Shadowsblade: Dead ringer part 4

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

In this chapter...We find out what happened to Rohanna and we find out how she is helped by her friends with the new twin.

To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there!

This is the chapter some of you have been waiting for! This is the last part, a short one to finish it up. So that it flowed better with the next chapter in her story.

More to come soon!
In this short part, I open many a door to new parts of her past life and future to come. Readers will have to see where we all go on this ride!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.



Sunday April 16, 12:05 am
Abandoned lab hallway

With some effort, Sara slid the stone out of it's place a few inches and then it started to slide on it's own. When the stone had slid enough distance so that she could see it was being pulled out by two of her father's huge assistants. Once it was clear of the doorway, they shoved it aside and stepped out of her way with a bow of respect, "Mistress?" Both asked.

Gothmog smiled at her, as he leaned in a almost human like way against a doorway across the hallway, "Well you're early! I thought for sure all that would have taken longer?"

"No daddy, it did not. You prepped the room very well for me and left only the required parts to finish up in that spell," she smiled at him and rushed over to give him a quick hug.

"So did it work pumpkin?"

"I think so?" Sara pondered while looking up to her fathers face, "But Rohanna's brain is still processing that change and we need to get her back to her room, so she can rest a bit more."

"Anything strange happen or look out of place to you, during your casting of that spell?"

"I have only one worry daddy?"

"Yes?" he nods back to her and encourages her to go on with a bright smile of perfect teeth.

"When the spell had finished most of it's work and hit it's peak? Rohanna started to blend her twins into one of us, a lesser version by far. But still a Mythos I think?"

"Did it stop, or keep on blending her?" he stands taller and looks more than worried now.

"The spell's ending declaration word, that stopped the blending of the twins and reversed it fully as far as I can see?"

"That is good, so Rohanna might be restored to full health and now has the brain to match her needs of having two bodies far better thanks to you!"

"Yes daddy, but lets get her over to Poe so she can rest in her room better."

"I will have two of my assistants carry them both over to Poe then?"

"No daddy, that would be a bad idea. I don't really want anyone here at Whateley to know we did this to fix her, some might see Rohanna as dangerous like me or worse?"

"So you going to carry one of her at a time?"

"No I already have an idea for this!" and Sara glances up to small Violet, who was still waiting on a huge pipe across the hallway for the spell to finish and gives her huge grin. "Violet? Could you fly on down her to me please?"

Violet shoots over to Sara and hovers in her face, "Yes Sara! Is she well now?"

"Yes I am sure she is. But Violet, what daddy and I talked about here just now? Could you please keep that to yourself for awhile...from Ro?"

"Why? I can't lie to her!"

"You do look after her?"

"YES, ALWAYS! That is what us Pixie do in life."

"Keeping this from her for a short while," Sara pinches her fingers at Violet and smiles, "That would give her time to blend and not worry if this spell might come back to bite her?"

"I understand, I will keep this secret from her...but remember if she asks me directly? I can't and WILL NOT DO IT!"

"Thanks Violet. Our next task is to get Rohanna back to Poe and since I don't want any of daddy's people seen doing that? Can you grow to full elf size and carry one of her for me?"

"Yes easily!" Violet smiles as she thinks, Ro is well and going home!

"Okay Violet, once you grow in size. We both go very quickly into the spell room and pick Rohanna up. Please don't linger in there too long, the spell has left residual Mythos magic all over that room and might pervert you, if you stay too long in there!" Sara gave the Pixie warning.

"Yes Sara, understood!"

"Well let's go now then?...Ready?"

"Yes," and Violet grew to full size, her armored face mask 'popped' on and she added the armors built in protection spell to help shield her from damage. Then she rushed into the room just behind Sara.

As Sara enter the room once again, she could still feel the spells residual magic wafting around the room and those with the gift of magical sight. They would see waves of multi-colored light flowing all around the room and some would seem to be dark and gooey.

On the floor's center, Violet found her target. Both Rohanna's lay in the circle of magic and twitched all over both bodies repeatedly. Violet saw that Sara was rushing towards one body, so she took a path to the other quickly.

As Violet pulled the limp Drow close to her, she opened her mind to hear what Rohanna might be saying mentally and got nothing by noise? "Sara? Rohanna is not talking mentally to me right now?"

"You silly Pixie, close your mind off in here or go insane!" Sara warned Violet in a harsh voice.

Violet nodded back to her and shielded her mind once again. Then sped out of the room, as fast as she could with the Drow in her arms and stopped in the hallway to be sure Sara was right behind her. When Sara cleared the doorway, Violet rushed down the hallways of this lab area and to the vast tunnel system that covered most of Whateley.

The walls of the tunnel system rushed past Violet, as she ran down all of them towards Poe's link to the system. She wanted to be sure that Rohanna was safe back in her room, long before the spell that made her 'elf' size expired.

Violet stopped in the exit of the tunnel just entering Poe, paused her near runing and yelped over her shoulder, "Lilac or Cein, please toss a invisibility spell on Sara now!"

When Violet had checked with a second glance back to Sara, that spell was indeed on her and working. She dropped one on herself and sped up the stairs from the basement to Rohanna's floor. At the right floor, she rushed down the hallway silently and at this hour almost no students were out of their rooms.

Cein flew fast ahead of her and hit the door that was Rohanna's room with a spell to open it wide and then flew in to perch on Violet's shelf overlooking the room. Violet was not far behind him, she rushed into the room, laid one of the Rohanna's on her bed and made room for the next one.

Sara was following Violet as best she could, she could easily out run the Pixie at anytime. But staying together was easier and safer. Sara felt that invisibility spell lay over her body and that style of Pixie magic left a small tingle to her. Once in Ro's room, she laid her burden right next to it's twin.

"Great we all made it and no Posies spotted us!" Sara almost shouted in glee.

"Yep, Pixie invisibility spells are very good and then add both of us are very silent when we run that fast!" Violet grins back, as she shrinks back to normal size.

"Well I am going to get them undressed and tucked into bed now!" Sara states and starts to work on undressing the ever twitching twin Drows.

