A man I greatly admire for his ability to cope with his motor neuron disease for so many years and to continue to work on his science despite his body barely functioning. Notwithstanding his illness he still managed to become a celebrity featuring in many documentaries and even the Simpsons as the 'wheelchair guy'. I can't think of any current larger than life scientists, who are really needed in this age of false news, to declaim the liars and bigots who seem to be in control. May he rest in peace.
I was introduced to his work
when reading the works of Richard Fenyman. His ability to make hard science understandable and fun (Surely you are joking, Mr Fenyman) was renowned. The same went for Stephen Hawking. In an age were people are so concerned with their 'image' he wasn't afraid to make fun of himself.
RIP. You will be missed.
You mean like the ...
You mean like the time he played poker with Einstein, Newton, and data! That was good! Although, instead of winning with four of a kind, it would have been better if Hawking's drew to an inside straight line. ;-)
An Incredible Mind
With a force of personality that coped with and overcame the terrible disease with which he had to live. He was told that he would be lucky to live to forty and he survived to 76. Remarkable.
He also had
Many guest appearances, mostly voice on the Big Bang Theory and a few other shows.
Teresa L.
Personal hero of mine
I studied Physics in college and still keep up a certain amount of reading on the subject. Being part of a marginalized population in society also helped me identify with the main in the chair.
One of my favorite quotes of Prof. Hawking was when he was guest starring on ST:TNG and was shown the mockup of the warp drives. He said, "I've been working on that." Smart and funny, there was no one quite like him and probably never will be again.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
So very much his own man. In more than a few ways, he reminded me of the Good Doctor Asimov, one of whose lines was writing science popularisation books. SH, though, wrote the real hard stuff, and made it readable, which is a rare talent indeed. Both of them were possessed of an impish and cheeky sense of humour.
In the UK, we have a Health Secretary ('minister for health' sort of job) who has the misfortune to possess an easily mispronounced surname, which in his case is rather apt. Hunt. I have to struggle to ensure I aspirate rather than use a different initial consonant. Hunt is a profoundly unpleasant man, with an agenda based on destroying the national health service. He denies intending to do so, but rather gave himself away by co-authoring a book advertising exactly that.
Like so many liars--er, I mean politicians--- 'unt misuses statistics. He was challenged recently about exactly that, his misuse of numbers, and suggested to the critic that he, 'unt, knew better.
His critic was Hawking. A third rate politician with no scientific or numerical background chose to inform the world, in public, that he was better at numbers than SH.
Oops. The press were, er, less than kind.
How apt. His electronic voice was used in a Pink Floyd song, 'Keep Talking'.
Keep Talking
I can remember the cheers when Floyd played that song and his picture came up on the huge screen behind them.
Both Syd and Dave G hailed from the Cambridge area where Prof Hawking had his chair. Granchester Meadows (on Ummagumma) is not that far away from Cambridge.
He was my hero early
As I have always been facinated by black holes.
Comic Relief
Many of you may not have seen this.
And starring Donna Noble as Sister Francine
What a wonderful skit! The most fun I've had since I woke up this morning.
Under the silliness it says a lot about how the disabled are treated...
Would've been funnier still if he'd turned into a Dalek.
Great last line: Ha. Ha. Ha...
~RIP "Stevie"; Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Don't you mean
Don't you mean Davros. Steven Hawkings becomes Davros.
Hmmm, come to think of it, that could well be the theory, or rather formula, that unifies all of the the Dr. Who universe.
Dang, why didn't I see it before!
What a wonderful bit of self deprecation, somehow couldn't see Jeremy Hunt performing with Little Britain.
A sense of humour
One story that has come out since he died concerns an appearance on the BBC programme 'Newsnight'
A producer was in a side room with Prof Hawking. The producer moved a few things and unplugged a couple of lights. As he did this Prof. Hawkins slumped forward in his chair. The producer rushed out to get help, thinking he had killed him. He and others returned to find Professor Hawkins laughing.
Now that is having a sense of humour despite everything.
Love to all
Anne G.