I can't take many more responses like this from my family, similar responses from more than oneand some of them keep sending me this which doesn't help and just makes me worse. I can't figure out how to respond to them. I have a therapy appt on Thursdays
Read this shit and tell how to politely tell to stop and she's being an insensitive asshole
It's not something most people can understand, every minute with my eyes open is another second I'm screaming inside my head. I'm always at the edge of hysterics now and the screaming doesn't stop anymore. Because when I'm awake I have to face the fact my body is wrong. The screaming inside my head doesn't stop anymore. I want to rip my skin off sometimes. No medication can fix the constant emotional pain I'm in.
Cuz do you believe you would be happy if you had the body of a woman?
If you survey enough woman youll come to find that most of them are not happy with their bodies...even if they have the sexiest of bodies and the prettiest of faces. Its because haPpiness has to come from deeper with in.
If you think a differnt body will make you happy- your aiming too low
Happiness is a biproduct of joy. and joy comes deep with in a humans heart.
That means its not contingent upon external charecteristics.
You have to look deeper Cuz. Being focused on wanting the body of a woman is not the real issue here. The roots go much deeper.
And being fixated on what you cant have is distracting you from true beauty and growth.
You have a really nice singing voice - why dont you join a GTLB or a mens choir ?
Being family does not make them instant experts
No more than trusting anyone's comment on the internet makes sense merely because they have their own personal axe to grind.
That's why the psychs and the RLT ...
because there's just those few who have body-dysphoria enough that even changing their bodies isn't quite enough. But by golly don't we all wish that for all of us that our bodies, souls, hearts, minds, lives and families can be changed so that things turn out kind of nice.
You could try sending them a copy of Shoes
I'm Sorry
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. The truth is . . . I don't think the statements you've listed rise to the level of gross insensitivity. They sound inquisitive. Most of those who are on this site are looking for answers. No insensitivity there.
You seem to want unconditional love. That's a wondrous goal, but rarely occurs. Even my grandchildren and my dog misunderstand me at times.
To be perfectly honest I see love in those statements you listed as being onerous.
By the way . . . my son sang in a LGBT choir because they were great and he wanted to be part of it -- even though he wasn't L G B or T.
The last time you posted you stated that you were reaching out for professional counseling. How did that go? Is Thursday the first time you'll meet with a therapist?
Whoever is stating those OPINIONS to you doesn't appear to be trying to be mean or hateful. The fact that your opinion is much different than hers shouldn't be causing you so much pain. She simply doesn't understand you. You're demanding a fairly high degree of understanding. Put yourself in her place. You've made comments about organized religion that I agree with wholeheartedly. Is she "religious" -- if so, it's very hard for her to see your point of view, because she has been brainwashed. Don't be angry with her.
It's like getting mad at someone who doesn't share your views about abortion. Or climate change. Or gun control. Or who should be president. There are very good people who think totally different than you on one or more of those topics that you still can call a friend. I have one friend who disagrees with me on every one of the above. We talk about it and at the end of the day it simply doesn't matter to either of us. It's been that way for thirty years.
We just agree to disagree.
Why is it so important to you that this person agree with your point of view? Is she standing in the way of your happiness in some way? Does she have some control over your life?
In my opinion . . . toxic people are to be avoided. Frankly, the statements you've listed don't fit the normal definition of toxic. Here's a good article about toxic people. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-flux/201608/8-common...
It will be very interesting to hear about your discussion with the therapist. I would recommend that you take a copy of this blog along to start the conversation.
Are you eating right? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you staying away from alcohol and drugs? Are you taking prescribed medicine as directed. Are you getting enough exercise?
Please keep blogging. You're a very interesting person.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It's YOU who matters
You're under incredible stress at the moment so now is the time to get yourself better, rather than having debates with your family about gender issues. Go to see a medical practitioner and ask for help. That may be therapy, medication or both.
It will take time, but once you have yourself fixed, you can reread these emails and see them simply as people who love you trying to help.