Not too much time later, Sara had both twitching forms undressed and rolled them to the wall across the bed one at a time. Then she carefully 'tucked' them both in the bed under the sheets and a thin blanket.

Sara sat on the beds edge with a sigh, "Well that's done and just so you know Violet. I am staying until Ro gets up and moves under her own power."

"Fine with me, just no funny stuff!" Violet grins a warning, that is not even need as a joke to the Lust demon.

Sara giggles at the small Fae and lays on the bed next to the twin Drow, "I got that, I will stay on top of the sheets and keep her from rolling off the good night!" and Sara mentally flips the light switch off in the room.


Deep in my head, my brain has changed on a very deep level and now is much closer to what a Mythos like Sara is. Not the Drow I was earlier today! My DNA was vastly changed, each cell of my brain or brains? Each one is almost a brain to itself now and all of them seem to be doing one separate thought or controlling one small part of me...a thought of my past life, thoughts of the kids, thoughts of my training to shoot arrows so well and lastly some parts, they control just a finger on one of my bodies, or a leg, or my other senses.

I lay there hearing Sara and Violet all this time. The thought to smile, or tell them I am fine is floating around deep in me and I want it out on some level? But I can not grasp how to connect all the parts of my consciousness just yet!

Part of me wants to stand up, then walk back to Poe as both Sara and my Violet pick up the both of me. In a short time part of me notices for a bare second, Sara has laid me in my own bed, then that thought floats off and then refocused to come back as she lays next to me, so that I am safe for the night.

Slowly my thoughts and parts of my mind that control my body come together. Seeing, breathing, sight and all the import senses take the first spots in line as I form the connections to rebuild my consciousness, my very person, all over again. Pulling the thoughts of the past Drow I am, or the human man I was, this takes time and then I blend all of that past of mine, with the new memories I just experienced this past few months!

For sometime I dwell on what I had witnessed during that spell, what had looked at me from the abyss of the universe and what ever they were...they had stared at me with deep interest! Those Mythos seemed to be very fascinated in me, they reached far out to me, deep into me for a short time and wanted to drag me off to be with family? Until Sara called to me and pulled me back to home.

Finally most of my consciousness was whole again, all blended together and now that my fully reformed consciousness was here. I could ponder on my memories or thoughts and follow a path to a conclusion.

I find myself staring towards my wall with two sets of eyes, but it does not confuse me like before at all! The room gives off familiar sounds to me, the open windows to outside comfort me, Violets soft breathing above me, Lilac sitting next to her sharpening her spear for a fight to come and Sara laying next to me.

After my body rolls over, I smile to Sara, "Hi my love, I am back and feel much better!"

"Ohhh Rohanna," she gushes at me and hugs me so close it's hard to breath, "I am so happy now!"

"Good what day is it, I lost track of who knows what?"


Tuesday April 18, 11:40 am
Crystal hall

Well I was certainly surprised when Sara told me the date and time! Both of me leaped out of bed and managed to walk for the most part to the showers with ease! Taking a shower with your twin was different now that I could move both bodies about with ease. Since most of the other Poe kids where in class, I found no one to bother me in the showers and took a very long one to relax myself.

Now at Crystal hall, I placed six huge plates of food before my bodies on two trays and dug in with gusto! Boy was I hungry, not eating for over three days will do that to a Drow.

As we sat, I filled my face with food and managed not to spill too much with the newer me. When the second plate was finished each body! Gwen came bouncing up from her classes to sit next to me and Sara.

"Rohanna you're back!" she smiled to me, "We all wondered where you went, we almost called the security department to go look for you?"

"Yep back and much better for it!" I quickly said, between bites of dessert.

"Wow you are eating without spilling that all over? What fixed that all up, if I can ask?"

"Something special from someone very special to me and that is all I am saying while we are out in the open Gwen." but I winked at her and glanced at Sara while saying it.

Gwen smiled back to me, her understanding, "Well I am sure you will thank them later, in some close way?" she winked.

Later as I sat with Gwen and Sara. Toni came by with Nikki in tow and Nikki seemed to be on a upbeat day. After Toni 'vacuumed' up her food like normal, she stood behind one of me and started her therapy on my Ki up again.

"Hey we missed ya, but what ever you did to yourself? You fixed up lots of that damage to your Ki form and that's a good thing!" Toni told me while massaging my back and neck with her powers.

My head laid in my folded arms on the table top, while she did that massage, I was in bliss right now and nearly purred to her, "What ever you say Toni, just please don't stop...Gaea that feels so good right now!"

Nikki sat across from us and watched over me as she ate her lunch. What she noted was a deep change in me, those few days I was absent. My bodies had gained a more fluid grace that the old one had, not the jerkiness that was plaguing us just after Jobe had done her damage to me.

"Well it seems to me you are certainly getting better now, I have to wonder what did this?" Nikki grinned at Sara a little bit.

"Ohh who cares?" and Sara slapped me as I said it!

"Rohanna while you were gone, Venus Inc got a message from one of our clubs agents."

"Ya, so?" I question her while Toni switches up her work on massaging bodies.

"Well somebody important out there, they want to talk to you about a show, movie or something?"

"What or how did that happen, I never asked for that type of work and then how could they find out about me?" my newer body asked her with a slight slur on it's words, but far better than it could a few days ago.

"Well I can certainly guess, that sim run you did during your first days here. Someone secretly records them and sends them out as entertainment, that is why all matches held out there require a mask be worn to run."

"Humm no one told me that?"

"Yep, I am sure that is what happened to ya? Then how do you tell what body is what now? I can't anymore after you got the longer hair!"

"Well if you look closer, this one here," I wink to her, "it's the new one and you can tell by the muscles are a bit smaller. But I will work on that! The only other way from your viewpoint, is that scar I still have right now in the center of my chest from that blade being RAMMED trough me!"

"You still have that!" a very shocked Nikki asks me.

"Yep for now, it will fade in a few months. Remember that was a cold iron blade and us Drow burn from that death metal far more than you ever will do!"

After we all finished eating, I walked with the others off to their classes. Along the way my old self ran off and ran a loop around the walking group of us. This felt so much better now, me being able to do this simple thing.

