Archetypes chapter 2.

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Here we are again, a small chapter, but they break where they break. Hopefully this explains away most of the obvious questions...standard disclaimers apply of course.

The weather in Washington D.C. was rather chilly, suiting the rain that drizzled disconsolately down upon the capitol of the strongest country in the world. The perfectly manicured lawn was slick and windswept, providing treacherous footing for the security details as they patrolled. The city itself was fairly quiet, for one of those types of cities that never sleeps.

That is, until the wind started changing direction, loaded with a bright blue green glow and the sound of static discharge. The glow resolved into a large jagged tear, and a scene of jagged rock and searing sun resolved itself within, more hot wind blowing from the tear itself, stirring miniature tornadoes amongst the now abused grass.

From this tear stepped a gorgeous woman, clad in a maroon silk body wrap that did little to conceal generous curves, she looked around curiously, taking in the sights while ignoring the tear she had just stepped though as it collapsed behind her. The calm returned to the night almost immediately, the wind resuming it's normal course...though the grass was now scarred almost beyond recognition, and there still remained a faint scent of ozone in the air.

Stepping around the dying dust devils, the woman attempted to reach the large estate known to all of earth as the white house. She only made it 6 steps however, when she was surrounded by bleak looking men and women in suits pointing very large guns at her head. She put her hands up meekly and asked:

"Take me to your leader."

I turned from the closed circuit television displaying the security tape of last week to Betty with a gimlet stare.

"I can't believe you actually said that, that's like the worst cliche ever."

"True, but it worked, didn't it?"

"So what does this prove, exactly? Looks like an elaborate set up to me. I mean the entire situation spells Hollywood cliche."

Betty smiled. "You're exactly right, but in this case, that does not make it any less real. You do understand though, a hopeful sign."

"Not sure I understand anything; this footage could be faked."

"Come with us, sir." The lieutenant commanded from his position at the doorway.

"Where to?"

"Orders were to see you understood the situation, so we go outside."

I followed the entire team along quietly through the white house, and out to the lawn, Betty trailing us all. The magical mystery tour ended at a patch of grass burned in a ragged line; I looked and it matched the location the old video footage showed me.

"All this proves is that you guys cross your eyes and dot your t's in your scams...though why you'd want to scam me is beyond me."

"Look behind you sir."

I looked, and there was Betty...with a glowing ball of lightning in her hand.

"Back away please Fu, they are fairly adamant I don't leave more scorch marks."

Suppressing my curiosity, which wanted me to run up and see what the trick was, I backed away and waited.

"You know, you're the first one to actually hint at the need for a demonstration." Betty said conversationally as she opened another tear in space like the one that I no longer doubted took place here a week before. Once again the wind rushed before my face as the portal expanded; hot as the desert badlands depicted on the other side and...was that a city in the distance? Betty cautiously approached it, and her head disappeared, appearing on the other side as part of the scene, looking around almost as if afraid.

"Should we be worried?"

"Nope!' she replied cheerily. 'They haven't found the spot yet. We are safe for now."


"The people we need your help with. My people. Obviously, we are mages from an alternate universe...and they are coming here to conquer, same old shtick. I came here to warn your people."

"...Obviously. So why, if you're all mages, are you wanting our crappy planet? You have your own."

"Well we pretty much destroyed ours; you know how it goes, ultimate power leading to the grubbing after more power, a short sighted point of view, planetary destruction, et cetera. Pretty much the same road you lot are headed towards, just slower."

"Human nature? You are a type of human aren't you?"

"Perceptive; I am a type of human of course, from one of many alternate universes layered next to yours. The irony is in where you come in Fu. I'm here to help your people, by teaching you all how to be as silly, ruthless, and powerful as we are."

"That sounds like the best plan ever...but I guess it's better than trying to rely on tanks versus someone who can simply open a tear in space and send them to another planet. For starters I assume."

Betty nodded. "I'm not very strong by my peoples standards, really, or I'd stop them myself and you'd never have seen me."

"So you need us. So how does this magic thing work? All universes have it?"

"As I understand it, yes. though it differs from alternate reality to alternate reality." Following a gesture from our resident special forces team leader, we started heading back inside.

"The way it works is simple. Belief. Throughout the history of humanity regardless of which reality they call home, there are legends. Myths, real people who led amazing lives, fantastical stories that are dreamt up and just take root. For whatever reason these...we call them archetypes of humanity get seeded into the collective unconscious of a people...and belief or thought itself has power. then sooner or later, something happens in that reality; some sort of watershed event that opens everything up."


"We never really found out how. Maybe you guys will...because your event is just under week away, and my people plan to take advantage of the distractions provided by several of your people awakening your latent magic and invading."

"So what form will this event take?" I asked as we made it back was odd, I hadn't seen a single reporter or paparazzi.

"Well it differs world to world; my people thought it was due to the humans on the planet reaching critical many just believed in the odd and strange that the odd and strange simply started happening. However, your global population is already past where that happened for us. clue. you'll have to ask your scientists when it happens."

