I could NOT do a hundredth of the research coming my way without the help of so many eyes out there catching the items not making main stream news. Once again I thank phydeau for her support. Please understand transgender are individuals and are not produced from an assembly line where all think alike and have the same opinions and ideas. They aren't mass produced in an evil lab to take over the world. About the only thing in common they have is they are some of the most intelligent people one will ever meet. For many their IQ is normally MENSA grade if one can get past their intentional failing to try and blend in with the rest of society. The human race is wasting an opportunity at the greatest resource on earth by ignoring, damning, and killing what I think are the most gentle people ever to live.
Samuel became Sadie with the help of an intelligent mother who took the time to figure out why her son wasn't happy.
If one is trans and does not blend in perfectly, for God's sake be constantly aware, there are those hate with enough evil to kill. Snowfall told it perfectly on "Stations Late Nite Princess"
Be yourself, accept nothing less as to do so is to hide God's Gift. But if you are trans do it with the intelligence you were given that goes with that gift.
It's interesting that severe violence or death
seem to happen more in third world countries than the developed ones, with the exception of the US, where the death toll of transgender people is quite high compared to Europe. Mind you the number of violent deaths, especially with firearms is also higher than in Europe (excluding Russia).
Not being very scientific about it.
I had a very personal interest in this, starting in the 1950's, though I would not understand until the late 1980's, or perhaps still don't understand as much as I thought. Over the years it seemed to become clear to me that those murdered were often engaged in high risk behavior, so I've done my best to not do those things. All too often trans folk are killed at 1:00 AM on a lonely country road or some such.
I find I pass better, especially now that I have lost my youthful deportment, when I dress very modestly and wear Hijab. Oh, I had my days of 3" heels, stockings and mini skirts. But now people fake puke and tell me to cover that up.
In some areas, if people know you are trans they will likely kill you.
Daughter's transition. If properly diagnosed/described, she never had a son.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Most here would understand.
But remember we are dealing in the real world with the majority who haven't a clue except what bias they read in the tabloids or watched on TV. Thus one would be trying to explain to John Q Public, "She changed her gender from girl to girl."
John, "Say what?"
"She changed to a girl."
John is now totally not with us. "A girl changed to a girl? Lay off the weed man, you're losing it."
When dealing with the general population one must get down on their intelligent level to carry on a conversation or else forget the message. A long long time ago this was brought home to me very vividly although the guy was a total ass for saying it. I decided then the guy he was talking about was probably the smarter of the two even if he was a little slow.
"Never have a conversation with an idiot because those listening can't tell which one is the idiot."
Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl