What a week or two!

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My computer played up, then an update from Microsoft coincided with my router doing strange things, only it took a day or two to work out what the problem was. Couple that with severe shoulder pain and consequent lack of sleep, a visit to the dentist on Friday the 13th, an impending deadline for my latest assignment and you can see I've had a great time.

The pressure from the university is really ramping up now as we head towards the examination in June, which I'm dreading. This assignment, just submitted counts towards the end of year mark so is quite important as is the next one. My tutor is wonderful and one of the few things that's kept me going. Some days I wonder why I'm putting myself through it all as I'm not doing it for job opportunities, I'm semi retired already. I suspect I have this inbuilt perversity that has to keep me on my toes in case I get bored or worse think about relationships - can't at the moment too busy, a way of life I intend continuing.

Dormice will soon be about again and then life will get really busy - but in a nice way.


I'd like to say thanks to those who've bought Bike, Erin tells me it's earning a bit for the site once they get the money from Amazon. So please keep supporting BC and Auntie Erin.



Happy For You.

It would be quite pleasant to have bike around again. I wish you the best in your effort at University.

I hope that Trump and his minions don't bring it all crashing down.


Apart from meeces

Podracer's picture

The weather is warming at last, making bike rides more attractive. I hope the body still makes those possible to take advantage. Enjoy the busy!

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

'kin computers

Maddy Bell's picture

Glad things have started turning around in Dorset!

The thing with degrees is that hardly anyone follows them up with a career in the same field and the more so when we do them later in life. But we do gain valuable life experience, honing our skills and increasing our knowledge. Just don't fret over the exam, you'll be fine.

Whilst your writing here is always welcome times change, things happen in our lives and our personal dynamics evolve. We'll have to sort out a get together in the summer, relax in the sun, recharge the batteries.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Hope the course is going OK.

The news recently about the OU hasn't been entirely positive. The threat to cut both staff and courses by the now 'retired' vice-chancellor seems to be very much against what the OU was created to be - an opportunity for ordinary people to educate themselves later in life either still working or retired. I hope your course is unaffected.

Shoulder pain in a real pain when it restricts your cycling as I know only too well. It's a few years since I was able to take 200km Audax rides as just a normal day's riding :) so I hope you can take advantage of the warm weather once the exams are behind you.

Good luck
