Things Are Looking Up :)

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Blog About: 

My life has been utter shit as of late and because of that I haven't been happy with anything that I've been doing....whether its writing or just plain living. Thankfully I got a bit of a wake up call in the form of Adult Protective Services. I was accused of some nasty things toward my elderly great aunt I live with---all of them false and unfounded I might add. It was kinda scary though. There is a silver lining with it though. For so very long I've been struggling to take care of my aunt both because her physical and mental health has been declining and mostly because my mental health has been taking a nose dive.

Then the Social Worker stepped in.

She put a fire under me. I just got back from Social Services...after four hours. I'm on the fast track to getting the help I need. First with Food Stamps and Temporary Financial assistance and hopefully with Mental Health and SSI. I need to reclaim my life and the first step in doing so is getting out of this "poisonous" house I'm currently living in.

Then I will tackle who and what I am. That's something I've been having a hard time with too lately.

Also some very good news...I'm writing again. I failed with my attempt to relaunch the DRU, it was my fault alone. I came to the realization that I just wasn't happy with anything I was trying to write there. I've been experimenting with different stories right now, trying to figure out if there's something I can write and stick with until the end. I've started a few and I think I like where they're going. One of which is very down to earth and in the vain of Just a Skirt, the other one very similar to Morpheus' Legacy universe. A story concept I've been wanting to explore since my days plugging away in The Center and Comic Retcon universe.

This hero idea is mine, purely original and Extraordinary :)

I just hope I can finally finish writing it.



shadowsblade's picture

Move on...sometimes you have to rip it all up and start over to grow!

Chat with us here if you need help???
or PM me like in the past?

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

I'm in Awe

You are truly amazing. I don't know how anyone who writes a serial does it.

I never post anything until the last word has been written.

You are walking on a tightrope continually -- without a net.

When you write yourself into a corner you seem perplexed. I write myself into corners all the time. I just go back and change the beginning of the story to make things work out. You can't do that when your first chapters have been posted and read..

It seems to work quite well for you, but it would drive me to despair. Most writers are perfectionists. How do you deal with knowing that your story could have been so much better had you had the ability to edit your work?

We're told that a lot of the great novelist wrote serials. My guess is they often had their stories completed before they posted their first chapter.

I've dealt with a lot of editors. I would have a hard time believing that the editors of large magazines would put their careers on the line by publishing chapters of serials without having read the entire story. From a profit standpoint taking that kind of risk with your readership would be unthinkable.

Just my thoughts.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I'm glad

I'm glad you're back and I'm glad you are.

That's great to hear. Please

That's great to hear. Please know that there are readers like me who appreciate what you do here. I can't pretend to say I fully understand the situation you're in but I'm glad you're okay. Thanks for taking the time and energy to write.