Texas Two Step

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Angela wrote a very telling story about a northern girl transplanted to the deep south. The research she did to get everything real in a story of fiction was more than amazing. Or was it fiction???

One could be excused thinking this story was a true story written about someone Angela knew. There are colloquialisms in the story found only in the south. The names she used, the dialog, she could be my next door neighbor. The descriptions of the soccer field and the miles their players run in each game, is she a soccer player herself? Angela gave a short synopsis of her background at the end of the story. She’s a VERY interesting person herself.

Correct me if I'm wrong Angela. The reason soccer players can kick so far, so accurately is each time when they kick a soccer ball they usually plan for a five foot target being it is moving or stationary. Now compare that to a football kicker who is taking a few steps and kicking the ball. They never develop the leg muscles or accuracy a soccer player must. Angel drove the football over seventy yards almost in a flat trajectory. GIRLS ROCK!

Angel won't lose her leg strength because she's taking estrogen. She will lose that strength because she is no longer a soccer player. Provided Angel keeps up her practice as a soccer player she will retain her ability to put that football twenty or forty yards further down field than any normal football kicker. If Acres is as intelligent as I think he is, he will have a girl’s soccer team come summer. He will want to keep Angel’s leg strength up and have a replacement when Angel goes to college. Angel will get her college scholarship as a kicker. Every college recruiter in the southwest will be camped on her door offering bribes as inducement. Of course colleges don’t do that sort of thing. It is illegal. Like hell they don’t! They backdoor it through the Boosters Club. New car, paid living quarters, spending money, tuition, books, extras, all paid for. By those not really connected to the college of course. The soccer scholarship Angel was hoping for when she lived in Illinois was peanuts compared to what she will be offered to play football.

Angela, questioned why the south is so fanatical about football? Give it some thought. We could watch the kids drag race on Saturday night. Meet at the lake for a drinking party if not legal to get into the Red Dog for drinking with the randy crowd. Friday night football was the time when ALL the kids, ALL the adults congregated exchanging the latest gossip, some “companionship”, and be entertained by the kids bashing each other in fun on a field of grass. It began when there were no malls, no WallyWorld. The sidewalks rolled up at six in small towns.

The telling of an excellent well scripted story is, do we want to read it again. I reread Texas Two Step five times and my next time is going to ask Angela if I may purchase it so I don't need to keep coming back to BCTS to read it. To all you great authors out there, I don't bite, I'm no longer in the publishing business, I can't help get your stories into the book stories, and I hate Amazon and ebooks, and I'm not going to flood your email with spam or share it with anyone else. and..., the Men in Black aren't showing up on your doorstep if you send me your mailing address. I don't want to be pen pals. And, BCTS truncates email addresses which my system does not recognize. If you try and contact me with an email, open it up so BCTS or the bots can't recognize it as such. Keep in mind if I was any good as an editor I'd still be doing it. Don't take any thing I might comment on about any story as worth anything more than nothing.

I think that just about covers it!

Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.



Thank you.

I coached U-19 soccer players who could consistently kick a ball to knock over a safety cone set thirty feet away. . .with either foot.

My first year in coaching I had a player who would spin through a handstand while picking up the soccer ball for an accurate throw in.

My son once scored on a throw-in that went through the keeper's hands.

They're gifted athletes.

When I hear Red Dog I think of Lawrence, Kansas, but I suppose there are Red Dogs all over the SW.

By the way, I did give Erin an unpublished sports story to sell with two of my older sports stories. It should be coming out soon.

Thanks for your wonderful words.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)