A gentle update as to what's up!

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But first off, folks - Happy New Year.

I am still 'commuting' between Switzerland and the UK, gradually setting up things in the UK for us to move to later in the year. The exact date is unknown, as whoever replaces us in the Hotel in which we work has still to be found. And it will take a minimum of 3 months to train the replacement(s). Our original hope of moving by the end of 2017 has long ago been dashed. Now it looks likely that we shall have to keep working until at least the end of June, since most people in Switzerland in similar management positions still tend to change jobs on Quarter days. Find someone now, they give in notice for the end of the Quarter, they start at the beginning of April, we spend April, May and June teaching them.

*Sigh* We have both reached retirement age and want to travel the world a bit before we are too old ............

Whenever I post an episode, you can be sure that I personally have read it through at least a dozen times. Then I usually send it to Penny to make sure she approves of the events depicted happening in her Universe (well on her planet, we could say!) Sometimes I like to surprise her though.

Then she sends it back to me, I read it through once again, or twice if Penny has suggested any changes, and then I send it out to two other proofreaders.

They STILL find things we have overlooked.

Finally, I add in any changes any of the above have suggested and it is ready for posting.

So today, I was rereading some chapters to double check on certain references when I stumbled over a blatant error.
I had written/posted 'de disastrous' instead of 'be disastrous'.

How on both Earth and Anmar did that one ever escape our notice? I am quite shocked, I can tell you!

I also think that it is time I removed my homage to David Bowie, which was fully felt and justified at the time, but is now, I feel, getting a little dated. It was/is certainly somewhat contrived. I shall work on that probably tomorrow, and do some other little changes that I have noticed. However, it should be noted that I am not - yet - embarking upon the "Great Edit" that our ever-busy Penny is undertaking with SEE.

Things are currently boiling up in Julina's world and several details still have to be worked out. Despite that, I still have about 50k words written, with gaps left for the detailed fillers.

The next two episodes, (maybe more !!!!) I had originally planned to add onto the end of the last one, making it a mega post, rivalling in length the first one that details Epp's life. I have now cut it down as mentioned to at least two episodes, maybe though that number will increase - even to as many as four.

Next week, I shall lose two days (travelling to the UK) and I shall lose two days the following week (travelling back again). Whilst in the UK, then I will be viewing houses and so on, so I doubt I will have a lot of time for BCTS matters then - although I should still be able to proofread Bronwen's stuff. And anything that Penny might send me. My writing JoB involves a very great deal of double-checking previous posts, and SEE chapters, and Milsy chapters - all of which is highly time consuming.

Okies, not a lot more to say in this break from researching for the next JoB. I shall get back into the writing harness later, after I have cooked and eaten our dinner.

All the best to you all,


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