The singer at Trumps inauguration is a 16 year old who has a transgender sister , I wonder if they knew this before the offer was make singer's name is Jackie Evancho and her sister is Juliet
sorry you need to copy and paste I don't know how to get the link up on blog
Mike Pence must be going nuts. Wonder what bathroom they will let her use
You can't make this stuff up what a nutting year this has been and 2017 doesn't look any better.
Link worked
Wow the link uploaded, call me surorised
Facebook post
Jackie did a Facebook post about her sister a few months ago and I imagine it hurt her ratings among some people. It was a big risk for Jackie but I am glad that she took it.
Trump's inauguration eh? I pray that his rise to power will not happen.
Juliet Evancho
has the support of Jackie, who has also performed for the Pope and President Obama. Sad that this precious family is being attacked from all sides. Juliet and at least two other classmates are embroiled in a reversal of a long standing trans-friendly bathroom policy at her high schopl in western PA. Liberals are now boycotting Jackie's music over her decision to sing the National Anthem at the Presidential inauguration. Conservatives are outraged over the publicity of her 'brother's mental illness.' It is a very sad day indeed.
Love, Andrea Lena
Not pushing the issue of GLBT
Most on "this side" of the situation feel if someone isn't pushing the issue of GLBT they are against us. Sorry boys and girls, your rights does not supersede another person's rights. I have never read where Trump or any of his people have been against GLBT. What they have openly spoken against is giving GLBT more legal favoritism than any other class of people. Why can't you understand if someone does not want to serve you, help you, rent to you, that is their right. When laws are passed and those "bigots" must do what I desire, then whose rights have been removed?
Equality will NEVER come at the point of a sword. It may be given but even more hate is generated. Want respect and to be treated equally and fairly? Then do the same. When people accept and become friends that is what we all strive for. Try and bear in mind the world is filled with hate, mistrust, and bigots of all classes of the human race. Even on this side of the street they are spreading hate and misery to all they can.
You think Trump and his team don't know about Juliet? You people haven't ever been scrutinized by the FBI have you? In a week they know more about you than your mom or yourself. They are really nice but a little stiff.
Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You said: "What they have openly spoken against is giving GLBT more legal favoritism than any other class of people. Why can't you understand if someone does not want to serve you, help you, rent to you, that is their right."
I say: Really?
So if someone doesn't want to serve a Jew, that's their right?
So if someone doesn't want to rent to a black, that's their right?
So if someone doesn't want to hire a woman, that's their right?
Should people on the LGBT spectrum have *LESS* rights than women (genetic?), blacks, Muslims, Jews, the handicapped?
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Should Muslims driving taxis serve people with service dogs? At the Minneapolis airport, Muslims taxi drivers refuse to take people with service dogs. Here, a meat market refuses to sell pork, because a Muslim owns it. But a Christian can be sued if they decide NOT to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple? Now who is correct, should - if you have a service dog and be refused service by a Muslim taxi driver are you going to sue? If you don't (because in their religion dogs are unclean), why sue a Christian bakery for refusing to bake a cake? My dad remembered the signs.. 'We Reserve The Right to Serve you.' mostly in upscale restaurant, so if a place that requires a suit and ties for the males and an evening gown for the females, will you sue if they refuse to serve you if you are wearing shorts, a t shirt and flip flops? Maybe you started a religion that makes it a sin to wear suit and ties or dresses?
TGSine --958
I always felt
That Trump doesn't really care one way or the other and just got on the anti LGBTI bandwagon to win votes on the far right. Which is a pretty deplorable act in itself.
Which makes me wonder.
Did he know and do it to make a point to the right, or not know and basically someone screwed up.
Do we need to bash conservatives?
Sorry, I am a conservative. Yes, it is who I am. My parents knows that I'm transgendered, yet they know I'm just like them - a libertarian conservative. If someone doesn't want to bake me a cake or photograph me, I'm not going to cry to the federal government, I'm going to find someone who will. Liberals are offended if someone doesn't want to bake a cake, yet if a Muslim taxi driver refused to drive you because you have a service dog, you support them because it's their beliefs.
I might offend people, but that is not what I want. My generation is looking at a bleak future because of the morons in DC. As Trump said we need to drain the swamp and I hope he and Pence will.
TGSine --958
You asked the question
I disagree with conservatives. I am a minority:
I am trans
I am Asian American
I am female
I am tech savvy and believe in science
I am lesbian
The 'swamp' is not what you think it is. The plutocracy that is coming in will not benefit me one bit.
The conservative boxes do not tick for the likes of me.
And I have to support you
Not have to but want to support you. OK, we might be different in how we were raised, but I know that my parents are teaching me to be me, not what 'the government' wants me to be. I don't need the government to tell me that I got to pay x in taxes if they are going to waste my hard earned money. (and yes, I run a lawn mowing and pool cleaning service). I know I am unusual, yet I want to support your right, too. However, if John Doe doesn't want to to clean his pool or mow his lawn because I am transgendered, I'm not going to sue him to make him hire me. It would be wrong, IMHO.
TGSine --958
I Thought
That they were going to play the Russian National Anthem at Trump's inauguration.
Or maybe
the Horst-Wessel-Lied?