Let me first get the debate about that word in my heading out of the way:
Back in 2009, the following was posted:
"Oxford Corrects Spelling of Weird
Posted on April 01, 2009 by happysteve
Oxford University just released news that the word WEIRD has been misspelled in the Oxford English Dictionary for quite some time now and has been corrected to WIERD. ..."
Please pay attention to the date!
Anyway, what is really iwerd, is the fact that there exists a foodstuff in my Anmarian Index thingie, the description for which provides the colour and the leaf shape, as follows: "... an edible leafy plant, with tiny leaves (think Cress) that are bright pink."
The name allocated to this is "Lepsat".
But I can trace no reference to this foodstuff, Lepsat, in any of the Anmarian tales!
Not in SEE, not in JoB, not in AoJ, not in WMD, not in Snep's Day Out, not in any of the Einnlander tales, not in the Chivan tales.
No trace at all. Nothing. Nada.
Why oh why have I included such an item with such a detailed description???
I am, however, fairly certain I have not screwed up the spelling in the Index, because, here on Earth, the Latin name for cress is Lepidium sativum. Lepsat, you see. And that is how I sometimes make up Anmarian (Palarandi) words. So it was most likely to be something in something that I wrote.
I shall go and try once more to find it, or the passage in which I wanted it to appear, but if it takes more than the three hours I have already expended trying to find it, I shall probably just give up. My muse is impatient with me enough, wants to get the Downvalley Dash completed - but is now warring with my OCDness.
(But don't worry, I'm sure someone will make a sandwich with it soon!)
Could it be you thought about using it once upon a time long, long ago? Or even used it and afterwards erased that part as it was not to your liking? In that case you wont find anything at all anywhere (anymore).
But anyway, thanks for all the marvelous stories.
Yours, Leontine
Long, long ago
"in a galaxy far, far away....."
That sounds like the right way to refer to Anmar.
Is that close to Tatooine?
Michelle B
No common usage, so
it must be a "plant".
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
just that
Speaking of Anmar foodstuffs
There has yet to be a pepper equivalent mentioned, perhaps from desert regions?
Pepper as a spice/seasoning or ...
pepper as in Bell Peppers, or even as chilli peppers?
from the Index:
Seekom (seekomris, plural) — Anmarian vegetable, similar to a bell pepper, but either purple or blue normally and more globe-ish
Irris Beans — dried and ground, they make a valuable spice … “Once prepared, each of these sacks is worth about a year's wages for a guard.”
hot peppers,
hot peppers,