Interesting story from a business news source that occasionally publishes human interest or sociological trend stories. It's about a new government regulation in Thailand to outlaw elective castration for those under 18. Gay rights campaigners support the new restrictions, while the medical establishment opposes it, citing the rights of transsexuals to be who they are.
One additional thing in the story that I found of note was a brief passage about Buddhist belief in reincarnation, that it was possible to be reincarnated as male or female, explaining in part why Thais are more accepting (than people in most other countries) of people feeling that they are in the wrong body and needing to change.
Isn't This Familiar?
Pro-life or pro-choice? Except there's no third party involved. Why would anyone want to stop these kids doing what they want? Sure, some of them will regret it, but we all make choices we regret sometime in our lives, and I'll bet the great majority don't. I think, what a shame. One of the few places in the world where there is an opportunity for a change before puberty and one of the few places where tolerance normally rules, and some control freaks want to ruin it. And why gays? Where's their beef?