In X-Men the Last Stand, a mutant cure is discovered that would presumably turn mutants into normal human beings permanently. X-Men is a strong analogy for the gay community and the plot therefore is topical for them. There are rumors of China successfully changing the sexuality of mice like an on/off switch and no doubt they will eventually find a "cure" for humans within this century.
1. Magneto: If homosexuality/transsexualism can be cured with a pill, it will be forced upon the LGBT community legally or with high social pressure. The psychiatric community has already banned the practice of trying to convert someone's orientation. Therefore, if the cure is discovered, it should be banned none-the-less. In extreme cases, force must be used to stop the production and/or distribution of the cure.
2. Rogue: The cure should be allowed to be prescribed freely to those who want it. Some would immediately take the cure and have no ethical qualms taking it.
3. Angel: Some would rather not take the cure but feel overwhelming family pressure to take the cure. Therefore, a psychiatric evaluations should be required to make sure the individual is freely choosing the cure.
4. Xavier: The cure should not be prevented from being made, those who are LGBT should not be ashamed of it, but those who wish to use the cure should be free to do so, but society should not force it upon them. In any case, non-violence is the rule.
Characters that undergo transition are often uplifted as being courageous. Is the opposite true for someone who would take such a cure? Collective solidarity vs individual choice?
If such a pill had existed
I would have taken it. I really did not want to be trans, I spent my whole life i denial. The stoke I am currently convalescing from may have been side effects from HRT. Part of what I refer to as coming out to yourself is realizing this part of yourself can not be changed. I would have committed suicide except for unique personal reasons. I once heard 34% of all untreated trans people successfully commit suicide. I can not prove that statement but I believe it. such a treatment could be a lifesaver.
Here is my two cents
Most of the trans i know would likely TAKE the pill. not all but most. NONE of us, despite the claims its "Just for attention", wanted this, OR most of us at least. as i tell people, if they offered a pill, i would have taken it in a heart beat, it doesnt exist at this time. i also tell them i wouldnt wish it on even my worst enemy, for a lot of us its hell growing up with it. some of us block it out, for various reasons, some of us just actively try to fight/deny it. very few are ALLOWED, at least in the past, to be who we are as kids.
Teresa L.
I wouldn't take it
being LGBT isn't a separate thing stuck on the side of a personality, it is just an aspect of a singular whole
re-writing that inherent a part of my identity, that sounds as good as death
there would be an entity in this meat-shell vaguely similar to me, but it wouldn't be me
they wouldn't act like me, they wouldn't respond to things like me
In all of that, the repeated use of the term "Cure" is grating on my nerves. "You are free to use the 'CURE'" mean we think you're sick/deviant/freak....
Now would I use the "procedure" to change my mind, probably not. If you find the "procedure" to not change my mind but my body, then yes.
Hugs and Love to all tmf
Strong Genetic Component
I feel pretty strongly that this stuff is Genetic, so they'd have to fix the genes of the Mother or Father depending upon who is the "carrier". I think I've seen a few different types of T folk. Some are gay males who like dressing in girls clothes. Some like to masturbate in girl's clothes. Some are actually a sort of Intersex, and actually have a strong dose of female. My case is particularly twisted psychologically. I had such poor experiences with males that I hated the idea of being one. That hatred was so strong that it took on a pathological aspect that led to self injury (SRS). Well, at least in all that self hatred, I didn't go out killing others, so there is a bright spot to it. The show is about over, and I'll be thankful when it is. Nothing imminent.
I only call it the "cure" because it was a simple way of expressing the idea. I put in quotation marks to give skepticism that it should even be called such. Certainly, if it were developed, many would call it such and that is controversial itself.
It wouldn't be a choice. It would be a threat.
I got bullied growing up. Beaten up in school, starting when I was 6. It's not like I knew what I was getting beaten up for, or had any choice in it. Forced out of my first high school, for being bullied, when I was 14. Beaten unconsious in my second high school, when I was 16.
Anti-trans and anti-gay groups say it's always a choice, but they can't possibly believe it, or they wouldn't support conversion attempts and school bullying, and in some cases far worse, to try to beat kids into self-hatred and/or cisheteronormativity. If a pill made it a choice, they's double or hundredfold-down on the abuse to force people to make their preferred "choice," or die, before we're old enough to "choose."
Under the circumstances, such a pill would offer a threat, not a choice.
(Now if Magneto had the pill and no one else could reverse-engineer it, then it would be a choice.)
To paraphrase Second Amendment supporters...
They would have to force this pill into my cold dead mouth.
Seriously, if this "cure" did what it claims, I would no longer be me. I would be someone else. I don't have a desire to be someone else.