I’ve found a package of 6 treatments for the full face for $660 with 6 free underarms treatments as well is that a pretty good deal or should I keep looking because the last estimate was a lot more. I in the Columbus, Ohio area if that is relevant.
I’m going to add it’s at a dermatology office.
Laser ...
The Hair on my whole body was Jet Black, and I was extremely hairy, like an ape. I spent $7000 on Laser hair removal in spring of 2005 and it worked really well, except on my face. These days I shave at least every 48 hours. The rest of the hair has 98% stayed gone. The grey hair will not burn off. Make sure it is a legitimate clinic doing it. I used Kaiser Permanente Cosmetology. Shopping center places might put you in the hospital with 3rd degree burns.
It’s a dermatology office.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I spent...
Considerably more back in 99 for just my face. All but the hairs that were grey are still gone. I went to a place that specialized in cosmetic surgery and I have always been happy with the results. I agree with Gwen to make sure they are reputable as I had a friend who went to a day spa to have hers done and the result was a nightmare. She ended up in a lot of pain with burns on her face and very little hair removed.
Please do your research on them before agreeing. Cheaper does not always mean better. Most of the time you get what you pay for.
Check Groupon........
You can usually find some very good deals. But keep in mind it only works on dark hair. Also, the more fair your skin tone, and the higher the contrast between your hair color and your skin tone, the more effective the laser is.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
It is temporary
I had quite a few treatments on my face.It lasted3 or so years. Now I' going for electrolysis which is definitely more painful and is permanent.It was great while it lasted
BTW: both hurt like the devil.
I had some electrolysis done by a few people
I found the trick was finding a skilled operator that could accurately insert the probe to follow the hair down to the follicle. When the heat is applied the follicle needs to be destroyed. Since the hair grows from the skin at different angles, just inserting the probe into the exit of the hair is not sufficient. If the probe doesn't follow the path of the hair to the root, it is much more painful and not very effective.
Try an epilator?
Indians used to pluck theirs out until they stopped coming back. Keep in mind there is some trick to temperature and body conditions in order to drag the root out with the hair shaft. I'm NOT a good example but..., I had some unwanted hair on my arms. Someone told me too much sun over the years? Don't think so. Probably hereditary. Used an epilator not for permanent removal but to not have shave stubble after. Been four months and the hair still hasn't come back.
Legs are a different story. It hurts like hell to have the hairs yanked out and far as I can tell they ain't any less than when I started. Only for those special occasions do I consider an epilator a good thing to make my legs silky smooth. Other wise me and the shaver are friends.
What happens and the results are not any guarantee so the pain is promised with no results. Even thought about using an epilator as a confession tool in one of my stories. Yeah it is actually that bad.
Have fun with life it's too short to take seriously
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl