Gokachuu - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Seri opened her eyes, and yawned. She had slept for quite some time. Taking off her clothes, she went into the shower. Finally, it seems the penis was gone, and in its place was a normal female clitoris. She noted that she felt relieved to some degree. She showed and put on one of Zhuang's spare exosuits, since hers no longer fit her female body. She gathered up the damaged bulkheads, the circuit, the cameras, and the spare parts taken off Luka's former ship. She sat for a while and finally decided to sell her T78. It was a good interceptor, but the Flanker was simply the better craft, and she decided it would be decent payment for the damage Luka did, as Lucius, barging in for an attempt to steal from them. She also put on her list one thing, hair growth formula. She wanted longer hair, to appear more feminine. She loaded up the Flanker and her T78, and placing the T78 in tow mode, locked the tow cables into place from the Flanker to the T78.

Walking back to the medical area, she noticed Zhuang sleeping with a happy mouth-open expression on her face. "Damned pervert. Let's hope you know the hell you're doing." Seri said to herself. She departed for Yotuan, a nearly day trip at trans-light speed.

Sitting back in the Flanker's comfy captain's chair, she studied the configuration of the ship as well as its operating system - rather than her old ship's aging GILGAMESH operating system, it ran the updated ISHTAR updated system. Sitting back, she dozed off, the ship heading on autopilot towards Yotuan.

Meanwhile, Zhuang had woken up, changed her clothes, and returned to the sleeping form of Luka. She prodded her awake. Luka was still unable to speak or move, so she gazed up at Zhuang with contempt. "Oh don't look so cranky. It ruins that cute face. Today, we'll start our bonding exercises. You'll see me and Seri in a whole different light after this." Zhuang licked her lips and began sucking Luka's breasts, making Luka flushed and breathe harder, her pussy becoming moist. She orgasmed at the sensation of Zhuang's gentle touch. "Now," said Zhuang, taking her lips off of Luka's breasts, "That is one thing. The oxytocin released will make you more relaxed, and maybe willing to listen and trust me more. You've been rather naughty, damaging our hideout and trying to take our things, not to mention hurt us. Do you realize how much you owe us? We've already confiscated your Flanker, but that still isn't enough. Before long, you'll be doing chores and jobs around here for us. You see, I understand. You were a bandit. An outlaw, someone who society turned their back on, and you decided to rebel against it. But now, you're different. Nobody will recognize you. You can start over." Zhuang paused, looking at Luka, who still scowled at her. "Hmph," said Zhuang, pouting, "Then I'll start administering the next stage." She produced a syringe and an ampule carrying a silvery fluid. She broke the top off the ampule and charged the syringe. "This, is Dietherpalladiopolypropanol in a Chlorodiazipam solution. It will cause a form of retrograde amnesia by disrupting your neural connections. With this, I can remake you. I was hoping you'd volunteer, but I was too optimistic." She squeezed the syringe, a drip of the silvery drug shining off the light. Luka's pupils dilated as she began to experience quite a terrifying situation. "It's too late, I can't trust your begging." Zhuang said, injecting the drug into Luka's carotid artery. Luka's pulse slowed, her eyes became glazed and unfocused slowly. Zhuang gave the drug 20 mins to kick in, and then she ensured the paralytic drugs were wearing off. Luka stirred, trying to sit up. Zhuang pushed the beds controls, turning it into a chair.

"Where am I? Who are you?" she said, confused.

"I am Zhuang W'ei, a bounty hunter and scientist. You, are Luka Scythia. You've been living as a bandit's prisoner for most of your life. Welcome back to the real world, Luka. How do you feel?"

"My mind is... hazy. I can't focus." she said.

"That's normal. You're restrained because you went on a rampage and damaged much of our hideout here. I hate to tell you this, but you're going to have to work for us for some time to pay off what you owe."

"Oh... I'm sorry. I don't remember what I did. But I know I'm capable of doing some harm to both people and breaking in."

"Good, your skill memories have not been lost. However, your other memories aren't recoverable, I'm sorry. Luka, let me get you some clothes."

"Yeah, I'm kind of cold here." Luka shivered.

Zhuang had ordered clothing for Luka, basic loose t-shirts, skirts and undergarments. She set together a pile and brought them back, putting them on the table and releasing the restraints.

"Stretch your legs and arms, put on some clothes and I'll get you something to eat." said Zhuang.

"Okay. I am quite hungry... Thank you Zhuang. I don't know why, but I really trust you. You're rather smart, good looking and well educated I can see..." Luka said, getting her underwear on.

"You may not have education like I do but it means nothing. I can help with that. Also..." she snuck up behind Luka and grabbed her breasts, "These jugs, I'm envious of. You're very cute."

Luka moaned, "Ahhh, please..., no I'm not!!" Zhuang released her, Luka panted, "That felt good, not going to lie. But now I know you're a pervert." Luka's expression became catlike as she smiled at Zhuang.

"Number one pervert in my graduating class! I'll get you some food." Zhuang left the room for the kitchen, where she instructed the computer to prepare a large pizza.

Luka entered the kitchen as the pizza was baking, "That must be pizza. Feels like I haven't had that in years!"

"Seri, whom you'll meet soon, loves pizza." It'll be ready soon, go sanitize your hands, also, here," Zhuang handed Luka a hair tie, "So you can keep that hair from spilling onto your plate."

Soon the pizza was ready, and Zhuang ate quietly, compared to Luka who devoured it ravenously.

"This is delicious!" exclaimed Luka as she ate.

"After this, you'll start your chores. You'll clean and prepare your room, clean the living area, and then we'll discuss things I can order so you can learn. When Seri gets back, you'll also help repair the damaged sections of the hideout."

"I have a debt huh. Well, okay. I can't really complain. You're letting me stay here, after all." Luka gulped down the last slice of her share of pizza. "Ahh, that was good."

Meanwhile, Seri was testing the Flanker's space aerobatics, its maneuverability and speed far surpassed the T78. She looked at the nav computer, 10 more hours. She sighed and got up, looking in the ship's drink cooler. Grabbing one of Luka's beers, she drank it, and then said to herself, "Damn girl, you have shit taste in beer."

Back at the hideout, Luka was mopping and sweeping her room, one of the disused rooms of the hideout. Zhuang monitored her from her room, chuckling every time Luka's breasts jiggled and bounced. She looked up on the order system, finding cute outfits she would dress Luka in. "Heh, she's like a life size doll I can dress up heheheh." she hit order on a few swimsuits, a maid outfit, and a neo-shrine maiden outfit.

Luka worked surprisingly diligently and soon had the room very clean. From there, Zhuang told her to clean the living room, medical area as well. She switched the monitoring over to the aliens, which had by now grown to normal size. She used remote arms to scrape samples of DNA, and manipulate them. Their bodies were changing to better breed with humans. This generation lacked spines in the needle used to deliver mutagen, and the sex organ was shorter to better accommodate human rectums. She decided it was time, and wrote correspondence to Rathit's scientific council. She said she wanted to meet with one of their top 'female' scientists at the satellite orbiting Rathit, Orphe. Orphe was used for female breeding, however it was increasingly disused as it was becoming infeasible to import women to make babies for Rathit.

Luka finally finished, panting and covered in sweat. Zhuang saw an opportunity, "You know we have a hot spring-style bathing area on the east side? Would you like to join me?" Luka nodded. Heading there, Zhuang stripped down in the shower area, Luka shyly turned away, "Why? We're both girls!" Zhuang exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry." Luka said, pulling off her sweat soaked t-shirt and skirt.

"Here, let me help you." said Zhuang, reaching behind and unhooking Luka's bra, she took the opportunity to grope her.

"Pervert! Ahhh!" screamed Luka, the scream turning to a moan of pleasure.

"You can grope me anytime, kyeheheh." Zhuang said, running over to the shower.

The two girls showered and finally sat in the hot spring, enjoying its warmth.

Seri, on board the Flanker, had just reached Yotuan. She grabbed a loading cart, and unloaded the gear and parts onto it. Undoing the T78's tow cable, she grabbed it's tail card, an identification module used to sell or trade it like a title, and headed off to sell off her parts in the trading area. First heading to the scrapper and craft parts merchant, she sold the scrap and Flanker parts. She then headed to the local spacecraft dealer.

"I've not seen you in here before!" said an older man from behind the counter.

"I'm here to sell a modified T78, here's the tail card, you can scan it for the specs and modifications." said Seri impassively.

"Whoa, this one is a nice one. Other than it running GILGAMESH, it's top spec. What are you selling it for?" said the man

"I've got a Flanker now. Stole it from a hunter on a mission." she said,

"Fair enough! I can do 6 mil on this baby." he said.

"That's a little low old man. How about 6.5 mil?" Seri said, winking at him and giggling.

"I can't say no to a pretty girl like that. 6.5 it is. It's sure worth it. You know... I could give you more if you threw in a set of your used panties, eheheheheh!"

"Ain't happening." she said flatly.

"Alright alright I was joking! Here, gimme your PDA. Seri eh? I'm Tek. I actually... I think, have a little something for a flanker in the back I can give ya." he went to the back and returned with a neutrino laser assembly.

"Just come in and see me once in while, and I'll give you this, pretty face. It's a Class S neutrino laser for a Flanker. I just sold one a week ago and they didn't want it. I don't deal in parts, so..." the old man pushed it across the table.

"You sure? I'll take it, but this is expensive to just give away." said Seri.

"You're a lady hunter, I can appreciate that. Come by next time and have a beer with me, that'll cover it." he said.

Seri left with the laser and a wide grin on her face. "Wow, being a girl has its perks, heheheh." she chuckled.

Heading last to the beauty and woman's clothing store, she picked up more exosuits that fit her, some hair growth formula, and some makeup she felt would accentuate her good looks.

Back at the hideout, Zhuang and Luka were relaxing in front of the projector screen watching various programmes.

"Hey, Luka, if you want... big sister Zhuang has something you could do for some extra work credit." Zhuang said, giggling.

"What?" said Luka.

"A little game. I play the big sister, you play the little sister. You've been naughty, so I get to dole out some punishment in exchange for not telling mom and dad." Zhuang drank her beer, flush in the face.

"I'm not into perverted roleplay..." she said nervously.

"Drink one of these then," Zhuang handed her a beer.

Luka gulped most of it down, and several minutes later said, flush in the face, "A game you say? I'll play..." She crawled over onto Zhuang, rubbing her with her body.

"That's more like it. Let's go to my room."

Several minutes later, Zhuang had Luka panties-less over her knee getting a spanking.

"You *ow* won't tell *ow* mom right?" said Luka between spankings.

"Of course sis. Now onto your other punishment." she held aloft a bondage rope and ballgag.

Luka looked terrified as Zhuang tied her up. "Mmmph!" she said, trying to talk around the gag.

"That's right my pretty." said Zhuang, sucking Luka's breasts and fingering her.

Back on the Flanker, Seri was heading back, oblivious to Zhuang's progress with Luka. She applied the hair growth formula according to the bottle and laid down on the Flanker's bed, in nothing but her underwear.

"Being a girl is kinda nice..." she said, dozing off.

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licorice's picture

I was going to keep reading but this just got kinda...rapey for me. Sorry, but I'm not going to continue. Plus the pace moves too fast.