This was originally posted on my website, but I felt I should share it here as well.
Apologies, for my absence over the last three weeks. December was a difficult and frankly odd month for me at least where the real world is concerned. I’m back and thankfully, most of the drama that was keeping me away has now died down. I’ll resume posting next week, but until then please accept my deepest apologies.
Have a delightfully demented day,
Daniel A. Wolfe (you know that D.A.W. guy)
Don't you mean Gadzooks!
Don't you mean Gadzooks! or perhaps Zounds! ?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Or did I perhaps
Nope, but I think perhaps I might have meant dadgumit, gee whiz, drat, odds bodkins, crikey, balderdash, poppycock, zoinks, jumpin' Jehoshaphat , golly gee wilikers and of course heavens to Murgatroyd!
Have a delightfully devious day,
Strewth! Mayhap there be
Strewth! Mayhap there be exclamations to spare!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Nay, nay I say! I doth gobble them up!
Have a delightfully devious day,