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It's been a long time since I have written new stories and continued existing ones and I apologise for that.

Since 2013 we moved from our lovely home in Lincolnshire to live with my mother in law as she was finding it hard to cope on her own due to Alzheimer's.

Anyone who has had experience of dealing with this condition will know that it never gets easier. Since moving I have been trying to re-build my IT business from scratch and helping my wife to look after her mother.

MIL is now well in stage 6 of the 7 stages of Alzheimer's and caring for her is getting quite challenging (we rarely have a full night's sleep).

The above is the reason why I have had to put my writing on hold for so long.

But any writer (even a poor one like me), knows that when you get the itch, you have to scratch it occasionally, so I will try to continue with some of my outstanding stories and hope, if there is still any interest, to get a few new chapters up and running shortly.



Wonderful to hear from you Sue

Rhona McCloud's picture

I, and I'm sure others who have enjoyed your stories, look forward to your future posts with relief that even though your situation is tough you are still battling on.

Rhona McCloud

I'm Sure We Would Love To See You Back

joannebarbarella's picture

Whenever you feel you can write and post again. You are certainly not forgotten.

Being a full-time carer or assisting one is something very difficult so you have to prioritise your time and nobody can argue with that. With a degenerative illness like Alzheimer's there is little one can do other than sympathise with your situation.

Welcome back Sue.

Dealing with someone who suffers from alzheimers is indeed a trial. Kudoes to you and your S.O. for taking up the responsibility, and welcome back to the site!

Write when you can, and rest assured, you have not been forgotten.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Glad to see you're still

Glad to see you're still around. I can understand about the IT business. That's mine too.

I was mostly concerned that you'd gone dark, rather than the unfinished story(ies).

It does sound like, unfortunately, that your MIL will soon be beyond the car you can give. Hopefully you can find the right assistance.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

So sorry

Oh, Sue

I am so sorry for you.

I was 'fortunate' in that my brother did the caring for my mum, but there is still the distress of watching someone you love deteriorate before your eyes.

If you an occasionally snatch a little time for yourself, then we will love to read your stories.

All our love for you


if there is still any interest

You must be kidding. I am reading the Penmarris series for the third time, because I can't get enough of your stories.

Take care of your personal life first, but thank you for not forgetting us.

good to hear

Alecia Snowfall's picture

good to hear from you Sue!

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

I remember

mountaindrake's picture

glad to find out that you are still around know what you are dealing with been there don that hope you will finish your stories and write more but in the mean time do what you have to do to provide proper care good luck and may life grant you success and happiness.

Have a good day and enjoy life.

So glad to hear from you

I've missed your writing. You have obviously had more important things going on in your life. Dementia is such a difficult condition to cope with. I wish you the best in your caregiving efforts and look forward to seeing you back here regularly once you can get your life back a bit closer to "normal".

Very Few

There are very few authors I care to read more than once. In fact, there are very few authors I care to read.

You are that rare author who is interesting enough to warrant a second and third reading.

Thank you for your stories.

I'm sorry about your family problems. Take care of yourself. Use writing as an escape if you can, but don't feel any pressure to add to your volume of work for my sake. You've already made it into my writers' hall of fame -- lifetime membership. In fact, you have your own wing.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Andrea Lena's picture
of course!

I hope you revisit your literary 'children.' The characters whom you created may speak to you, and certainly understand. There's always time to create if only in your dreams and hopes for now. And time enough to add to your exquisite writing when life allows. Even only helping Mrs. D with the care for her mom and grandmom, both of whom succumbed to Alzheimers.,was daunting enough, so I know what an even greater challenge your wife and you face. My prayers for strength and consolation.

And when it comes to writing? May I be as 'poor' as you.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Of course we remember you and your stories.

I ran through some of your stories to remind myself. If comments are of use - We shall fight them on the Beaches is very much at a cliffhang; similarly Home Alone. Several one-off stories have good claims for continuation but that has to depend on your muse.

I recollect in Changes that the Baddies made heavy threats which have not yet emerged ........ also the Penmarris offshoot Bowl of Cherries is not at an end.
I enjoy a great majority of what you write - so get those fingers moving and we'll avidly read what the characters tell you to write.

Sorry to read about

your mother in law Sue , The strain it must put on your family cannot be not easy to cope with , Hopefully if you can find the time to continue your wonderful stories it will allow you to perhaps relax for a few minutes , Rest assured anything you write will be enjoyed , Your stories are always different and very well written , So much so that one reading is never enough ...


I could never forget the

I could never forget the author whose story caught my eye and ended up causing me to unintentionally give several authors a few dollars and pounds in their bank accounts as well as rip off the mistaken belief that TG fiction was simply variations of the same "man forced to become a woman" story.

I feared that something had happened to you that others hadn't been aware of or that one of us had caused you to lose your passion. As someone who is one who has caused others to lose their passion I am eternally grateful that it was real life making things impossible for you and that your priorities were there. Please take all the time you need to care for your family member, it's tough but it's time that is passing fast. We will be here awaiting you with open arms and big smiles and grateful that you are doing well.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Welcome back, Sue. You are

Welcome back, Sue. You are well remembered and loved, your stories too. :)

No need to apologise for caring for loved ones/family. I wish you well with that too.

Erin of Wis <3

Life is not a bowl of cherries

This is a real act of kindness that would sadly never hit the headlines in the UK media in times when the focus is on pressures in the NHS and stories about lack of resources in care homes. I'm sure that your mother in law has been in good hands and that she would bless you both if she could speak out. It's a cruel illness and hopefully one day soon there will be a cure. It strikes anywhere regardless of race, status or belief and it is hard on those closest who witness the effect it has on a persons self esteem. All who have followed you on this site will continue to miss you and your stories but I am sure, like me, send heartfelt wishes. When the time is right I am sure that you will be able to pick up where you left off. You have a gift as a writer and now we see something of the heart that is inside. Big Hugs
