Missing Persons....?

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Forgive my short sightedness if this has been answered recently, but has anyone heard from or been in contact with Angharad? I know she was hurt sometime back in December, but while she doesn't have as much time or energy to devote to Cathy and her mob these days, I did notice it has been several weeks since she updated Cathy's memoirs and I was afraid that Bonzi and Whizz might be holding her computer hostage (by the usual method of sleeping on keyboards and chewing cords and such). Nevertheless I have grown a bit concerned. (For Whizz and Bonzi of course! I would want them to get too overly lazy and indulgent. I've seen it happen!)

While I'm on the subject of missing individuals....Ellen. Dropped off the planet. Anyone in contact with her? Last information I was aware of was her moving once again after her breakup and also her biannual breakdown of computer hardware. I know she had major trust issues and depression. I always was concerned when reading her posts. Sigh. Life does really suck, especially when you are right in the middle of it.

Another vanished person.....I'm looking at you Lillith Langtree!. Anyone? Her wit and style of writing are sorely missed. It just seems that a lot of the old vanguard have moved on or have gone missing without seeming way of contact to let us know they are still well or otherwise. I am glad to see some long time authors and site contributors still going or reemerged. It's good to see ones like Elrod and Morpheus still going strong as well as quite a few newcomers over the last couple of years.

Since I am rambling on here, I would like to be sure that I thank Erin, Piper, Cat, Seph and everyone else I can't think of atm. They have done a huge service to this community and to the internet in general in making such a well run and usually very stable environment for people to enjoy the content and information that is otherwise scattered across the electronic atmosphere. We are moving on to 2 decades since this site took off. (I think I am within a couple of years of that estimate). Think on that. In the time that anyone would have been born, gone to school and moved on to college this site has been here. (looks for the fake news big applause button) (oops! sorry! I just accidently caught part of the news that Hubby was watching. )

I would also like to thank Erin and Co, especially Piper, for giving my decrepit (but pretty!) website a nice retirement home for many years. Huggles to you guys! And with my parting words, I'll remind people that this site is their refuge and entertainment in an otherwise unforgiving internet and outside world. I am sure that what is posted on the actual site is only about 20% of the actual work that is put into making Big Closet possible. Remember, this IS Piper's day job. (Please make sure you try to donate, even if it is $5 a month on Patreon! I would hate to have to listen to Piper actually have to moonlight as a singing Papa Johns Pizza Delivery Woman!)

- Beverly Colleen

P.S. - Sorry about the humor. Nobody usually gets it. Except the cat, who is fluffy and stuffed. And sits on my bed watching me.


would like to

add another name to the list. Sara UK. hope everything going good for her.


If you are talking about Ellen Hayes I’m interested as well, see the link for author status but Lilith can be reached at deviant art and I have alternate contact for some of those names.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna


Maddy Bell's picture

Is doing okay but she is super busy with her university course. She is still having trouble with her shoulder, a trapped nerve.

Hopefully she'll get some 'me' time in the spring.


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Thank you Maddy, you saved me from bothering her. I knew of her injury, but hoped things would be better now, but that didn't stop me from worrying.
I never asked, is this an on-line university, or the cram yourself into a seat in a lecture hall type?


The 'Open University'

Is designed for remotely located students. I've seen people do their exams on a Navy Ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean (and a Force 8 gale)