Amy is right now in preop getting a nerve block. Shortly she will be taken into surgery for an ORIF procedure where they will use a plate and some screws to repair Amys ankle fracture.
The procedure is supposed to last no more than an hour and is being done as same day surgery but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Ninja Baby is spending the weekend with friends/family so I get to clean.
Thanks and hugs
Thanks for letting us know Piper and hugs for all three of you!
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Alls Fine on the Amy front.
Shes out of surgery. Doc said all is fine. Shes in recovery sleeping now.
Speedy recovery for Amy
Here's for a speedy recovery for Amy, after the surgery and for her ankle.
I know to pain
I wish her well and a speedy recovery. I had my ankle fused in January and am going for Physical Therapy now. Ankles are hard to fix as they flex and are used for balance. Prayers go out to her.
There are two sides to every Ankle.
with a Bone in the middle.
I broke the ligaments on the inside of my Right Ankle in 1998 while on a business trip to Kazakhstan. The first words the surgeon who was going to 'fix' them said to me were, "It would have been better to have broken the bone. Ligaments are a lot more problematic"
four operations later and I knew what he meant. I still get some gyp from it today.
The Physios also said that bones are quicker to heal. I hope your physio goes well.
Surgery? It sounds like you
Surgery? It sounds like you got hit with multiple tears at the same time which is worse upon worse! I have put up with constantly strains like you had but was blessed to only endure one torn at a time, I can't imagine multiple tears.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
best wishes
To her, hope everything comes out right
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Thank you for the update
Despite all of the recent server problems, I hadn't forgotten the post about Amy. I've been a little worried for all of you since I saw nothing being said one way or the other. I hope Amy heals quickly.