"You running around like that, it shows me that all is nearly back to normal with you Ro!" Gwen shouts at the passing body.

"Yes Gwen, it is and the new me will follow fast, as muscle memory develops in that body!" the body walking nearest her speaks with a slight slur.

"You mean this body don't ya?"

"Or this one!? I am not sure anymore?" I tease her, with the other body now.

"Hey what are you naming the new you?" Gwen asks me.

"Heck if I know, never thought of naming me or the new me?"

Gwen starts giggling at me hard, "How about Rehanna then? It matches Rohanna!"

"Why did you come up with that one?"

"Easy!" she shouts at me, "Rerun Rohanna, like a TV show!"

"Ohh no you don't!" I growl at her, "I let you slide with the Scooby joke and now this one!"

Toni perks up instantly when she hears that, "What Scooby joke?"

"Ruh Ro!" Gwen imitates the famous cartoon dog Scooby, "Like the TV show Toni!"

Right then the laughing started and did not fade till long after I left them at class.


Tuesday April 17, 4:05 pm
Dunn hall, Venus Inc club room

A few hours after I last saw Nikki, she had called me on my cell phone and asked me to show up at the club house for her modeling group at four PM. Of course since it was her, I agreed to show up and I was not doing anything anyway, just exercising on medical leave from that Jobe deal!

When I strolled into the club room, Nikki ran over to me from a light table where it seemed she was going over photos from a shoot. Then she gives me a fast hug, "Hey since you showed back up, I called that agent and he is waiting for a call back from us!"

"Why in the world would I do that, or work on a movie or TV show?"

"Well one thing! The more people see us elves out there in a good light and see us more often? They will learn to accept us and you get to walk out in the world without that darn illusion on ya!"

"That is one reason? But I am still very leery of the idea, look what happened to you last time you went to a modeling thing!"

"Well that is all behind me, besides you can take care of yourself and just take that army of Pixies with ya as reinforcements!"

"Fine, call the guy and let's see what he wants?"

Nikki dragged me over to a large desk and started looking for a small note in all the mess. While she did that, I was examining a studio lamp on top of a nice rolling stand next to the table. This style of lamp was new to me, with me being thirty years out of date. But I still noticed something wrong on it.

"Hey Nikki who does your repairs around here?"

"Why Ro?" she asks me as papers fly all over the desk from her maddening search for one number!

"Well who ever fixed this lamp last time, they goofed and it's more than dangerous! They swapped the ground, to the hot on the connecter...I can tell."

"Well...humm? Mark it with some of that red tape over there and leave a note?"

"Done!" and I go off to take care of that just as she finds the number!

Nikki dials it up, then drags me back to the table and grins to me as she nearly bounces about in joy, "I hope you get a part in a big movie!"

With only one ring someone answers the call on the other end, "TJA where can I direct your call?"

"Timothy John please, Nikki Reilly returning a call?"

"One moment...please?"

Just a second later a man comes on the line, "Nikki glad you called me back!"

"Yes Tim, I got in touch with her and she is standing right next to me."

"Hi Rohanna? This is Timothy John, I am a freelance agent and I got a call from a big wig movie director to track you down. He wanted to know if that video and pic's were really you?"

I just have to stare at Nikki, as I question the man, "What video is that and what pic's?"

"Well the video of you in Boston and the sim run you did. Then add the real nice...but a little racy pic's of you taken outside in the snow, while in a nightie?"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I explode and Nikki shrieks out quickly at the phone, "One second Tim?" then she hits the mute.

"Take it easy Ro...who knows what he is talking about?"

"He has the Boston stuff and the sim runs. THEN this bunch of what sounds like nudie pic's of me? Where in the fuck did those come from?" I rage on.

"We can ask to see them and really see if they are of you?"

"Ohh ya we are doing that!"

Nikki hits the mute again, "Tim can you send those pic's over to my e-mail? As we both have no idea that they are out there?"

"Ohh they might be stolen or faked or worse unauthorized! They will be sent in a second," now we hear a few muffled words from his end asking a secretary to send those right now.

"Thanks Tim, but what or who is this deal for?" Nikki asks.

"Can't say, that is how big this guy is and his picture. I can have him see you in person tomorrow...if you agree to it? He is in NYC for other auditions, so he can meet with you...say evening your time?"

"Fine with me?" I say more than reluctantly.

"Tim, do you have a part for a red head elf in that movie?" Nikki grins.

"None right now?"

"Tim, how about a part for a AIRheaded elf, Nikki can fit that part easy!" I say evilly.

That insult gained a 'punch' to my arm, that was FAR less than playful in its force, "Hey, I am not an airhead, Ro!"

Tim chuckles back to me on the line, "All this guy is looking for is 'mean' looking roles for now?"

"Ohh Nikki can do that too! You should see her when she wakes up, boy she is a real stone bitch till that shower starts!" I start laughing while Nikki takes another swing at me.

"I am sure, but we are set and he will see you tomorrow. I got to call your club sponsor for a pass to get on cya from now!" and he hangs up laughing.

After Tim is gone, Nikki growls at me, "God you're mean today!"

"Yep, told ya long ago. I never had siblings, I have to make-up for my lost time I missed on having one or more and teasing them...with you!"

Right then, Nikki's phone beeped in her jeans pocket for a e-mail, she slid it out to key it and she looked at. When she did, the look of shock that flowed over her face, it made me more than curious!


"Ohh you don't need to know!"

"Well that was a good idea saying that to me, now I am sure I need to know!"

"Bad idea...very bad!" she shakes her head to me and starts to put the phone back in her jeans pocket.

"Nikki either show me or I hide your make-up Alaska!"

"You wouldn't!"

"Ohh but I would, it's best to know what hostages to take ahead of time and that is your bane that huge box of goods!"

"Ohhh Aung told me you Drow can...heck ARE evil!" she hisses at me and hands over the phone.

"Yep, trained to be that the best!" I warn her.

As I take the phone, I key the e-mail and look at the set of pictures just sent to Nikki. When I swipe through them, I am seething in anger and rage so bad, my whole body...heck both bodies shake and only grows with each swipe of a new picture!

