I don't know where this stuff comes from

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Sometimes I just blurt out stuff I didn't know I was going to say until I said it.

Yesterday, my brother and I were discussing politics, or really complaining about politics and I said, "No one wants to address the elephant in the room, let alone pay for the postage."

Don had a coughing fit. :)

Speaking of which, last night at our local authors' group, the subject of gargling came up. I said, "I've never been able to gargle, I don't know how. If you hear me gargling, call 911 'cause I'm drowning."

It's true, I don't know how to gargle. If I try, it either goes up my nose or down the wrong way and then I get a coughing fit. I think I have an oddly-shaped pharynx. Which is either an ancient Greek military formation or the new fuel cell hybrid from Hyundai.

Sometimes I don't even know what I'm going to type until I see it.



You and me both..

Rebecca Jane's picture

Considering I'm transitioning in a highly masculine dominated field ( aircraft mechanic with about 140 mechanics at this facility) I tend to blurt out things I think is funny, and I shock the ever living Jesus out of everyone around me.. Most of the guys I work with are actually scared of the crap that comes out of my mouth these days..

I could probably fill a book of my witty and highly visual comebacks that these Neanderthals have had to suffer through.. heehee..


I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.


Alecia Snowfall's picture

"I'm afraid I only have 'carriage wit'."

"Carriage wit? What the blazes is that?"

"Its the clever remark one thinks of, when the party is over and one is riding home."

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

"I think I have an oddly

"I think I have an oddly-shaped pharynx."

Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory was concerned about his oddly shaped uvula. You could probably have a throaty conversation.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

you should talk with dorothy

She uses stuff that I have NEVER heard before from other people, and playing wow for a decade i have had contact with a LOT of people, nor have they ever been used on television.

Yet she says"but everyone says that!"

sometimes it's a local thing.. Like Norlens "New Orleans" Yall.." you all" ruff"Roof"

There is also cultural references.. "football" just don't even go there. Fist fights have and will break out over that. Not kidding!

Don't be a hoser eh! Surprise! Most Canadian's never speak like that except when emulating that movie. Though to be fair Canadian beer has a higher alcohol content.

Canadian accents

erin's picture

I was talking to one Canadian friend and I mentioned that he barely had a Canadian accent at all and he explained that he came to Vancouver as a little kid and BC does not have as pronounced an accent. I asked about another friend of ours, if he was from Calgary and got a confirmation but the first guy wanted to know how I could tell. I said three things, he says "oat and aboat" which is the stereotypical Canadian thing, he has a clipped drawl and speaks in a Red River singsong like someone from the movie Fargo. Only place I know that does all three is Calgary. :)

I grew up in Brawley, CA, a big rodeo town and in the fall the place was thick with cowboys from Calgary trying to make points in the national rankings at the Cattle Call. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


I hear Norlens frequently, and y'all is too common to make note of. Oklahoma gets a blend, true Southern accents, a chunk of Texas, and a little Appalachian. The southeast corner of the state is called "Little Dixie" for a reason. Out in the panhandle some mid west creeps in.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


That is 1 funny post :-)

It is only because your

It is only because your tongue gets caught around your eyetooth and you can't see what you are going to say.
That is how it was explained to me many long years ago. ;-)