"Not the science buff, huh?"

"No, not really."

I turned to the lieutenant. "Got the egg head team assembled yet?"

"We are working on it, sir. Priority was given to assembling people like yourselves first."

Wow, a legitimate answer...I did not expect that.

"People like me? Artistically inclined, dreamer types? Voted those most likely to become one of Betty's archetypes?"

"According to her sir, yes."

"there is also a way to control the process, making sure that it happens.' Betty chimed in. 'Which is why you are here. I know you will develop power according to the legends of your people. I can at least partially control what form it takes, and make you more powerful...if you'll help defend your world from my people."

"So who is in charge of this little project, and how black is it?"

"The department of defense sir, and it's as black as you think it is."

"Well that explains the media blackout?"

"Exactly sir."

"Then I think I need to speak to the boss."

"Boss, sir?"

"The one you have waiting in the wings to take questions from me and the others you guys are abducting."

He changed directions.

"Right this way sir."

This is all too easy...scripted, most definitely. But maybe more? I searched Betty's face for hints. What could she really do? Just make gates, or more?

"So why do I need your help? From your words, this is going to happen anyway. What do you mean more powerful?"

"Well not all legends and myths are created equal. For example, we have a legend on our planet of Heracles; you do too perhaps?"

"He's commonly called Hercules here if we are thinking of the same guy. Greek half god right?" She nodded.

"Yes...know who he was based on, who came before him?"


"Exactly. Would you rather be Heracles, or that guy that almost no one knows about, who is also a legend and in your collective thoughts, just far less powerful."

"OK, I see your point. Especially with a war coming, I'd much rather be one of the haves."

"Haves? Not familiar with that term."

"So your world is close, but not entirely like ours, huh? The full term is, haves and have in, those who have the power, and those who don't, and are run over by said power."

"Ahh, I see. Yes, good attitude, but don't carry it too far; my people did, to the detriment of all."

That was the last word as we made it to a conference room; my escort stopped and let Betty and I in first, following after.

This conference room was just the wrong side of huge, with a soulless feel and bad decor. It was also filled with people...some 50 or so sitting down at the table, and many many soldiers looking like my escort lining the walls. Perhaps a small team for each person? Betty pointed me at one of the few empty chairs and we joined the conversation already in progress.

"You have all met Betty, and you have all seen the security footage; even if you doubt the threat is real, can any of you afford to take the chance? We are talking about a possible extinction event for the American people, and perhaps the world."

The graying yet still imposing man seated at the front of the mahogany table stated, before getting interrupted by a rather irate looking frumpy brunette with a face that could curdle milk and a voice to match:

"But that's just the point! How can we trust that witch's word for anything? For all we know, this very gathering starts the apocalypse! She could be gathering us for her people to slaughter en masse, and end resistance before it begins, under the guise of friendship! She..."

The 'lady' slowed her rant as the object of her tirade came into her view.

"Yes, yes, I warned you of a threat my people represent to destroy you, when I could just have easily let nature take it's course and...destroy you. Does anyone doubt how effective the gate I used is? Perhaps when troops or a bomb is sent through it without any warning? But you don't need to take my word for it, all you need to do is wait."

Time to jump right in an add my 2 cents.

"What I'd like to know is, if you can gate here, why can't they? Why are they waiting till we undergo this 'event' you spoke of?"

"Well, there are a few reasons Fu. One, the type of power I wield is one of a kind. I see multiple futures, and can react to them. My people don't know I'm here, or even what world they can link to in a week; they will be doing it blind without my guidance. Secondly, without the event, you are both much more prepared even when surprised, and much harder to gate to as a world. Why waste resources and power you don't have to waste, when you can simply wait a week and fall upon an unsuspecting world in global chaos?"

"That makes sense...I'd bet you're missed on your planet already."

"Oh, I'm sure I am."

"So, why come to the US? Why not another country?" a middle aged bespectacled man asked, rubbing a hand across his thinning blonde hair. By the looks of his cheap, rumpled suit, a salary drone who hadn't slept in days.

"Isn't the answer to that obvious Conrad? The USA is the strongest country on this world, and I can't be everywhere at once. You are also the country most likely to help anyone in need on your own planet, for little to no ulterior motives or gain. Who better to defend the world in quick order while a global resistance is formed and mounted?"

"Does that mean you're only helping us? I mean if you say I'm going to be strong, I know this guy in Sweden who might as well be my twin brother in attitude."

A third speaker, a young man with dirty black hair, a gaunt frame and glazed eyes chipped in.

"I will of course make exceptions as time allows to gather the best other countries have to offer. but you shouldn't expect too many others to join you here in time. Expect that what you see here is it, and plan accordingly. Which reminds me, enough rest. I need another chopper and team Mr. Mcgonacgal."

I knew I'd seen that guy! the sec/def himself, Harry Mcgonacgal. A real hawk as I recall.

"Take them, they are waiting. Sure you don't need rest?"

