Breast Massage = Growth

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Breast Massage = Growth

We had a discussion lately whether breast massage will make them bigger. I’m living proof it works and I wish I wasn’t. The old adage “be careful what you wish for” bit me in the posterior.

By age six I was driving tractors by myself. The car or pickup my brother and I worked as a team. One of us stood in the seat and steered and shifted (stick shift) The other sat on the floorboard working the clutch, brakes, and gas peddle.

By then I was also carrying daddy’s guns. Daddy had one rule. Never point a gun at anything you didn’t intend to kill. I never have. The thing about daddy’s big guns was they kicked like a mule. Early on I learned to pull those guns back into my shoulder really really tight or it was going to hurt me. Difference is, hold one lose and it is like taking a punch. Hold one tight and it is like a push.

Always liked the big guns as they could reach out and touch a varmint up to a half mile away with plenty of put down power. My friends and our grown children who have families of their own won’t touch my guns. They say they hurt them. Last summer I did a lot of shooting as everything wants a chicken dinner and I’m the host. Some got a last meal, most didn’t.

For six months chicken dinner seemed to off the menu for the critters. I had pretty well put up the toys and practiced the breast massage technique. It works, I had negligible forward projection but great fuller, softer mass.

Last night an owl was hooting and eyeing a cat or maybe a guinea supper. The guineas were roosting in the trees and squawking up a storm. Picking up the shotgun I stepped out the door and put two rounds up in the air. Hell no I’m not shooting an owl and paying a five thousand dollar fine. I will scare them off from time to time.

DAMN that hurt! My breasts have spread out. Part of it was under the gun stock. No longer can I find enough shoulder and not have part of my breast in the way. Wishing I had never did any breast massage is a given. Only option back to original me is surgery which probably will never happen. Only option to use my toys is a leather shoulder pad or a really big bad necessary emergency. Everyone was right, those guns hurt like hell.

Morals to the story. Because someone says something will give one bigger breasts doesn’t mean one should venture forth and try it.
Look to the future and consider what one is doing and will it make things better or worse.
Bigger isn’t always better. Trust someone who has a painful experience learning this. Life is a lot simpler with the smaller “things” at times.
Breasts serve two purposes. Feed the babies, and entertain men. Other than that they are dead weight. When a B will do the same job as a DD why punish one’s self for little or no gain? I’m not a DD but I really wish I hadn’t fooled around with this.

Tread carefully toward what one may think they desire. Roses come with thorns and may extract a blood sacrifice before one can have the rose.

