Jobbing writer

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Well, time for a decision. I was asked, quite sensibly, if that was the last chapter of The Job. It is an obvious place to end, and a scene I loved writing, but Diane still has a long way to go. So...

Do I continue writing this as one book?
Do I split it and start another book, continuing the story, as I did with 'Ride On' and 'Too Little, Too Late'?
Any sensible ideas for a title if I make the split? I have some already.


I agree

that this is a good break - if you are going to break it at all.

Personally, I find that, as your chapters are relatively short, you could continue under this title for another 50 or so!!!!!!

Whatever you decide to do, please be aware that this story has grabbed me and that I await any and every offering with ill-concealed impatience!




I like the short title for following this. I would consider a new title mainly as an invite for new readers to jump on (as serials tend to loose readers as they continue on) and also to catch those who refuse to read until a serial is complete.

To Break or Not to Break

If you feel you need a break, this is a good place to take a breather before continuing in book two, although getting them through the wedding could be a better breaking spot. However, if you want to keep going at the same pace as previously, there probably isn’t a need to break it into two.

I'd vote for split and

I'd vote for split and continue in another book as you've done so well before.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Another reason

I sell my books, and splitting makes two sales for one, mwahahaha!

Seriously, this is an experiment. I am slowly putting together the whole book file, so I will see how I feel. What I do need for my tales is a core plot or two, and that is seen in the Ride books and ET/TLTL. Ride on is all about Darren and Chantelle, and Riding Home is about Merry and Simon, both linked by Annie's journey. Too Little, Too Late? is all about Jill's transition, but Extra Time is about her brother. The Job has been all about the impact that rape has, and I keep coming back to that image of the pebble in th ewater--ripples spread and affect others. The new book will be about several of the loose ends left in Job, just as Sisters was there to clear up the same for Sian and Elaine.

I thought long and hard about the break, and came to the conclusion that I can only carry so many plot strands without losing the reader, and at the same time, as I have said so often, I hate wasting characters.

If it doesn't work, I can always stitch things together again.

Any way you want

as long as it keeps going. I really enjoy following the story each day.


Daphne Xu's picture

From what it sounds like, you should probably end the book there, and begin a sequel. At that point, if it's clear the book is finished, some readers will begin reading it. Readers who have avoided beginning a long, incomplete story.

Give the sequel a working title for now. You can rethink the title later on.

-- Daphne Xu