What I find as I swipe a finger across the small screen, is the pic's of that first night I was at Whateley and Aunghadhail called me out to the Grove for a talk. Well during that call, I went out dressed for bed in nothing but panties and a nearly see-thru nightie! Thank Gaea that top was just enough, not to be fully nude and leave nothing to the sick imagination of Peeper!

"I am going to beat Peeper to death with a bat like a baby seal! No...beat him with both arms off Greasy's corpus!" I hand Nikki her phone back before I smash it in anger, then shout out my next idea for Peeper's coming pain! "No...I'm gonna rip out that small intestine out of his mouth, and then rip out his large intestine out of that narrow butt of his, and use him as a skipping rope!"

Nikki tilts her head to me, as she asks that next driving question of her's, "What in the heck were you out at night in a nightie, where Peeper could take pictures of you looking like that?"

"Maybe I should not say?"

"Ohh now "~"Well that was a good idea saying that to me, now I am sure I need to know!"~ she air quotes me perfectly!

"It was that first night here, Aung called to me from the Grove and I is? As is... as in ready for bed!" I say sarcastically.

Nikki starts tearing up I am sure thinking of Aung's loss again, "Sorry she did that!" she sniffs to me.

"Hey," I give her a quick hug, "she did not know what I was doing and you were not there to say no to her?"

"God I miss her! I need to find her, have you looked for me?" she begins that sad mantra again.

"Nikki I have been a bit busy getting a twin?" I say to her while the twin joins in that, now group hug.

Nikki laughs at the funniness of the moment, "Yes I guess you were busy and a fine twin it is!"

"Well it should be, the original was PERFECT! So says Jobe!"


Tuesday April 17, 7:45 pm
Melville cottage

Just standing at Jobe's dorm room door, I give it a heavy knock.

The door opens to me and I glare at Jobe standing there, "Hi Jobe, I am here for you!" I hiss at her.

A more than loud, "EEEKKKKKKPPP!" is all she does and the door slams shut to my face.

After I laugh at that for a second, I knock again and Belfy answers this time, "Heya Ro, here to kill Jobe?" she smiles to me.

"Nawwww, maim maybe? But I have orders not to kill...just yet! So where is she?"

Belfy hooks a thumb over her shoulder while answering me, "She is trying to open a back window to jump out!"

"On the fourth floor, she might make that fall without too much damage?"

"Jobe? You're kidding me, she is too stupid to land correctly and not break a leg!"

"Humm ohh well," then I sing over Belfy, who is getting out of my way, "Jobe look before you leap, I am down there waiting for you to fall on my sword!"

Jobe, who was busy at trying hard to open an outside window exiting the rear of the room, finally looks out. And sure enough there is a twin Rohanna standing there with a long, very sharp blade out and it's pointed up at her, all ready to be fell on. The Drow below her waves to her, seemingly inviting her to leap out the window and onto the extended blade.

"Go ahead Jobe...jump and save me the trouble of doing it later!" she yells up now.

"Yes Jobe, jump!" the Drow behind her inside her Dorm room barks at her back.

"Shit!" Jobe screams out and turns back into the room.

"Ohh well, we can try later?" I grin evilly to her.

"So what do you want, or should I just slice my own neck!"

"Humm the offer is a good one, but I am here to tell's oath night tonight" I sound off like a TV show announcer, "and I want you at the Grove trail at twenty minutes before midnight!"

"The Grove trail at midnight! The guards will go nuts and tell me to go back to my room?" she whines to me.

"Nope, they won't. Just say this...'I am a elf and I am out here for religious reasons' and they MUST leave you alone!"


"Yep, I started that little bit and now they can't stop us 'elves'..." I almost spit saying 'the word elf' to Jobe, "From going out there anytime we want to."

Jobe gives me a silly eat shit grin now, "So you say or at least agree, I am a elf now?"

"Not really, I just said that in a descriptive term for now? Maybe someday, I will think of you as one of us? But for now...fuck you Jobe!" I shout at the end.

Jobe gives my a very harsh stare, one that borders on a challenge to me! But yields when I 'perk-up' to her, then with a glance of submission down on her part and she asks me softly, "So you promise not to hurt me out there?"

"Yes, I already said that to you. But attack me out there and you're TOAST!"

"Understood, midnight, Grove path." she says flatly.

"And don't even think of forgetting or being late! This goes off at midnight, even if I have to drag you out there!" I warn her.

"Got it." she says to me and walks off into her room.

"Can I come?" Belfy asks me.

"If you want to and behave yourself?"

"Cya there! I will make sure she shows up...I want to be on your good side!"

"You are, just keep trying to be normal for an elf and think about what Jobe gets you into more from now on?"

"Bye Ro, See ya in class!" and she closes the door to me.


Tuesday April 17, 11:35 pm
The Grove trail

Jobe glares at his 'daughter' and complains for the fiftieth time tonight! "God I hate this shit, why do I have to be out here on a class night and I am going to miss my sleep!"

"The reason you're out you are a sexual pervert MOM and are paying for it!"

"Belfy has ya pegged Jobe!" I shout at her as I walk out of a shadow at her left side.

......"Yep she certainly knows you!" my other half says from the right side.

"I sure do! And hiya Ro, lets start the fun?"

"You need a 'skinning' knife of mine for this?" I jest to her.

A Now very frightened Jobe mumbles out to us, " But you said no hurting me?"

"Ohh I am not, Belfy might though?" I grin.

"Aww look mom is petrified?" Belfy pouts to me, then smiles in glee.

"Yes, but lets get this oath over with and I can make a play date with Sara I have tonight!" I sing out.

With that jesting done to Jobe and her more than worried now. Both of me lead the pretend Drow into the Grove beyond the trail's end, a few yards in Jobe glances behind her and notices two things. The path vanishes behind us and two of the most beautiful women she has ever seen in her life, are now walking right behind us.

One of them is tall blond with a perfect body, that smiles at her and the other is equally tall red head, that gives her a grin that reminds her of a wolf examining...prey! Both wear only the slightest gossamer gowns that show all of their smooth perfect bodies to the world!

"Who are those two girls behind us Rohanna?" Jobe asks me in a shaky voice.

