So here we are. I've run out of space on the weights, and it's too close to the end of the second draft. This project is gonna hang up for a short while, and then be back in late December or early January.
A little before the third act starts on that one, there will be another hiatus. I'm actually doing that for your own good. Here's the plan as it goes right now. Right before the climax to the story is posted, 11th Sun is going to go dark here for about two months for the third time. That's because the book will have been published in it's final draft on Amazon, and you'll have to buy it there to get the last of the story.
But for big closet members it will be free!
There will be a blog here with the code for a free download. In return, it would be great if you'd leave an honest review on Amazon, expressing whatever you like there. Kudos are great and thank you very much for them, but Amazon's metric for where your book shows up on search results are all based on reviews.
Then after you can no longer get it for free there, I'm posting the conclusion here. It'll be the conclusion as written from the second draft, and quantifiably not as good, but the price of the ebook will be $.99, so you won't have to break the bank there.
Meantime I'll still be around here with an as yet unnamed project about a high school transition, just to fill the time.
Meet me back here in two months!
Thank you for the warning,
Thank you for the warning, and for the gracious offer. Much better than some of the "Hey, where did X story go?" and getting the response "Oh, I pulled it and it's on 'insert pay site here'". I have nothing against the pay sites, or authors pulling stories, I just have a problem with the 'no warning'. :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
pulling stories
that, and it makes you feel less like the author cares about her fans and more like a testing group. "Ok, this story is receiving positive feedback, i made them hungry for it, so ill put the rest behind a pay wall."
it's that more than anything else that complicates my feelings
On one hand im happy the author was successful.. and on the other hand i sorta feel betrayed. You share your story with the communtiy, many of wich gave feedback, thoughts, even helpful editing and suggestion. Then you pull it from the community and ask for money.
Well, other authors... im not talking about what's happening with *this* story.
There's kind of a reason for that...
To put your book on Amazon unlimited it can't be anywhere else on the net. They try and sweeten the deal for that one by telling you that you'll get a bigger cut. When you look at the fine print it's a bigger cut on copies sold in, like, Brazil and Ghana. So for the one English speaking Brazilian transgender who crosses my page on Amazon gets my $.74 instead of $.34. But this genre is already niche enough, so I can't really count on that.
If making money was the goal here, I'd need thousands of sales to break even. I'm not looking for that. This is a labor of love. The problem is that putting it on Amazon for free doesn't get you search results, because no one reviews those books. I've done some market testing, and this is the best way to give to the community and still try to build some cred as an author.
To be honest, the money from Amazon is just a way for me to get physical Kudos. I don't know about anyone else who has put their work up for sale, but I'm really just doing it to see if people like it so much they'll put a monetary value on my work. Just a vanity project.
But it feels important to me for some reason.
well, i wasn't specifically talking about you..
and well.., i just would like to point out that my knowledge.. you haven't pulled a story either.
i don't mind stories being put up for sale.. and in fact i think some authors here should do it...
but pulling down old stories to do it is different.
i really really don't wanna point out examples of what i'm saying
but i dunno.. it's just my way of thinking i guess... to me.. if you release something to the net, not just a simple story like what we have here but i mean *anything*... like game mods.. programs...books..films.. ect...
to me the instant you do that you loose claim to it, because you are giving it to the world as a gift (unless someone tries to make profit from it, that's different, in that case you still have some ownership over it and should sue their little asses off.)
so sure, write stories and post them for free, get your name known, get a fan base established... but when you think you have a story idea worthy of being sold for profit.. don't post it... make it a work of love, pour your heart and soul into it to make it the best thing you've written to date... then publish it on amazon or whatever and tell your fan base.. "im proud of this one in particular and i think it's worthy, please support me on amazon." I'm all for that.
but to post something here, discover that people enjoyed it, then rip it down to sell elsewhere... well it's like buying someone a christmas gift then deciding you really wanna keep it after they've already opened it up on chritsmas morning.
but like i said, that's just my way of thinking, i'm quite sure that im in the minority here.
i'd also like to point out..
that i do support at least one of my favorite authors here through patreon.