I hope no thinks it arrogant, but as Bike heads towards 3200, I know I shall be able to fill those episodes, albeit not necessarily on a daily basis. I've submitted my (I hope) end of term assignment which Whizz helped me write - got to blame someone if it fails. If it does I have to resubmit as I passed the others.
My question is, do you want me to continue with it beyond that, but probably not on a daily posting. I sometimes get the feeling people are tiring of it, judging by the at times, few comments. Since I sort of retired life has got very busy and the Open University keeps it so as do my ecological pursuits, of which I've acquired another to do with compiling an atlas of mammals - sound familiar, life imitates art. The difference being, in fiction, Cathy got paid for hers I do it for love of the subject, that's about all the parallels, I don't want dozens of bloody kids under my feet, or the responsibilities of office - wouldn't mind some of the money though.
Let me know if you want me to continue with Bike or not.
A marsh fritillary sheltering from the wind.

Easy as falling off a keyboard
You know where my vote would be Ang - however long you feel inspired to write, there will be readers, I amongst them. If ever it becomes a chore, don't feel obliged to grind it out, the words should be fulfilling for you as well as us.
Thanks for the fritillary, not seen one live.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
you write
It and i'll read it. Simples.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
More please
Cathy's grasp of reality bests our so-called leaders here. More please so long as you're enjoying it.
To Bike or not to Bike
I very rarely comment because I'm not very good at putting my feelings on paper. Bike will always be my first read in the morning and would really miss it if it was to stop. As long as you feel like writing, I will be happy to read about Cathy and her life.
Bike? YES!!!!!
I don't know what to do when my Daily Dormouse doesn't arrive. Somehow, my day is not complete. Cathy, Si and everyone have become a part of my routine.
I fully understand the need to take time to complete assignments. As one reaches for a higher degree, the bar is higher. The requirement for research is a necessary part of the educational process. Such research is grueling and enervating. Been there; done that.
Having said that, I'll savor my Daily Dormouse whenever you can publish it, regardless of the time between episodes ... as long as it's not too long!
Thanks for one of the most delightful and involving episodic novels I've every read.
Red MacDonald
I have stopped commenting on this site.
However, since you have directly asked, I will say that the only compensation that is provided to you for your effort is the respect and personal satisfaction that you receive. If you no longer enjoy doing this, by all means stop.
Having said that, I and many many others greatly enjoy this series and would, from our own perspective, like to see its continuance for many years to come.
I still love Bike, and if you
I still love Bike, and if you find you have the time and inspiration, would treasure the chance to continue to follow the saga.
I think it's wonderful that you've found so many activities to occupy you in your semi-retirement!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
It's An Institution
And we all love living in an institution, don't we? After all, 4000 is only just around the corner! Then we can change the BC masthead to
"Home of over 4000 episodes of EAFOAB"
I think you have more than enough devotees to carry on, but the final choice must be your own, based on whether YOU still enjoy writing it.
Please don't stop...
Those of us who are your fans need our Bike fix. Please, as long as the muse gives, please share. Every day would be nice but we'll take whatever you can share. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Of course you must continue. Back in the days when a daily episode was the norm, I considered your chapters as the Coronation Street of Big Closet. Now that life seems to intruded in your world and caused you to occasionally miss a night or two, I still am happy when I see Spike on the screen, even if she is no longer with us.
But I realize that it impossible that you continue forever. Feel free to end the story with episode 10,000 if you feel the need.
Of course I want Bike to continue for as long as you feel able to write it. Cathy's view on the world at large and the UK in particular
provokes comments and views sometimes quite acrimonious.
You have created the internet version of a TV soap opera we all think it's real even though we know it's fiction - that is the sign of a good writer.
As of lack of comments even though I read every episode I only comment if no one has posted a similar thought BUT I always leave a Kudo's
I'm with Christina on this, keep Bike going as long as you enjoy writing it.
Also like Christina, I don't comment if I can't say something original, or I need to ask about something that no one else noticed.
And if I read something here on BCTS, unless I think a story is trash, I ALWAYS give a kudo.
I've read through Bike twice so far, well, up to about the 3050 mark, then I was caught up and I've been catching the new ones. The simple fact that there are some of us who have done that (read it more than once) should attest to just how good of a story it is.
yes please
Keep it coming as best as you can, I noticed a "Meemsism" creep back in, I would love more of her delightful conversations or have they cured her????
Please continue
When I visited my "internet-niece" in Gosport, I totally forgot that I was that close to Cathy's workingplace. Next time I will go around the uni buildings and really feel her prescence. It will be the fourth (I think) visit to a physical place for many of the stories published here. Wishing you a good summer and waiting for your added parts, even if they should come wit a day or two days pause.
I began reading...
The stories about three weeks ago, very addictive! I'm up to chapter 828 as of last night.
Two reason kept me from reading the story for the longest time. First its size, When I joined out community it was over 2,000 chapters, something I felt impossible to attempt to catch up on. Secondly was the title, while I know that most cyclists do follow the rules of the road, it seems that in my area the only ones I ever see on the road are the idiots running stop signs and riding with a total disregard of anyone else on the road. Almost hit one last week that blew through a stop sign going at least 25-30 mph without even considering slowing down.
Then there is the ones that ride on the highway when there is a bike path less than 20 feet away that runs along the same route. Never quite understood why some do this but it has made me concerned about the money that we spend to built these bike paths that so many refuse to use?
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
How long ?
Angela, as long as you post it, I'll read it.
'Bike' has become a kind of daily thing, like my 5 day a week local newspaper.