"I'll sleep on the way. By the way, the next chopper you scramble will have engine problems and blow up somewhere over the Atlantic...might want to tell your people to pull it and go with the next one on rotation."

"I'll make a note of it."

"Later all, have a fun time."

She departed with a wink and a blown kiss. Sigh, Bet she was a real partyer...maybe after all this I'd get the chance to find out. But for now, I turned back to this collection of motley souls, studying them and in turn being studied.

"So is it safe to say we are all on board with the current plan? To humor Betty and act like this 'event' will come to pass? You're all on board to potentially face this threat and save the human race?"

I held up my hand.

"Sir, I'm all for helping the human race, but if I might presume to speak for at least some of us...what's in it for us? You're asking us to give up our jobs, lives, and potentially die for the cause....all well and good, but I'd rather not be living under a bridge in the meantime."

He frowned at me...which was a rather unnerving sight to be honest, though I don't think I let it show. Everyone else seemed to be holding their collective breath; was I really the first one to bring this up?

"You will of course be paid for your services...Fu, was it?"

"Fuyuki, sir. No offense to the soldiers present, but If I'm supposed to be more destructive than the soldiers here are, I want more pay...and I want it
in writing. Our current administration has a distressing tendency to be forgetful sometimes."

I was wrong, he'd only looked mildly displeased before....NOW he was frowning. Visions of ending up sunk in a river somewhere danced in my head. But bravely
I pressed on.

"For example, the Abrams main battle 44 million dollars, and costs quite a bit in terms of fuel, support staff, and parts to maintain. And from listening to Betty, we are all going to be more flexible, and more powerful than one of those. So why not cut the requisite number of tanks...and pay us that money instead? Sounds like a bargain to me."

We stared each other down for a long, pregnant moment. He broke the contest first, looking around the table at the other faces present in the room, then back to me.

"Provided this pans out as expected, I have no problem paying you a reasonable fee for your service..and the cost and maintenance of an Abrams battle tank might be fair considered fair, if this all happens as Betty has explained....AND you all stay loyal American citizens, ready to pitch in to help mom and apple pie. Otherwise you will be fairly compensated for time wasted on a fool's errand. I'll have some accountants draw up the contracts. I assume you all want one?"

General nods of assent met that question.

"Good. Now I have work to do. The kitchen has food ready if you're hungry; you're all invited to stay and explore. Your teams of course, will escort you to prevent any misunderstandings. You'll be driven to a hotel come nightfall, where you'll all be staying, together with your teams."

"Afraid of another Betty?"

he paused again.

"We like to cover all eventualities. Excuse me." The door slammed behind him.

A general murmur burst out behind me, exclamations of shock and joy erupting as the stoic soldiers looked on.

"I can't believe it, before you came that stuffed shirt was basically feeding us the 'for the good of all' line and acting as if we should be pleased to martyr ourselves! You actually stared him down!"

I turned to spy a blonde bombshell I vaguely recognized as one of those magazine fashion models, all busty and borderline anorexic looking.

"Yeah, I am all for patriotism, just not the blind kind, ms..?"

"Oh sorry, where are my manners? Holly Summers. I'm a model."

"You sure are, I remember your name now. Sorry." This lady redefined vapid. So interesting noting who was picked by fate...and to wonder why.

"I mean, the nerve of that jerk, pulling me right off my gig...I make more money there than he does in a year! Fair compensation my ass!"

"I'm sure there is no fair compensation for your ass Ms. Summers...but if you'll excuse me, I'd really like to see the white house before they kick me out."

"Ha! you're funny! Mind company?" Think fast, think fast...

"I don't, but I'm pretty sure our escorts would get in the way of each other."

"Ugh, you're right, damn gestapo...."

"See you later." I left before I could get ambushed by someone else.

Once safe outside the door, I turned to my escort.

"So lieutenant...looks like we will be seeing a lot of each other; your thoughts?"

"First of all sir, it's captain Harris...we ran short of lieutenants for this little farce. Second of all sir, I'm paid to follow orders. The fact that I think you're an ass, holding America's well being hostage for financial gain, does not matter. I will do my job."

"Well captain, sorry for the mistake, if you'd wear rank insignias I'd have a chance, though I understand that in your line of work it's optional. Are you a family man Captain? Is family important to you?"

he looked wary.

"Yes sir."

"Good, we can understand each other then. So am I. I'm dirt poor captain, and in debt up to my eyeballs. My parents, brother and sister make a decent living, but not enough to pay my bills if I die...they may not be able to afford anything at all, and my sister has kids on the way. Chances are, the casualties for this little merry band is going to be high as the crap piled in this city, as since I understand it, we are to buy time by rapidly responding to any gates, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"So if I ask for what a tank costs and is maintained for per day...and die in one day, all my bills will be paid, as well as my family taken care of. At least provided we win, and America survives."

His look softened a bit, and gained a measure of respect.

"Yes, sir."

"Now, you been here before?"

"No, sir."

"Then let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

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