"Those are my bidden Nymphs, they are here to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't get lost back there. Then they will watch over Belfy for me, while I finish up my deal with you." I simply state back.

"How did they become bidden to you?"

"Do you really want to know and have to join them for all time? We can quickly and simply arrange that for tonight!"

"Go ahead mom, I think that would be a fine choice for you!" Belfy laughs out.

After I laugh a little bit, we come upon the spring clearing and I wait for all of the group to walk in with me, "This is where you must wait Belfy, if you want to...please enjoy the warm waters of the spring and eat something from here. The two Nymphs will do anything you ask them too and keep you out of trouble."

"What can hurt me out here, it's too beautiful!"

"Well a Nymph can lure you off , then change you into one of them and you stay out here the ultimate Fae slut? Or a Bane-Sidhe might find you and scream you to death? Or lastly one of the other hundreds of ways to die out here?"

"No shit! Then how do you stay out here?"

"My kind live to protect the Groves, so in turn. They can not harm me, then the ones that do live here, they serve me and heal me when I am hurt in trade."

"Neat, I might volunteer for that!"

"You can, but it's a blood oath and binds your very soul to the task forever. That is not a light or small choice to make impulsively!"

"Okay, I will think more on that one?"

"I would not expect any less of such a choice."

Then I grab Jobe's arm, "Come on chick, we have work to do and promises to keep!"

After a short walk, we lead Jobe to a clearing of solid stone. The same one I used for my binding with my Violet. In it's center already for use, is a simple evoking circle that I had a Nymph draw out for me and I give Jobe a small shove to it's center.

"In ya go, now we start!"

For the next hour I tell her what is expected of this oath, then remind her of what she did to me and why this oath is needed. Jobe recites the spell for me a few times as a test to learn it, then quite reluctantly slits her hand to swear to it and invoke it!

As the spell swirls about her, Jobe understands that she just made a 'not so wise' choice just now and that frightens her badly. When the spell has finished it's task, Jobe steps out of the spell's circle of binding and glares at me harshly.

"What if I don't choose to follow this oath?"

"Well," I say as I take time to gather her spilled blood off the smooth stone of the clearing with a blade and scrape it into a vial with one of my small blades, "I use this blood to make you obey or punish you till you do obey."

"That does not sound fair to me?"

"Well you owed me a life...YOURS!" I shout at her, as I stand back upright with a vial of her fresh blood in my hand.

"So this is not fair then!"

"It is fair trade your oath to a set of choice or your life, if you don't think so? Appeal to the spirits of the Grove, then they will judge your plea and may grant you options to satisfy your grievance?"

"This can not be that easy?"

"It is, Blood spells are very binding on both parties and incredibly hard to break. Even I do not fool with them out of hand, or break them if I have a choice!"

"Ohh so you have oaths binding you too!"

"Several...and I can not reveal them or I die. See how simple and binding this can be?"

Something dawns on Jobe right then, a very scary thought and she asks the next question reluctantly, "If I had used your blood to change me to a full Drow like you, would have that spell or oath on you...may have affected me and bound me too it as well?"

"Well if that change you made, altered your whole body to a twin of mine and left your consciousness intact? I am pretty sure it would have bound you too and you would know pain beyond belief then...just like me!"

After I said that, my very sensitive ears heard a whisper on the wind 'Guardian we need to talk, see me in the secluded circle of knowledge where Aunghadhail was writing down her great memoirs'...the voice saying that, made me choke on the thoughts of her gone and the pain it caused Nikki.

Right then, I grabbed Jobe's arm and dragged her to the springs clearing "You have to go now!...Bye Jobe...and Belfy, I will see you my fellow Sidhe in class tomorrow!" and I faded from their sight back into the deeper Grove.


A few minutes later I was entering the center of a small clearing, this is where most of the other Fae held teaching circles with their young. But what I last remember about this place, was Aunghadhail sitting on one of the large smooth stones and writing like mad in books that I gave her.

Nearer it's center, I slow my pace, then search around me for the one who called to me and I spot a large tree that shimmers the slightest bit, then a elder Dryad mistress walks out of her tree to me.

I bow to the elder as she approaches me, "You called to me Mistress?"

"Yes I did Guardian," she bows back to me, "I have knowledge to gift to you from Queen Aunghadhail, she entrusted me to give this to you if she moved beyond us all."

"What, I don't understand? I do remember her writing many books, but thought most of that was for a library or to be given to me later...much later?"

"Yes for the most part, she left me instructions to give this to you now and the rest to follow as she laid out for me."

"Did she give you information on how to release me of my Geas?" I hope with all I have.

"She left much knowledge for you and Nikki to learn for yourselves, sadly that is not in this stack of tomes I give you tonight."

The elder Dryad leans nearer me, to hand me five large tomes covered in rich leather, but stops before she releases her grip on them, "Swear to me that the top two tomes, are given to Nikki before moonfall tomorrow? Or I can not give them to you."

"Gaea, that will harm Nikki in her very soul reading this so soon after Aunghadhail's passing, can it please wait a short time longer?"

"No it is now or wait for a decade and let fate decide the flow of the world from there."

"I swear on my true name that Nikki shall receive the two tomes."

"Thank you Guardian, I bid you good days." and she starts to walk off to her tree again.

"Elder?" I call to her.

"Yes, my Drow?"

"Are there many more tomes to see and read from Aunghadhail's hand?"

"Truly...there are hundreds of them, all filled with her."

All I could do was stand there in shock, all that waits for us to read someday and I hope that what I release, is not the last tome to be seen in centuries from now.


An hour plus after I had shoved Jobe out of the Grove nearly with my foot! I was walking into the clearing that Everheart had made for us to shoot from and towards a very happy Sara, who was leaning up against a large rock there, while grinning at me ear to ear, "Hi...all done with the fool?" she asked me.

"All done, now she knows not to mess with me or there will be consequences."

"Great, now get under this blanket and lets relax!" she sang to me.

After I laid one of me on each side of her, then fluffed the cushion that she brought for the rock and wrapped all three of us in the blanket...we were set!

