Call It Kharma or Lucky Charm

A word from our sponsor:

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It has become increasingly apparent that there is direct correlation between when I send money to Hatbox and good things happening to me.

I don't own a rabbit's foot. Although there are several bunnies in our backyard, they're intact with all four paws.

There are probably some four leaf clovers in my yard, but they would be under a foot of snow and not functional.

I don't have any special amulets or lucky charms.

It seems that my good luck is created by the kharma that accompanies a donation to Hatbox.

I'm sending an additional $100 this month because you need it, and I need the reciprocal good fortune.

Thank you.



Thanks, hon

erin's picture

And good luck!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Just filed my taxes yesterday.

If y'all can hold on 'til I get my federal return, I'll be able to send something in too. This time of year hours where I work get cut pretty severely, but I'll do what I can when my windfall comes :)

Melanie E.

On an unrelated note: I checked my credit for the first time today. I was expecting something horrible, but all I got from the site was an N/A as I don't have enough information for them to give me a score, with the only thing noted on the report AT ALL being a credit check from somewhere (most likely work) about two years ago. So, no credit is better than bad I guess?

Uh Huh

Several companies that make decisions based on credit (that I work with) consider a "no hit" to be average credit. So much of the United States economy is underground to avoid the taxman. No hits are very common in the rural areas of my home state.

The last time I checked, my credit was 812. With that and a box of Crackerjacks you get a free prize.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Lucky you!

I donated to the account listed on the Elen Hayes page on in the hope that she will post new chapter of Tuck just a little bit sooner... and it seems that no one had heard from her since that date...
I am worried about BCTS future as I made donations here...
(I hope to ressurect my home computer in the next week, so I will be able to make donation sometime in February... Hopefully BCTS will survive my donation...)

Uhmmm Erin Isn't Done

I feel the same way about restaurants. Every time I start to really like a restaurant, it goes out of business.

In this case, the probability of Erin going out of business is quite high given that this site doesn't meet it's expenses. It is also quite low given that Erin has faced the wolves at the door for many, many years and kept the doors open.

Last summer I gave Donald trump zero chance of winning the election. I said, "For him to win they're going to have to find pictures of her doing something nefarious to Bernie's campaign so that she didn't win the primaries fairly AND they're going to have to have one hell of a last minute disclosure regarding the emails. Of course, that won't happen because they never do that sort of thing within 90 days of an election. Yep, she has zero chance of wining." Actually it was Ron Brownstein who said that at a private meeting I attended where he spoke.

My predictions for the future of this website are that one of these day Erin is going to wake up and say, " WTF. Either they want me to continue or they don't and it certainly looks like a lot of them don't care."

Who did you say is being inaugurated?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Yes, it is hard to make people care, sadly

Everybody still has this 'everything on the internet should be free mentality' but, sorry, no it aint. With the increase in her monthly needs, Erin will need a lot more of those minimum (modest imho) 10 dollars per month donors. Funny how many people manage to spend more on Starbucks each month and are unwilling to do a very modest donation.