Well, I sort of had my dates all mixed up so here I am having been to 'Countryfile Live' yesterday rather than today! oops.
So anyhow we had a good day looking at animals, tractors and ice cream!
Which means today its Robbery ! - the next chapter of Gaby book 15!
Hope you enjoy it.
I'm busy writing more of book 21, the next segment will hopefully be out before I depart on my summer trip to Norfolk, I'm hoping to depart on the 21st of August for about ten days.
In the meantime i'll be making regular postings to keep you entertained.
Have a good time
Over in Narfuk, and keep an eye open for podracers - end of August sees Mildenhall rally, and me plodding to Suffolk for the weekend. Probably roaming north around the broads after.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
struggling to find camping atm as b+b's are extortionate!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Maybe buy some gum at a store
Maybe buy some gum at a store and take back some $$? Works well here in SoCal. Or find a co-op ATM where there are no fees. Happy wheeling! You're a SPOKEs person... yuk yuk
atm === At the Moment
ATM's as in Cash Machines are mostly free here. The few that do charge will not see any custom from me.
Atm = at the moment
Money isn't the issue but accomodation!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Norfolk hills
Be grateful there are no big hills in Norfolk.
256ft AMSL (or thereabouts)
is as big as it gets in Norfolk AMSL = Above Mean Sea Level. Some of it is below even sea level.
There are a few hills just to the south of the coast road. One leads from Thornham to Beacon Hill, all 52m of it. Great Place in spring/autumn to watch flocks of Geese and in March, there are plenty of Hares in the fields. On the coast road there are great places to watch Barn Owls hunting but you have to get up before dawn to see them.
to put
That in context I did a short (25km) ride this morning and did 307m of climbing (over 900ft)! My sub 9km leg stretch includes over 300ft of climbing.
It's one reason I picked Norfolk for the trip but finding affordable and available overnight stops is proving to be a headache - I blame Brexit - more people are holidaying in the UK instead of the costas.
Oh well, big effort on Wednesday
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Not just BREXIT
The increased security for people exiting the Schengen area has caused a lot of people to miss their flights.
But I do agree that the terrible exchange rate is deterring many people from going abroad.
To the lack of sensible priced overnight stops I've changed my plans and it looks like i'll be going to Holland instead, the profiteers of Norfolk are the losers.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Changed plan :(
Sorry to hear that - but hope the new one is good. I haven't stopped off at Norfolk sites yet, the nearest being Boston (Orchard Park), the Broads will be on the cards only if I can get with relatives for a couple of days. Not too surprised at pricey sites, this is a popular holiday spot and high season. There do seem to be a few on the web with 6-8-10 quid range, happen not where one might want to go though.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
With most of the sites is a requirement for a two night stop at weekend and at some at any point in 'high' season. B+B's are wanting upwards of £100 a night. I will possibly do the trip off season next year instead.
Might have a couple of days in Holderness on the way back.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Youth Hostel
When I was young and visited the UK (mostly Scotland) I stayed in the Youth Hostels, which were cheap and reliable places to stay. Of course I have lost the youth along the way, but at the same time I understand they have rebranded as Youth and Elder hostels.