What happened to the Model and the Writer

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I've been following a really good story about a Writer who gets duped into dressing as a woman for some award. I can't remember the title and notice it has not been around in a couple weeks. What?????


Oscar Night

Gwen that is the title of the story that you are referring to, I assume that Jennifer had RL issues crop up and will get the next chapter posted when she can.

Melanie Dian

She had a blog entry about it

Jennifer had a blog entry about it here.

She bought a house and is moving.

Oscar Night is one of my favorite stories, and I'm very curious to see how it turns out.


That's mine

Kayleigh is correct. I apologize for taking too long, but I just haven't managed to find the time. Getting things ready in my new house is taking all my energy. My movers are scheduled to come in two weeks, so my life should be a little less hectic after that.

I finally had an hour last Saturday morning to write, but my brain was so stuck on house stuff and worrying if I'd get along with my new neighbors that I had to channel it into a silly story about neighbors that didn't get along.

It is always good to hear that someone is enjoying something I made, and I assure you I haven't abandoned that story. I will be publishing Episode 14 of Stephanie's Deal next, as soon as I can scrounge up a couple hours to finish it, but after that I will try to focus on Oscar Night part 13, which needs about six more hours of my time. I currently only have 431 words written.

I appreciate your patience and will try to see what I can do about getting my story to you sooner rather than later. I may have some time in the afternoon this coming Sunday.

Congratulations on the house.

I hope that you will be very happy there. As far as getting along with your neighbors; the best you can do is smile and be friendly.

Many Blessings



I'm mostly settled into the new place. My computer is set up, and I have a functional internet connection. I don't feel terribly pressured to get unpacked quickly, so I am starting to have free time again. There's a good chance Part 13 will be ready tomorrow. If not, I'd expect it early next week.