We've Gone Cloud!

BigCloset has Officially completed it's Cloud-Transition!

This isn't a fully virtualized cloud for BigCloset, but more of a hybrid-cloud setup where we still have multiple physical database servers that are clustered together for replication and performance needs while the front ends, the bits that compile the data from the database and make the pages you know to be "TopShelf", are fully virtualized with Scalability, Stability, and Redundancy in mind. While we are only using 25% of the total resources that we plan to hand over to TopShelf right now, we actually have an equal set of resources set aside for "redundancy" so that if anything fails, everything will just move-over and continue working like there was never a problem in the first place.

It's taken a lot of time to orchestrate this particular upgrade due to the need of learning a whole new server virtualization platform that we can scale as BigCloset grows, and allows us to achive a whole new level of stability, and performance.

On top of all this, I've still been spending my "down time" tracking down little errors, and problems, like disappearing images (err_too_many_redirects) and other things that we have seen on an intermittent basis and I think I have most of them knocked off the list.

I used to watch "error logs" fill up my screen faster than I could actually read, and now I'm down to having 1-2 lines write to the logs every couple of minutes. It has become down right boring to watch the log files :P.

I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor of the last month or so. We have put a lot of work into getting this together, including re-wiring and mapping all the connections in the data-center, creating a proper hardware inventory and IP allocation map, and just getting everything "working" the way it needed to.

For the geekier of those in our midst, PM me if you want the gory details.
