A word of warning about the newest version of Skype!

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If you're thinking about downloading the new version of Skype, be careful. more than a few people have lost either voice, video, or contact lists after starting it.

Right now, Beverly Taff, in the U.K. is having a deuce of a time trying to get the voice part of it to work and she just today manage to retrieve her contact list. Persephone, also in the U.K. has had similar problems.

Skype is still urging me to download the newest version but I have been and will continue to resist it.

Catherine Linda Michel


Skype went downhill

the moment it was bought by Microsoft and sadly it shows no sign of getting better.
They removed my Skype account (different user name) when I deleted my MSDN account. Wonderful company.

But Nanny Microsoft knows best... naturally (not).

All my friends have dumped Microsoft

People wonder why I hate Bill Gates, He sends out beta osystems for us to fix, he then calls it windows 8 a POS !
Then ruins a great Skype.

How new is this version??

My wife's Mac upgraded without being requested some months ago - and as you say - contact list zapped.
Deep poo.

Taking my life back

I only run skype on an aging tablet, and so far ...

Otherwise, I have greatly curtailed my online activities. Facebook is all but cancelled, and that may happen soon. I've been experimenting with having my cell off unless I want to use it. Trump and his minions could do something new to make life harder.

Gwen I agree with the cell phone

Don't blame Trump, blame Zukkerberg, He's the money hungry bugger selling all kinds of Facebook info to whoever wants it
I've never been comfortable there. and warn every one about putting personal info out there for ANYONE to harvest

willing participation doesn't matter

Just visiting sites with a Facebook widget is enough for them to start tracking you

where you go and what trends it suggests are valuable to FB in and of themselves

they don't really care about you the person (unless you are blackmailable), they only care about you the psycographic profile and how they can sell access to it


Blame Zucker, just remember what he sold to Trump, he gave to Obama and probably Clinton for free... Except nothing in this world is free, so he expected a QPQ for his service.