The day after the monthly update or Patch Tuesday as it is sometimes called was processed, I had something happen to my laptop.
My laptop started up on Thursday and worked fine for most of the day. Shortly after six p.m. I put down the laptop and as I did so the machine shut down. I restarted it and went to put the garbage out. When I came back to my machine, it was turned off again.
I started up the laptop again and immediately got a screen about the need for Startup repair. This required the machine to go back to an earlier version of my operating system. After about a tense 45 minutes my laptop was up and running again.
However all of this week's updates had to be done again. Wondering if there was a problem with the updates, I tried to turn them off and prevent them being done again but they were.
My laptop is running again and seems to be fine but that was how it was yesterday before my crash. As a precaution I made backup copies again (This was done last night) of my valuable files. My files had last been backed up three days earlier.
Did anyone have this happen to them? Am I being paranoid thinking Patch Tuesday could be the cause? I haven't installed anything new to my PC. I have Kaspersky Internet Security installed for virus protection etc etc. if you're wondering.
Windows 7
I have not used Windows 7 in years as have Windows 10 pre loaded in this Laptop.
I did see a post recently stopping support and updates for an older version of Windows, think it was for WindowsXP.
May be an idea to visit Windows help for more information on this or for the issues have been having.
Win XP support ended April 4, 2014 (my OLD laptop ran Win XP SP3), and Vista was depreciated August 8, 2016. Win 7 is good for another year or so (I think Dec '18, if I'm not mistaken). Just FYI.
Haylee V
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
Yes, patches can be...
"Problematic", to say the least. Micro$oft is notorious for releasing "patches" that actually create more problems than they solve. At least you had RECENT backups -- the FIRST rule of any computer user. Kasperski could also be the root cause of your problems, as sometimes it gives "false positives", and will halt patches mid-install. I use WebRoot for all my needs - a tip acquired from one of the sys-admins (Sephrena Lynn Miller). She REALLY knows her stuff when it comes to computers. Plus, she's a really charming individual, once you get to know her. Hope this helps.
Haylee V
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
I vaguely remember an alert
I remember a thread about a year ago which said that Microsoft was playing games to force people into Windows 10 by having updates to Win7 that screwed with the power settings. I distinctly remember that the person ran into problems with their laptop's power setting after an update.
I think you have identified your own problem. wouldn't put it pass MS to forcing you into Win10.
You may have to just install each update one at a time until you identify the offending update. Then, you will have to manually run it after that to avoid installing the update that causes the problem.
Personally, I am running Fedora 25 on a tricked out Lenovo T520 where, if I want, I can run Win7 as a virtual if I need to.
Good luck,
Upgrade to Windows 10
I avoided this being done to my laptop by installing GWX Control panel.
An operating system is an operating system to me. I'm not very computer savvy. I use my PCs (Both of which are antiques. The younger of which I got in 2012, the other in 2008. The latter has Turbotax 2008 on it! Both run fine and have never needed to be repaired.) for writing my stories, surfing the internet which includes my paying bills and other home and ebook business related work that needs to be done, and to play Strat-O-Matic baseball.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
May 9th updates
I installed the security updates they dropped Tuesday and my machine has been running same as usual. However, mine is a desktop so I don't know if that would make a difference.
Of course, it being Microsoft, they then had to drop a 50 meg security update on Wednesday, probably for something they did wrong in Tuesday's update. LOL
'Otium cum dignitate'
win 7
win95 win98 second edition XP pro win10 pro the rest of windows are no good for engineering. or any other graphics work. have a good day and enjoy life.
Have a good day and enjoy life.
I use windows 7 & 10 along with macOS
Sometimes updates do not go right or just rebooting and then windows 7 will have to go into a startup recovery and restore from a checkpoint even without an update. Nothing is perfect it happens, it could have been an error in the RAM or Memory, this is why with servers usually have Error correcting memory that cost a lot more money than the stuff your average computer uses. But system errors happen with all operating systems but from experience an error will happen more often during and update.
I also use Kaspersky internet Security, I did not have an error this time but I have had them before.
"Cortana is watching you!"
I miss Windows 7
I used to run Windows 7. When I got my new laptop, it came with Windows 10. About the same time I was offered a free upgrade to Windows 10 for my desktop. I resisted for a time, but since I couldn't get Windows 7 for my laptop, and there were just enough differences that switching back and forth to between the two was a pain, I gave in and put Windows 10 on the desk top. I refused to go for the "Pro" because Microsoft insists on putting that out on a subscription release only. When I pay for software, I want to own it. That's the same reason I'm still using Office 2010 rather than the 2016 version I upgrade to sometime back. When they hit me for the subscription fee, I pulled out the installation disc for 2010 reinstalled it and have never looked back.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Windows 10 Pro
I upgraded my Windows 7 Professional desktop to Windows 10 Pro before the free upgrade offer expired. It is not on a subscription, it is a perpetual license just as Windows 7 was. However, I liked Windows 7 better. I upgraded both laptops from Windows 7 Home to Windows 10 Home, but restored one back to Windows 7 because of problems.
