Well, while I'm incapacited I've been rereading a number of Bailey's stories, they hold up well in the rereading, if I do say so myself!
I was rereading "Images" and I discovered that Chapter 55 is missing. I checked with Bailey and discovered that not only is 55 missing, Bailey lost the backup when there was a computer crash.
So, with Bailey's kind permission I am asking if anybody has a copy preserved somewhere. If you have it and are willing to share I'll provide you with an email address to send it to. I'll read it privately but I'll send a copy to Bailey. Once she is happy with it then either she or I can post here. While I can post it and put her name on it I'll defer to her judgement as author. It occurs to me that I might be able to find it using the WayBack machine, but my luck there is rotten.
So, if anybody can help us out it would be much appreciated!!! <3
I did a search of the database, and found it, just outside of Bailey's outline, so I re-added it to the outline and weighted it correctly.
We do have some awesome admins! :)
Whoo hoo! TY Piper! *Kisses both Cheeks*
I had my last computer die and there was things on there that I'm still re-writing. I'm saving stuff in multiple places now.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I have always found serving
I have always found saving in multiple places is the best I like to email it to myself as well