So, I came across something today that I think I need to address. First and foremost, just so there's no misunderstanding, I greatly appreciate everyone who has purchased my work or read it through the Kindle Unlimited program. I also appreciate the many compliments that have been left on Amazon. That being said, I ran across something in the comments section of one of my books that is a bit concerning to me. For my book Resurgence, which is book 1 of my Entwined Fates series, someone left a comment regarding it on Amazon.
Now, I am in no way criticizing the person who left the comment since, after all, it was very complimentary. However, there were a few things said in these comments that are a bit troubling. I won't go into specifics, but essentially this person mis-identified the characters' 'race' and put out a fairly significant spoiler regarding a plot in the series that has yet to be published.
Now, let me reiterate, I am not blasting the person who left this comment in any shape or form. I know that the intention of writing it was to express how much they enjoyed my work and they were not seeking to deliberately cause any kind of issues. So no, I'm not angry at this person, but this does present me with the opportunity to make a humble request to those on this site who would like to leave any comments about my work on Amazon. Please try to avoid spoilers in your review. I understand that sometimes it can slip out, especially if you are writing from the heart, but a fair amount of the success with this series, as well as any author's series really, is the unknown for what lies ahead. It entices the reader to look forward to and purchase the next book because they want to see where this is all leading to. While it wasn't a huge spoiler, by this person referring to a place or event in one of the books that still has yet to be published, it eliminates some of the mystery and excitement for the readers of my work.
So again, thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my work and spent your money on purchasing a copy of it, but if you choose to leave a comment about my work on Amazon, or Goodreads, or anywhere else, please try not to include any spoilers in your review. As much as you might have enjoyed the story and some of the twists and turns, I would like for everyone who reads my work to enjoy them as well.
One of the reasons...
...I publish my stories on this site without comments enabled is because of people second guessing how the plot was going to develop in subsequent episodes.
It happened with my earlier works and I particularly remember The Pudding Club where readers were speculating all kinds of things which were far too near the mark. A mystery story relies on mystery and when readers are publicly trying to work out where the story’s going, it makes it difficult for the author to keep up that mystery.
So nowadays I never publish serials with comments enabled and there would have to be a good reason for me to publish solos with them.
Of course, on Amazon, you don’t have the luxury of being able to turn off comments.