I accepted the upgrade for my windows 8 Pro key.
I will say this "You can pry my Windows 7 Pro from My Cold Dead Hands!" to Microsoft. Windows 10 has a lot of nice features but it is not perfect for all software I use yet. But then again that is steadily changing. I am looking at building a new machine and if I get an intel 7 series processor or a new Ryzen processor from AMD I will have no choice but to use windows 10. They are making it better all the time I run it on one of my computers, I am adjusting to it, but as soon asa my software I have to use gets full support or I switch to something else I will fully switch then.
"Cortana is watching you!"
did you read the W10 License?
No you didn't but take heart, I don't think even 0.0001% of users 'upgrading' (sic) to W10 did.
I can't find the link right now but I do recall there being a clause that allowed MS to start charging for updates. IMHO, the era of $9.99/month windows subscriptions is not that far away. How else are they going to monetise the user base?
I don't care now because I've given up on Windows entirely since I retired. My Laptop runs MacOS and my servers are CentOS (Linux). My life is a lot less stressful without windows being involved.
The next thing we need to kill is Flash but that is another story.
Corrupted update?
I had the same thing happen a while back. After system repair restored my system and it was stable again, I reinstalled the updates without any problems. I concluded that one or more of the updates had become corrupted. Considering the size of some of Microsoft's updates, it isn't surprising.
Running Windows 7 on a laptop
Had an update one evening this week, as far as I know it's running fine but I wouldn't trust Microsoft as far as I could chuck their corporate arse, they are real carpet baggers. It makes me smile that Bill Gates is showing such largess with money he took off me and others like me, so he can play god in the third world.
I also use XP on my travelling netbook which so far has been okay.
Sounds like
Your laptop could be older. Sometimes a hard drive that is starting to fail can cause problems like that. Seagate and WD have free programs that you can download from their sites that will test for HD issues.
I've been using Win 7 Pro since June 2010
It's very likely a glitch during downloading/installing the patches. Good thing you follow Rule No. 1: Back up your files.
My problem was worse, back in 2009 I did a patch update and my screen went black and the OS would start to load, then shut down my computer. Nothing I did could get it back so I wound up buying a new computer system and reinstalling everything (even with backups it took several hours). Since then I have set updates to alert me when they are available. Now I get to decide what gets downloaded (after checking to see what it's suppose to do - if it's too general a description, I don't download it). When 10 came out, I read that many people were experiencing MS's phony patch that reset your computer to accept the Win 10 upgrade--automatically. Although they worded like: "This patch will help prepare your system for Windows 10 compatibility." That's when I started checking each and every patch to see what it's suppose to do. I have since found two (2) patches that prepared the computer to accept Win 10. I have also decided that I didn't want/need several other "important" patches (since I don't use those programs), and uncheck them and hide them, now I don't even see them anymore. I now it's a pain sometimes to do it this way, but I now have better control of my computer.
For those who have Win 10: it is very heavily setup with spyware in the OS. I suggest you go through all your settings and turn off everything that sends MS your info. There is 1 or 2 settings that you can't turn off, but if you set them to the lowest setting, it will make your computer more secure. Also a good, reputable Malware detection/prevention program will help keep your system safe. There are several free ones available for good antivirus protection. If you opt for one that you have to pay for, make sure you get the information for when you don't want it any longer and want to stop paying them. (I bought Avast for 2 years, then needed to reduce my spending, And Avast's information took me 10 days get and many hours of searching until I found it. That, to me, is dishonest. I will NEVER pay again without the detailed info (ie-phone number, etc) before I buy.)
Hugs all,
Erin of Wis <3
Don't need Windows for much
Will do Linux and VM any Windows I still need.
But no spyware for me.
They do not need spy ware it really has no security being open code just walk in and take what they want I do agree that Linux is better at some things but I will not use it on line with out mil spec protection and security costly stuff that. Have a good day and enjoy life.
Have a good day and enjoy life.
MS - Patch Tuesday
A good word of advice for all Windows users.
DO NOT, repeat DO NOT install a Patch Tuesday release until at least the following Friday, preferably, the following Tuesday. This allows all the other suckers (sorry users) to find the patched that bork their systems and for MS to kindly fix the problem.