When I was all comfortable and warm as a bug! Sara pulled out a fresh warm box of potato wedge fries and dipping sauces for me, then she gave me a small box of other various goodies and finally tossed a large bag filled with a variety of candy at Violet..."Eat up all!"

"So love, you did not tell me why you wanted to lay out here tonight?"

"I so wanted to test out seeing the stars with your eyes and listen to the forest out here like you do!"

"Sounds like fun, if you slide into my noodle, I can show you a certain spectrum of light and you can see that it makes the stars just 'pop'!"

"Okay, her I come!" and I feel her slide past my lowered mental shields and I lead her to where my vision is controlled by on conscious mind.

"Here it is, see that small band of light just above the infrared?"

"Yes!" Sara sequels to me, "that is sooooo neat, I can see what you mean!"

As Sara gazes up she cuddles closer to me and then glances over to the other me, "Humm I can only really cuddle with one of you at a time and I feel like meat in a sandwich of Drow! How fun is that!" she laughs at me, as we gaze up at the stars and just enjoy the sights.

As we both laid back, Sara made mental notes on what see saw in my head, what she found and how much closer it was to a Mythos like her in it's structure. But at last in any case, Rohanna was getting better and the worst of the Twin coming into existence was behind them both now.


Suddenly Sara is shaking me awake quite violently and yells into my face, "Wake up Ro, wake up darn it. It's just a nightmare!"

"What nightmare?"

"What ever had you tossing and turning just now?" she asks me.

As I lean up to sitting, I notice how heavy my breathing is from both bodies, like I just ran one hundred miles while carrying a small car on my back. But I am not scared or frightened at all...funny?

Then I remember what was just dreamt and all I can do is mouth out to her, "Wow that was strange!"

"What is that love?"

"That nightmare was not one, it was a dream of some sort?"

"Tell me, because it sure had you all riled up!"

"I was on a large hill, very large one and it overlooked what was Washington DC. But not the DC of today, but one that had to be in the future. The buildings were too tall and the cars on the highway below me, were not anywhere near what's around now. Then add to that, the jets rising in the sky far above from the airport were out of place?" I pondered them for a second, too many supersonic one's and others that looked like space born ones?

"Go on Ro?" Sara encouraged me.

"I was standing there with other Drow all around me, they were waiting for my orders and it was vast number of other Drow...nearly a hundred of them. Then there were thousands of Elves, other Fae creatures and many others I have never seen? All waiting for me to give the order."

"What order?"

"This was a Wild Hunt army and I was in charge of it."

"A Wild Hunt, these days? That would have been something Aung led into battle?"

"I know that, but I was in charge of this one and knew that others lay in wait for their own orders to fall in next to mine. Then a voice boomed from above me, or so it seemed too?..."Do it now!" demanded and I nodded the order."

"Then what?" Sara asked on the edge of her seat to say.

"It started, the army...the Wild Hunt made it's way into DC and killed every living thing it found. Humans tried to defend the city for a few minutes with every weapon known, but magic blew the tanks or planes aside like leaves in a storm."

"I guess scary then?"

"Far from it, I actually was enjoying it for some strange reason and I loved it. I was in charge and not being ordered! I lead that army, that Wild Hunt by my own choice of freewill and liked I loved it and I savored it!"

"You think you saw into the future?"

"Nope, Never heard of a Drow ever doing that and I am not going to worry about it happening!"

As I pulled Sara back closer to me, she worried and worried a lot. Mythos sometimes saw the future and so did Queens like Aunghadhail at times!


Wednesday April 18, 7:35 pm
Dunn Hall, Venus Clubroom

With a long day of trying new things out with Sara's new fix in my head! I had found out my issue with one body being too far from the other, is gone. So in the morning right off, that newer one of me went to the Doyle physical therapy room and worked out while 'old' me dealt with trying hard to catch up on class time...that was not going well at all.

Trying to catch up on over a lost week of labs and study class with human style magic was maddeningly hard. This type of spellcrafting, it never made sense to the 'Drow' in me and the human part was just learning the basics at best.

After what could be called a long day of class time and added punishment detail over at Hawthorn doing small chores and helping with tutoring that I enjoyed a lot! Once that was all over with for the day, both of me sped over to Dunn Hall and the Venus club.

When I entered the large room filled with all the clubs modeling needs, Nikki practically jumped at me in her eagerness, "RO!," she nearly shouted a whisper to me, "I got here early and he got here early and I saw him and he saw me and WOW you hit the mother load of all jobs and this is great! He is waiting in the next room for ya!"

I had to laugh at her, "You look like Nikki, but are you possessed by GO-GO the Poe speedster or what?"

"No silly, you...he...WOW this if great!"

"What or who is 'he'?" I question her.

"He...he...he is famous!"

"Nikki calm down, this guy takes a DUMP just like all of us do. I never met a 'famous' actor," I air quote it to her, "that hovers over the toilet yet!"

"The guy who wants to see ya is Peter Martin!"

"SO?" I question her logic, as my thirty year out of date mind has no idea 'who' that is?

"Peter Martin, he is a BIG director and has a HUGE budget for three or more of the Lords of the Thrones books to be made into movies...Hundreds of millions of dollars!"

"Humm Lords of the Thrones books? I had heard of them, but never had the time to read any of them?"

"Well now is your chance, when I heard he was here and this was what he wanted to see you for. I ran over to the library, grabbed the school's copies and brought them here! So read this you darn Drow!" she orders me and shoves a stack of six books at me.

I more than give her the 'glare of death' at the nearly 'order' style of her request, but Nikki's smile easily melts my resolve and my anger quickly.

"Thanks Nikki, lets see what this is all about then?" I say back to her, as I take the stack of books.

After the stack is placed on a nearby table, I take only one and concentrate on it and let my small power of speed reading take over. With some concentration, more than I think is normal for this task? Must be the clone still interfering a bit, I think to myself.

I quickly read one book via that power and move onto the next in the stack. In a few minutes of standing there silently, I am done and have an idea why this man saw me, then thought I would be good for a part in this film or films?

The part I am very sure he wants me for is one of a Drow assassin and mage. A very evil one I might add! One that can fight kind of well and use magic very well. But I have to wonder what he will think of having two of me now?

