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According to the Internet, and this test, I have a Master's degree. Funny thing, though. If I do, it must be invisible. Perhaps I should call my dean and have my TWO ASSOCIATES revised???
Haylee V
I love those tests
I took one around 10 years ago. I said that I am a typical manual worker (GED/GCSE level) employee. Well, that was true once upon a time as I did leave school aged 15.
But, I had to laugh as a month earlier I'd just passed with honours, my MBA.
Big, as in Great Salt Lake sized pinches of salt are needed around these things.
Psychometric pesudo babble more like.
44/50. Happy with that. :-)
44/50. Happy with that. :-)
Debs xxxx
Its called graduating from
Its called graduating from the "School of Life". Some also call it the "School of Hard Knocks." So my dear, you have earned your "degrees" the hard way. Hugs.
I protest
I am Professor. Now where the hell is Mary Ann?