Emma's Story: Chapter 3

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Emma’s Story: Chapter 3
Samantha Jenkins

We had been shopping for about an hour when I heard a voice that I recognized. Mom and I each had bags that contained various pieces of my new wardrobe, and I was holding on to her hand.

“Mom!” Mom squeezed my hand and we both ignored the voice that we recognized as belonging to Rachel. “Mom, Wait up.” Rachel must have ran to catch up to us. By now we had people looking at us.

“Oh, Hi Rachel.” Mom said. “What are you doing here?”

“Lizzy’s mom thought we needed to burn off some energy, so she brought us here.” Rachel said. She glanced at me. “Mom, who’s that little girl?” It took everything in me to not respond to Rachel calling me little.

“Rachel, I’d like you to meet Emma.” Mom said to Rachel. Rachel had on a pair of denim shorts and a pink camisole. Rachel looked me up and down.

“Hi Emma.” Rachel said, with a smile. I had obviously passed muster with her and she thought I was a girl.

‘Gee wiz,’ I thought ‘Does everyone think I’m a girl.’

“Hi Rachel.” I said. Rachel turned to their mother.

“Mom, who is she? She looks like Justin.” By now Lizzy and her mom had caught up to Rachel.

“Hi Sharon.” Lizzy’s mom said to mom. Now I had Rachel and Lizzy giving me a once over. For some reason I started to get scared and moved behind mom.

“Hello Rebecca.” Mom said. She glanced around. “Let’s go back to our house so we can discuss this… I wasn’t going to tell Rachel yet, but it may be time.”

“Tell me what?” Rachel asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” Mom said, leading us out side. Mom, Rachel and I got into Mom’s car, and we watched as Lizzy and her mom, Rebecca got into their car which happened to be parked four spaces away. Mom backed out and drove toward the house. I looked behind us and saw that Rebecca and Lizzy were in their car following us. It looked like they were having an animated discussion. Mom backed the car in the driveway, and Rebecca pulled in, shut off her engine and got out of her car. The five of us walked into the kitchen where mom started a pot of tea. Mom looked at Rachel, Lizzy and I. “Girls, go sit in the living room, and wait for us, and please no asking Emma questions.” The three of us nodded and headed into the living room. The children sat on the couch which would hold three adults, and Mom and Rebecca sat on the love seat which seated two.

“Ok, Everyone has been wondering who Emma is. Emma is, well, Emma.” I blinked a few times. This wasn’t what I expected to happen.

“Huh?” I heard Rachel say. Being two years younger than me, I didn’t expect her to get what Mom said, never mind the fact that I didn’t understand it.

“Rachel, Emma is your sister. She is going to need our love and support for some time to come if my guess is correct.” Mom said. Rachel’s jaw dropped and she looked at me.

“Wait, Emma is Justin?” She said.

“Yes, When I got pregnant with Justin, I was majoring in Computer Sciences with a minor in psychology. I was actually thinking about switching that around when I learned that I was pregnant. One thing led to another and I ended up leaving school to raise your brother. When I left school we had just finished studying about a diagnosis called Gender Identity Disorder.” This got the three children looking at each other. “I’ve been noticing signs in Justin that have had me pouring over my notes and doing some research on my own. Emma, you have an appointment on Tuesday.” Rachel reached over and hugged me, a little tighter than I would have liked, but it was still a hug, something that Justin rarely got from Rachel.

“Mom, how long is Emma going to stay with us?”

“As long as she needs to. Rachel, you thought that Justin had been getting into your things for a while now, right?” Mom asked. Rachel and I both blushed.

“Yes, Mom.” Rachel said.

“So this has been going on for a while then. Emma, come here.” I got up and walked over to where mom was sitting on the love seat and sat on her lap where her right hand was resting. I curled up into my mother like I always did. I couldn’t believe that Mom had just told Rachel and Lizzy about Emma. I laid my head on mom’s shoulder and started sobbing. Mom stroked my hair and I calmed down. Rachel and Lizzy were looking at me, but not with hatred in their eyes, they were full of compassion.

“Emma, what do you think about sticking around for a little bit?” I lifted my head from Mom’s shoulder and looked at her.

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littlerocksilver's picture

Nice story about compassion and understanding.



Emma's Story: Chapter 3

Nothing like the bonding of sisters.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

it all seems

too easy - but good emotion and wonderful support.

Definitely nice that Emma's

Definitely nice that Emma's and Rachel's Mom had a degree with a Psych minor and understood GID issues. She will be a true help for Emma and I do believe that Rachel, Lizzy and Rebecca will also be there for Emma.

Emma has two new sisters

Renee_Heart2's picture

I notced one misstake hun you said "Emma checke me up & down", I think you ment Rachel, please corect me if I'm wrong. I'm liking the story so far the chapters are a bit short but so far so good.
Love Samantha Renee Heart

Love Samantha Renee Heart

If Emma is looking her self

If Emma is looking her self up and down without being in front of a mirror, that's a pretty impressive trick. I corrected it after I saw your comment. It was supposed to be Rachel.


Emma - nice story!

Lovely, what a Mum?


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)



Nothing like coming straight to the point - but then again, mum does have a background in psychology so. I'm guessing she's met Rachel and Lizzy often enough to work out they're open minded and will help / support Emma as much as she's planning to. She's almost certainly chosen a supportive psychologist for Emma's appointments.

However, I suspect she'll need all the support she can get when she starts attending school as herself, as it's fairly likely a minority of pupils will attempt to make life as unpleasant as possible for her. If other school-age stories are anything to go by; name-calling, nasty notes on lockers, physical bullying if found alone in school corridors, letters of complaint from parents to the relevant authorities, etc. etc.

But that's likely to be several chapters down the line. Until then, let's just revel in the love, acceptance and sweet sentimentality of the story to date...

Onwards to Ch. 4...


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


Pamreed's picture

I am jealous of Emma!! Why couldn't this have happened to me. I know my story is quite different to this one but I can dream!!
I had to wait until I was an adult and transition on my own with no support!! But I made it and am very happy with my life!!
I will enjoy this story and dream a little as I read it!!

No green eyed monster here

Jamie Lee's picture

The green eyed monster Emma believed everyone would see never occurred. Even when Lizzy, Rachel, and Rebecca were told.

So far, Emma's emergence has occurred smoothly. Yet there are those who will see the green eyed monster and react accordingly. Sharon needs to sit down with Emma and help her plan how to react to these people before they are encountered.

Others have feelings too.