Emma's Story: Chapter 1

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Emma’s Story: Chapter 1
Samantha Jenkins

I had just slipped one of my sisters dresses on and had gotten it zipped up when I froze in response to hearing a sound. I was supposed to be home alone on this particular Saturday, as Mom and Rachel had gone out to do some shopping for one of Rachel’s friends birthday parties.

“Turn around, let me get a look at you.” I heard mom’s voice from behind me. I slowly turned around, figuring that mom was going to be pissed at me, instead she was smiling. “What’s your name?” This puzzled me.

“I’m Justin.” I said, confused by the question. “Am I in trouble?”

“I know what your boy name is, silly. I meant what is your name when you are wearing your sister’s dress?”

“Oh.” I replied softly, my voice almost a whisper. “Emma Michelle.”

“Ok, Emma. How long have you been dressing up?” Mom asked.

“About three years.” I looked at the floor, hoping that it would swallow me where I stood. I saw mom’s hand reach under my chin and then felt it start to rise as she lifted it up.

“Are you afraid that I’m mad at you?” She asked, crouching down to look into my grey eyes.

“Yes.” I said quietly. Mom reached down to take the brush that I was holding in my right hand. I released my grip as she moved behind me and started brushing my hair.

“Why would I be mad at you, Emma?” Mom asked, running the brush through my blonde locks of hair. This had a comforting effect on me.

“Because I’m dressed up in Rachel’s clothes. Speaking of Rachel, where is she?”

“She’s at Lizzy’s. I dropped her off and then came back here to see if my suspicions were correct. She’s been noticing that things weren’t how she left them.” Mom said, bunching my hair into a bunch on the left side of my head. I saw a white ribbon go that direction. Mom did the same thing on the right side of my head and I saw that another white ribbon head toward that side of my head. Judging by the two bunches, I now sported pigtails. Mom gently spun me around so I could see my self in the mirror. A twelve year old girl looked back at me. Rachel was ten, and I was small for my age. I blinked. Mom was standing behind me smiling. “What do you think, Emma?”

“I…” That was the last thing I remembered.

* * *

When I came to, I was in the living room, with Mom rocking me. We were sitting on the couch, and I heard some soft music that I recognized as Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony.

“What happened?” I asked softly. Mom glanced down to see that my eyes had opened.

“Well, I think you fainted. You saw how pretty you were and then it was lights out…” Mom said. I sat up and looked down toward my feet. I was still wearing the baby blue dress and white mary jane’s that I had slipped onto my feet before Mom had startled me. I pinched my arm, wincing in pain. Ok, this isn’t a dream.

“I fainted? I think that’s the first time I’ve ever done that…” I replied.

“It is. How’s your head?”

“It hurts a little bit. Was the girl in the mirror me? That’s the last thing I remember seeing. A cute girl with grey eyes and blonde hair.”

“Yes, Just-“ Mom stopped and looked at me. “Emma. That pretty girl was you. You look just like your sister, only a little older.”

“Can we try the mirror again?” I asked. “I want to get a better look at that little girl.”

“Well, I wouldn’t call her ‘little.’” Mom said with a chuckle. “She may be shorter than other girls her age, but she gets offended if someone calls her little.” I smiled at my mom, she knew me pretty well. One thing I hated was to be called little, but in this case it seemed to fit my current appearance. Mom gently took my hand and led me back upstairs to her room where she had a full length mirror. Mom stopped at the top of the steps. “Close your eyes, sweetheart.” I did as she requested and felt her lead me along the carpeted floor. I figured we were going into her room. “Open your eyes.” Mom whispered in my ear. I did as I was instructed.

“Mom, are you sure that’s me?” I asked. The mouth of the girl in the mirror moved as I spoke. I lifted my right hand and the pretty girl in the mirror lifted her right hand as well. Mom was standing behind me smiling.

“Yes, Emma. That pretty little girl is you.” Mom said.

“I’ve never looked like this when I’ve dressed up by my self. How did you do it?” Mom smiled.

“Trade secret.” Mom said chuckling. “Your sister will be home soon, unless you want her to know about Emma, you need to go get changed and transform your self back into Justin. Bring me the dress and shoes after you change.”

“Umm, Mom, I’m also wearing ah…” I let thought trail off.

“Panties?” Mom finished for me. I nodded. “Give them to me and I’ll take care of them.”

“Ok.” I said, walking into my room to change.

To be continued...

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Good start

It is a good start to an ever-lasting story.

Grace & Luck be unto ye!

Emma's Story: Chapter 1

Now Emma can learn the fun things about being a girl.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Great Start!

Let's see where it goes from here!


It is always wonderful when

It is always wonderful when you read about an accepting parent and I do hope an accepting younger sister. Will be very interested in seeing how Emma does as she progesses.

Good start but

It all seems too easy so far. I guess that Mom already had a pretty good idea of what she was going to find though. It will be interesting to see where you take this one.

It should be easy....

WebDeb's picture

at ths stage of the story, she has recieved her mother's unconditional love. (as it should be in an ideal world)
I'm sure if she follows her heart she will encounter obstacles along the chosen path, but nothings worth having if you don't have to fight for it.

I will wait in anticipation for the unfolding plot of this intriguing story.

Good Start


Enjoyed the start of the story, now where will it go. I wonder why mom was so excepting? Is it just her nature or does she know someone else who is/was transgendered.



Lucky little girl.

Nice beginning. Looking forward to seeing where it leads.

Must be nice to have a supportive mum.

Thanks for the story.


Growing old disgracefully.


So far so good

Renee_Heart2's picture

So far it looks like a good story I look foward to reading more
Love Samantha Renee Heart

Love Samantha Renee Heart


It's always nice reading a "Caught with Positive Consequences" story, as opposed to its evil twin. The episodes aren't too long either, which means that I can catch up quickly. Yay!

Onwards to Ch. 2...


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


Pamreed's picture

What a wonderful way to start this new year!!! Now to see where this story goes!!

Mother's always know

Jamie Lee's picture

Seems moms have this sixth sense in being able to suss out when something is happening. Or maybe it's just when items mysteriously move around in someone's room.

This mom has a lot of love for her son, now maybe new daughter, which accounts for her not throwing the boy around the room while telling him what a sissy he's being. She's also a wise woman, realizing her son needs her help over her admonishment or anger.

Did Justin really faint because he finally saw his true self? Or because of all the pent up anxiety of his mom finding out about Emma? Or both? Regardless the reasons, his loving mom has now seen her new daughter and approves.

Others have feelings too.

How sweet of Mom!

Daphne Xu's picture

How sweet of Mom!

-- Daphne Xu

Oh, how I wish

my own mother had reacted any where near as well when she caught me. How different my life would have been.