Hello everyone,
Wow, looking at the last time I posted it does appear I had dropped off the face of the earth. Felt like it too. Recently I replied to the emails sent to me (thank you for them) and it was suggested that I go and post a 'Hello' blog to tell everyone I am well.
Life decided it needed to play with me a little and after not having my work contract renewed, finding out that a relationship with a childhood friend meant far less to her than myself, and then forced to move back to a place where the people (yea family) utterly despise me (the feeling's mutual), suffice to say writing much less doing anything else didn't seem all that important.
Recently, I told certain people to go screw themselves, moved away from that toxic environment and found a new job in another city.
So, as they say, I 'fine', working, having some fun again, which I have been told is a good thing.
I just went through Sacrificial Boy and edited all 20 chapters. I have every intention continuing, I'm just waiting for my muse to come back from where she is hiding. I miss her.
Good to hear from you
good to hear you are OK, I have been reading some of your older stories you posted back in 2010 & 2011 great reading newer readers and some of us who have been here need to go back and read older stories their is some real good stories in the archives.
Yes, very good to hear from you
Muses can be fickle things that can either respond to emotional stress or shuts it down. My one and only really good poem I've ever written was when I was under extreme emotional stress.
Edit: My eyes glow at the prospect of more Sacrificial Boy and Season of Change and etc.
1 MIA Author Found
Now just for some of the others to Check in.
Welcome Back.
"Cortana is watching you!"