!

{No! No! This can't be happening. I'm a guy. I don't like guys!}

Jackie reached for her drink and quickly gulped down a mouthful; choking as the hot liquid burned her throat.

{Still, he is kinda cute and he makes me feel warm. WHAT! What am I thinking? I'm a guy. Guys don't make me feel warm!}

Jackie tried to avoid staring at the man by looking down. She couldn't help seeing what she was wearing and the size of her breasts.

{OMG! I'm wearing a French Maid Dress!}

As Jackie stared at her breasts, she thought:

{OMG! OMG! My breasts! They're so big! What is happening to me?}

She looked up at the man who was staring at her breasts.

{He's staring...He's my breasts!}

Jackie felt a warmth growing inside her.

{OMG! This is a nightmare! I have breasts! A man is staring at them and ...and I...I like it! OMG! This can't be happening! A man is staring at my breasts and I like it! I'm a guy! I can't have breasts! OMG! I like it! I really like it! I like a guy staring at my breasts!}

Jackie involuntarily reached up and grabbed the front of her dress.

{What am I doing? OMG, I'm pulling down my dress to expose my breasts to a guy! OMG I want him to see my breasts! STOP! Please STOP! Someone please stop me.}

Jackie pulled down her dress to show her breasts to the man she was sitting with. She could feel she was not wearing a bra.

{He's staring at my breasts! Hr's staring at my naked breasts! He's smiling at me!}

Jackie sighed as if she was enjoying the man staring at her bare breasts.

{I like the feeling of him staring at my breasts - WHAT AM I THINKING? I'm a guy. This can't be happening! But he is so cute. I like him.}

Jackie tried to order her hands to pull up her dress but they refused.

{I'm not wearing a bra. I pulled down my dress so he could see my bare breasts. What is wrong with me? WAIT! I'm not wearing anything under my dress. I'm naked under my dress. There's nothing there.


Jackie shuddered.

{I'm a girl. I'm a girl. I'm not a guy - I'm a girl and I like him.}

Jackie smiled at the man who smiled back as he continued to stare at her breasts. She felt warm. She felt something else - something under her dress - something that a male would not feel under his dress.

{I don't like him - I love him. I'm a girl and I love him. It feels so good. I love him. I think I want to make love with him. I wonder if I can get pregnant? I...I want to have his baby}

Jackie looked up at the man and noticed his eyes. His eyes were red. She jerked her head up and saw that the man had horns on his forehead. She could see something moving behind him - Something small. It was a red tail!

{OMG! He's the devil! I'm Rosemary! I'm going to have Rosemary's Baby! I'm in love with Satan and I'm going to have his baby! My baby is going to eat his way out of my belly! I'm going to die and burn in hell!}

Everyone in The Blue Whale turned and looked as a young girl started screaming...}


Jack Eaton woke up and tried to scream.

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You should always have pizza before going to see a horror movie!

I went out with some coworkers once. We stopped at a Shakey's for pizza first. After pizza, some of us decided to see a brand new horror movie at a neighboring theatre.

During the movie, I was chomping down on a tub of popcorn. On screen, the crew of a spaceship were eating dinner when suddenly one of the crew started having a seizure. During the seizure, an alien parasite ate his way out of the crew man's belly as the rest of the crew looked on in horror. After the alien ate himself free, the dead body of the crewman lay spread over the table (now covered with blood and gore).

I turned to the person sitting next to me and said (loudly enough for the people in the seats around me to hear):

"Doesn't that look just like the pizza we just ate?"

The person in the seat in front of me immediately bent over and went:

"BLUGGH..." for at least two minutes.

I couldn't help thinking it was hilarious, so I started laughing. The people around me didn't think it was that funny. We all had to move away because of the smell.

The name of the movie was Alien.


Rosemary's Baby was a 1968 Roman Polanski horror movie where a young woman named Rosemary is betrayed by her husband. She is tricked into sleeping with the devil and becomes the mother of the devil's baby