...or is it Seasonal Affective Disorder?
There seems to have been an awful lot of anger in these blogs over the last month or two.
To take your mind of it, how about
Christmas is a coming
and the goose is getting fat
If you start getting angry,
kick the cat
Oops, I never was a poet and that will incur the wrath of the cat lovers! They'll bomb me.
Can anyone else do better?
The cat
I'd never kick the cat
I'm not like that, you see;
(I should mention that
The bugger's stronger than me!)
Radio Cressar - not available on FM
How about this one
I had an audition for a new role
I knew that I'd be perfect for the part
All I had to do was slide down a firemans pole
But I didn't get it because I could not hold back a Fart.
Just made it up.
which inspired me to compose:
I cut a fart and called it art
Peed on a tree, conceptually
And when I went and shit my pants
I got that big fat genius grant!
(What do you think, too Christmassy?)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
far better than mine.
Happy Christmas - here's mine
Christmas is coming
And I am getting fat.
Must be all the chocolate
What do you think of that?
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Another one...
Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
We are having turkey
The goose is glad of that
this true
Christmas is on its way
The cat is pawing me
What she's really trying to say
Is, we're overdue our tea.