Massaging and Breast Growth

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Awhile back I brought up the subject of natural breast growth achieved by massaging the breasts. Which I might add I am a slightly regretful example of this. Due to the nature of who I am, where I live, and what I do, high powered rifles, shotguns, and pistols are a part of my everyday life. It's not unusual to open the door and open fire with a pistol or step out into the yard with a scoped rifle and take aim on retreating coyotes. Growing up I was carrying by the time I was six and I learned one hard fast rule. Using daddy's shotgun or his rifles meant I needed to "hug it like I love it" really close and tight, or it was going to kick me and hurt. A lesson I carried into adulthood. One I tried to explain to my friends and our own kids which never took. None of them will shoot my rifle after one time.

Okay this is where we get to the size and shape of women's breasts and guns. A woman's breast is NOT just a round mound of flesh. It spreads out to the sides slightly under her arms. Looking at natural women's breasts as compared to gel enhanced ones it is easy to determine if a woman has had breast implants or if she is natural. Even when they are wearing a bra and decently covered with blouse or dress.

On with the story and the details. I'm five five, small woman, small breasts..., until I started massaging them. In a year I went from a B to a C keeping in mind there is no hard fast rule of measurement. It's all kinda, maybe, could be in measuring size and cup. After all no one jumps from age ten to age eleven in a matter of seconds. No hard fast time but a birthday to give an arbitrary age. Same with breast size. We don't magically have numbers that work for all females. Just estimates.

Struggling on, my breasts grew with massage. What I had read and tested personally meant it was real enough. It takes a long time and the difference wasn't that noticeable until I pulled the trigger on that high powered rifle one day. Damn did that hurt! My breasts had grown and spread out. And part of that was up into the shoulder area. I now regret my stupidity. Breasts on a woman are eye candy for men and for nursing young ones. Otherwise they are decoration and possibly a very effective influence on the minds of men. As I was once told, Anymore than a handful is a waste.

The rifle is still used for bringing down predators. I have to be careful to make sure it is a little further away from my neck and off my breast.

How and why the breast massage works when massaging any other part of the body doesn't make it larger? Think about it. The breast is the only part of our body to have mammary glands. Babies and baby animals are the same when nursing, they massage or bump the breasts when suckling. The mother doesn't have to consciously think of adding more breast and milk glands to increase production as the baby grows needing more. It just happens with "most" mothers naturally. Not everyone will respond in the same way. It takes a long time for nature to fill in the extra milk ducts and glands. If anyone tries this be prepared for the long haul as the volume needed must increase exponentially almost times square to go from one size to the next. Not everyone will get results just as every nursing mother finds her breasts didn't grow when she began nursing. It is in the DNA and nature what will happen.

I wish everyone the life they desire and the happiness they seek.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.


So exactly how do you massage them?

Wendy Jean's picture

A rolling method squishing them down, or pushing the breast material under the arm pitt forward to the chest? Even though I have not had HRT since the stroke I think mine are still growing. My botched SRS took care of the testosterone problem.

Doesn't make any difference in one's choice

BarbieLee's picture

Reading a lot of the choices and watching the youtube video's the massage is a matter of choice. I know this is going to sound a lot like voyeurism but the truth is squeezing, pushing, rubbing whatever is up to the individual. I wish I had made a list of all the sites and youtube channels I surfed as I researched this but..., The one that impressed me was the Japanese lady who had pics and went from a B to a D. She massaged both breasts in a circular motion a hundred times each day. At first I used Cocoa Butter, I didn't want stretch marks if it worked. I wasn't actually that enthused with the venture and didn't stick to the time schedule. More hit and miss than anything. I mean we have all read about the one plan for making one into a Jane Mansfield or Ursula Andres from a thousand different hucksters selling the latest and greatest for ten or twenty times the cost of something just like it off the shelf. I always dig down into the advertisements to find what their ingredients are and it's always listed someplace on the net by others who also questioned what was in it.
Breast massage had nothing to sell. There were no gimmicks and no cost so why not? So I did and from my own experience it works. It took me this long to figure out why. Mammary glands are only in the breast and it's a natural action of breast feeding. Which for the majority of women their breasts increase in size
Back to your question of how? I honestly don't believe it makes any difference. There are only two caveats here. Dedication, it takes continuous effort even if it is off and on like I did. Time, this is all natural. Breasts don't pop up one day on the young female as she grows into a young woman. They won't here either. A quick fix for those seeking something more in their bra either has to come from a doctor or from the boutique store.
I wish everyone happiness for all the rest will fall into place or be easy enough to handle when the big bumps come.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.
I wish I could share what I've seen and believe because I've been there.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl