No Chapter

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Sorry no chapter this week.

I fell a bit behind on the writing aspect of this story. After my aunt came home from Rehab, most of my time is once again consumed by her bitching needs. So I can't have a life anymore outside of being her fucking slave.

Add to that I slipped on the wet back porch last week and broke my fall with my writing hand, so writing right now :(.

I'll try some time later this week if my wrist stops being a pain in the ass. I think I might have sprained it :(.



Say it isn't so....

Ah well, there goes my reading fix for Monday. Get some Ace bandages, not for your wrist, use Motrin and a hot pack for that, Ace wraps make good improvised restraints!


like you need some duct tape to to shut her up. **evil grin**

You don't owe us an apology, we owe you thanks.

I appreciate that you want to let readers know that there will be a delay in posting the next chapter, but there is no need for an apology when circumstances are beyond your control or a muse isn't cooperating. You regularly provide great stories; I will content myself with re-reading other stories of yours until the next chapter appears.

Take care of yourself and get better.

Hope you feel better!

D. Eden's picture

And not just because I miss your writing!

They say that into each life a little rain must fall, but it sounds like you're having a thunder shower. Hope it blows over soon for you.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I'm SOOOOOO sorry hun

Samantha Heart's picture

THAT SUCKS :( I'm sorry hun I know you can't afford anywhere else to go I kow that feeling VERY well.... so... Get better soon.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.


Enemyoffun's picture

Well the good news is that I did manage to finish Ch.8 today. So I was able to send Chs. 7 and 8 off to my editor. I want to write at least up to Ch.10 before I start posting again though so it might be a few weeks before there's any new chapters.

The even better news is that I have several chapters all mapped out in my notes so its not like I'm going to run out of ideas for this story for a bit :). I might even be able to finish this one with the notes I have :). Oh and I already know how its going to end...prepare for a MASSIVE cliffhanger :D.