When I am done reading and walk off thinking of what I just read, Nikki more then excited grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the doors leading to a practice room of the theater, "Lets get moving and go see him!"

"Why Nikki, beside I said I that would? All this movie does for me, is gain me attention that I certainly don't want?"

"I already told you, you dim witted elf! This will gain you acceptance and you can walk around humans without that illusion charm! Just think of all the fun that might gain ya, no illusion and others will think that 'your cool'!"

Well Nikki opened that last door and dragged one me into it and the other followed out of habit...where marry went, the twin Drow was sure to go!

And inside was Peter Martin, who stood up when Nikki pulled me into the room. He quickly looked me over, no studied me and then the twin. Next he walked around the room silently, this shorter than me, rolly polly old man walked past me several times mumbling to himself.

Then he shouted out at all of us, Nikki, me and the club sponsor Mrs. Lillian Dennon or WindHammer to some.

"This elf is perfect, I had no idea that there were two of them! A small rewrite and I can easily add the twin into the story. A small plot change from the demon that kept the elf alive, to that you have to kill both twins at the same time or they come back!"

"Not elf, Drow!" I corrected him under my breath more than once.

"But this pair of dark elves are perfect! And boy do they have fit bodies...that just looks evil or what?" he asks Mrs. Dennon, then makes a grab at my shirt and tries to pull it up to see my belly better.

"HANDS OFF HUMAN, or pay for it!" I bark at him, as I slap his prying hand away.

"Ohhh perfect line there girl elf, did you practice that one?"

"Ahh Mr. Martin, Sir, That was not Rohanna acting at all. She was warring you not to touch her without asking or get hurt and she is right. She is no where used to how modeling is done. So ask her please?" Nikki cuts in front of him and warns him off for me.

"Sorry Ronna? was it?"

"Rohanna!" I correct him.

"Rohanna, and the twin then?" he asks.

I had to go with what Gwen said to me only a day or so back right was the only thing that fit me, "Rehanna, sir?" my other body says it's name for the first time ever and now it's done for the centuries to come. She has a name!

"Great, but now to the important stuff! Can you fight or use a sword...say yes please? That will save me so much time!" Martin says while lighting a cigarette up.

When he has it lit and goes to give it a pull of smoke into his lungs. I pull out a sword, knock the fiery 'cherry' on the lit end and then step to one side of him. Slice the cigarette so near his fingers, I slice hair off them and then 'bat' the cut tip into the air with my blade. And my twin, she spikes it to the far wall with a dagger.

I had to still mentally separate the action of the new twin and then I barely made the dagger toss in time to hit the target! Gaea this clone me, she needs work to get to full speed!

"No smoking in the theater please?" We both ask him politely.

He just stares at the cut cigarette and laughs out, "Perfect little lady perfect! I will save so much money and time on not having to use a stunt person for your parts! But do you know how to fight with your hands too?"

"I could show you, by breaking most of the bone in your body? But that might delay the movie a little bit?"

"Ohhh Mr. Martin!" Nikki interrupts me, "Rohanna and her...sister?" Nikki glances at me to be sure and I node to her, "They are the best Sidhe or Elvin fighters you will find. She has years of training that would surprise you!"

"Great, I think we have a deal if you want the job that is? I was told you were not so sure if you even wanted it?"

Before I can even think, Nikki jumps in again, "Can the twins think it over for at least tonight and we call my dad...her guardian and see what he wants to do?"

"Fine, I will call you later. The basic plans would be a test of sorts out in California in a week or so, then we go from there? And sorry the hear about the parents kid?" he nods to me.

"Long ago sir, very long ago. I deal with it, best as I can?" I admit to him.

"Good you think about it then! Call me soon please?" and after he walks off chatting with one of his many people. One of them hands me a card and large envelope of papers to look over.

"This is the basics of the film for your guardian to go over, basic filming is going to be in New Zealand for the summer and parts of Australia. So you will need a passport and MCO card of course?"

"I have both all done."

"The rest of that envelope contains, is the basic contracts...what you see is ours and you don't talk to anyone?"

"I understand...standard nondisclosures."

"Call me for any questions, name and info is on the flap. Good day!"

After the Directors party had left the room, I spill the envelope onto the table and start looking the contents over. The list of locations for filming, basic contract and more of that to come if I decide to go with this? The last thing falls out, a list of who is doing what job on the film and one name hits me like a stone to the head!

"Fuck this Nikki, I think this is a bad idea!" I explode at seeing that name and walk off to the doors exiting the room.

Nikki gathers the papers very quickly and runs off to follow me, "Hey Ro? Please wait up!"

She runs up next to both of me and tries to keep up with my much faster pace, "What's the matter, you suddenly got all sad, then real mad...I felt that flow off ya?"

"Hey you're not supposed to pry with that power of seeing emotions!"

"I was not, but when you burn with them like that back there? I can't help but not, to feel them?"

"I am sorry Nikki, something back in there got to me is all?"

"We can work it out, please tell me?"

"It's that old human in me coming back to haunt me, the one that should stay dead and I can't or won't deal with it now?" I admit and had to tell the hiding now from it. She asked and I had to say!

"This film, it's just a small step to something better and don't toss it all away for something that no one remembers but you?"

"Okay Nikki, I see what you mean and I will try,"

"Nope, you will do this and use it as your summer challenge then! Instead of loafing around all summer training and acting like a monk I bet!"

"I got it, but Nikki lets go to your room we have to talk?" I quickly change the subject to an even sadder task.

"About what?"

"Something not said out in the world...private?"


When we get to Nikki's room, she wants to shove Toni out for our coming chat. But I tell Toni to stay, I have to insist that she does. But I do make her swear that nothing said in the room, ever leaves it!

After Toni agrees to my oath, I start pacing the room very nervously, "Nikki I have been entrusted to give something to you and Gaea...please release me from my oath to do it now? This will cause so much pain right now and I am sure it can wait till later?"

"What is it?" Nikki now getting more than nervous asks me.

"To even hint or say it, will cause you pain...please let me delay this task? Only you can say something to slow this pain?" I beg her again.

