Global climate chaos or Climate is what we expect Weather is what we get.
My collage degree is in oceanography from 1977 and it was an understanding that we were affecting the environment in ways we could not predict. Most people in the position to know were careful not to use the phrase Global Warming as it was inaccuracy and could easily be misunderstood. We were told to refer it as Global Climate Chaos theory. Racial Carson and her book Silent Spring had stunned many people into an understanding that our world was not unlimited in it's ability to support our attacks on it. This happened on top of the upheaval of the 1960-1970 social changes which has tried to create a better world with imperfect knowledge as to how things work and a general lack of tools to pull it off.
Since then the battle of words against this knowledge has been ratcheted up to the degree that acting irrationally is the norm and using our head has been treated as a sin.
We do have many practical tools that we as people can subscribe to in bringing our respective populations back to earth. There is no one solution but trying to solve out problems with the same tools that created them is just insanity.
As in Angharad's situation in her home country we in the Pacific North West have had a very wet winter, spring and start to our summer. Things here have changed drastically for many years but thank goodness we have had much better luck so far in how drastic things have changed. I do not know if our luck will hold.
I wish to express an opinion that is mine but comes from years of observation and learning. Since the early success of of the environmental movement business has waged a war to trap the vast bulk of the worlds population in a trap that they could not get out of. Now we are blinded by the screaming press which is owned by these people we are, forced to bank. Buy, and Bow to at there whim.
But just like being caught in a rip tide if we think and learn quickly we can change the game by taking what actions as individualists that will add up to very large cultural changes. It is our actions that the few fear and can not control.
. Every one's situation is different but solutions we can act on are ignored every day these solutions chip away at the bigger problems our world has. . But we are at a fulcrum point and we need to gain a lever and a place to stand and with the help of the other people in the world we can shift the earth into a better place.
Angharad's riding her bike, My use of LED and florescent lights, and calmly talking fact to people I talk to when I can. another s use of a transit bus or car pool. For the billions of us there are 100 billion things we have choices of taking if we ignore the media that screams at us to give up we are all dead, every cosmic book villain does that and with 3 + billion of us as heroes they will louse.
Michele WhiteWolf
AKA Misha Nova
AGW is a cult.
There is no proof of any human impact on the climate.
I myself can seen that things are warmer than they had been in my youth, but there were periods within written history even warmer than today.
I'm not buying your brand of crazy.