"Can you tell me Ro?" Toni asks, trying to give me a way out of this mess.

"Nope, the oath is for only Nikki and it's her choice."

"Is this pain, as in bruises and blood?" Toni asks again.

"No, this is pain from ones soul, is the best way to put it?"

"Tell me Rohanna darn it, I demand it now!" Nikki yells at me.

"Fine I tried to slow this down and this was not me doing this?"

I hand her the two large tomes bound in leather, "What is this Ro?" she asks instantly.

"These are from Aunghadhail, she entrusted them to the Grove's keepers till now and demanded I give them to you by tonight 'or else' basically."

"But you tell them what to do out there in the Grove, heck they barely even listen to me! You planned this and held onto these books from Fucking should have died not her!" she raged at me as the tears flowed down her cheeks, I knew she was lashing out at me. But it still hurt to hear it.

"No Nikki...please? Aung set up the rules and told them what to do, I had no influence in this?"

"Get out of my room, you traitor to the Sidhe! Get out before I curse you and you should have died in her place!"

"Nikki? I would have done anything to save you from this pain...please don't blame me?"

"Get out of my room! You always hated her, wanted her dead from that first night and this is your revenge...doing this to me!"

"Nikk..." Toni was on Nikki's bed holding the elf's head and stopped me from saying anything more, "Ro get going now, while you can. She is going to have a bad night."

"Yes Toni...I am going." and I sulk out the door.

"I hate you Rohanna!" Nikki screams at her closing door and me.


Thursday April 19, 2:35 pm
Poe cottage

I was just outside of Poe getting some exercise done, when I saw Kodiak walking towards Poe and him coming here after what he pulled with Aung's death...then add all the OTHER shit to that! This man was not really welcome at all here in Poe anymore!

As he walked along the path to the main entrance, I ported one of me just in front of his path, "What do you want...bear?" I asked as I walked a slow circle around him

"Ro, I am here to see Nikki, that is all and this is none of your business."

"Ohh ya it is, especially if your here to hurt her again!" I shout in his face.

"Back off Drow!"

"You don't order me...bear boy!"

He shows me the bracers on his arms with a slight toss of his sleeves, "You know what these are and who I subsumed to get them, so have some respect!"

"You got those from the one being in the whole world, that had Aunghadhail's ear and might have stopped my kinds never ending pain! You're lucky I don't silt your throat right here and make a rug out of your carcass for my room!"

"Well then I guess we are going to have it out finally then?"

...."Yes we are!"
says the other me, just coming out of Poe's main door behind him.

"Not so sure now...bear boy, that you will win this fight...humm!"
the one in front of him, tones out to his face.

"How did that happen?" he asked more than surprised.

........"Things changed while you were away!"
growls the one behind him, as a blade falls into her hand.

"Wait Rohanna, I came to give this to Nikki." and he raises one hand to show me a small box.

Even though I can't see what's in that box, I know exactly what's inside it, because I feel it. That small thing in that box tells me what it is. Any Sidhe that lives should know that feeling by heart! But I am sure that many Sidhe alive right now, they do not know that feeling I am having right now this day. Because of all that live, only me and maybe Gwen know that feeling at all from personal experience.

"You bastard, bringing that here and today of all days! Let the kid rest a bit, before you rip her heart out again!"

"You know as well as I do, it must be done so the dead rest?" he sighs to me.

"GO...GO in there and stab her in the heart then. Make the stab deep as you can, make sure to twist that blade well and hard HEALER!" I insulted his old self and the fact he was once a great healer.

"I will try to be gentle Rohanna, I really don't want to do this task?"

"Well you are not shoving that task on me, I did my damage yesterday by giving her a memoir that Aunghadhail left in my trust and Nikki cursed my very existence for good luck bear boy in your sad task today!"

"Thanks Rohanna, maybe sometime later we should have that small talk?"

"Anytime you want to, just remember I still hold a grudge against that bear inside you!"

Kodiak nodded to me and walked slowly into Poe's doors. As he was shouldering quite a heavy and sad burden. Both of us followed the huge teen, as he wandered his path to Nikki's door.

At the door, Toni and him had a few selected words...none really friendly at all! While they spoke, Nikki must have heard them and came over to Kodiak say that sad mantra again "Kodiak, I can't find her! You promised you'd help!"

He went down to a knee, so they could be eye to eye. Because Kodiak was, huge well over six foot tall and Nikki was so very small next to him...a child...a very sad hurt child now.

They talked slowly in whispers over his refound armor, where it came from. I knew the story well. He saved Aunghadhail after a battle with his healing and she gifted the original Kodiak. One of the dukes of the court of Gaea, the highest healer in the lands. The armor that was once her broken breast plate, as those two arm bracers. They became far more than friends from that day on.

Then I witnessed the next sad part as it played out before me, Gaea that killed me*

Wyatt reached down and opened the box at his feet. "The seed of our revenge has sprouted and grown, majesty."

She looked down and her eyes boggled out of her head as he removed a circlet of Mithril with it's perfect amethyst. "The winter crown..." she whispered. "No. No! It couldn't be removed unless..." Her eyes went wider than saucers. "No!" She shouted. "No! She can't be...!"

"The Queen is dead," Wyatt intoned solemnly as he gently placed The Winter Crown on the head of Nikki Reilly. "Long live the Queen." The girls eyes filled with tears and what willpower she had to hold them back folded and broke. Nikki threw herself into Kodiak's arms and wailed her mourning.

"She's gone!" She sobbed. "Gone!"

"It's alright," he told her. "I miss her too."



In the paragraph above*** is a few lines copied on the Winter crown being given to Nikki from
North To Atlantis a story by E. E. Nalley
it can be read that the Whateley webpage

Shadowsblade here.

This story in a joint venture with a group of fan fic authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Tormented by the past, Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
They say old soldiers never die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Born for eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave
their nest.

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Watch what you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever
asked for.
This one is coming soon, bug him for it! lol

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Struggling with fate, Kelly has to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade
Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to
find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones. Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind, get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional).
This is the Whateley Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.'
If you want further information you will find them on.


But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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