Universe reading suggestions

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I have recently gotten bored re-reading the same things over and over. I have seen a few people over the past couple years suggest other authors universes i have fully enjoyed. Some being the Chakat universe by Bernard Doove, FreeRIDErs on shifti, and MORF's.

Any and all suggestions would be wonderfully appreciated.


older authors

try looking at Julie O , the professor go back to KT Leone's older writings . look at the center by lillith , dark realm by EOF
there are so many good stories from back in the early 2000's
happy reading HUGS

Make my day(s) stories

BarbieLee's picture

Try the longer reads which take a day or more
Being Diane by Dennis N. Adkins is no longer listed here but a very good read
The Deity Arms stories are hard to find unless I use Google to find them
Legion of The Anari is a heck of a read if you can find it. Google didn't pull it up. probably misspelled
there are thousands more and one could read for a lifetime and never read them all
If one knows how to use the WayBack Machine many stories long removed because of failed URL or authors no longer with us can be found.
Really talented authors out there posting their stories

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I love the story.

I love this story and keep hoping and praying she will continue it. Sooo many cliffhanger pieces in it i want answered.

go old school

Alecia Snowfall's picture

go old school. look at our bookmarks. See who your favorite authors read.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Morpheus has several

Morpheus has several universes. There's the Caregivers universe, by E.E. Nalley. There's the entire strip of FreeRIDErs. ( http://shifti.org/wiki/FreeRIDErs_(setting) )

Sarah Carrera by Megan Campbell, plus a couple of other stories.

Saless' Venus Cursed! stories are good, wish I knew what happened to her.

There are the Becoming Robin stories as well. Those are good, but the authors started off with a 'real world' situation, and tossed in some SF and Magic after a while; one storyline was completely blitzed by it. Just read them as independent stories, and they're easier to not get confused by.

Of course, there's all of Maggie Finson's works.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

This site and Fictionmania

Daphne Xu's picture

This site and Fictionmania have many non-universe stories you might enjoy. Also, one can look up various universes on both sites. From the universes you mentioned, you probably aren't interested in SRU, BB, and the like.

-- Daphne Xu

I dunno if superheroes appeal to you,

but if they do, Lillith Langtee's RETCON universe is chock-a-block with stories about recognizable superheroes RETCONNED to end up female instead of male.

I can also recommend G.M. Shepard's ANGEL series of stories as well as Barbie Lee's JESSICA RABBIT stories.

If you've missed them, Stickmaker's MASKS series is great as well. Check out Prudence Walker's stories as well. Her CARVERSION is a huge tale, featuring some of the authors you might have read, including yours truly.

Tyrone Slothrop is another onee who hasn't posted for quite awhile, but his stories are great and some of them were written in conjunction with Julie O's universe stories.

I also recommend Grover's body of work. His THE LAST HOLIDAYS series of stories is a masterwork, and will be on sale very soon.

Hope all this helps. Happy Holidays from,

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

well, if you'd like to read something a little different...

I would invite you to read my "Gentlemen's Bar" series. I currently have four stories set in this universe, each focusing on a different aspect of transformation and consequence. For a brief rundown on each story the first story has a rather violent transformation, the second "Risks of a Punishment" deals with peer pressure and suicidal thoughts, the third "Sleepless" (I honestly didn't like this story and have thought about removing it) centers around rape, so be warned if you decide reading this one, and the forth "Freedom" (my personal favourite) is about the main character getting help becoming her real self and receiving everything she missed out on from the expectations place on her originally.

A bit of shameful self-plug I know but it is something different and I've also opened it up for others to contribute as well and posted the universe guidelines in a blog post here.

Great suggestions

I thank you all for the suggestions.

I have read the majority of Morphous' stuff except his newest whately related stuff. Enjoyed almost all of JulieO's stories as well. Read the vast majority of Lillth langtree's as well as the center stories, and retcon.

I have read a ton from here, tgstorytime, fictionmania, (whately), and other site links from here. I will be looking into the couple that you guys have mentioned that i havent read yet.

Again thanks for responding.

A few more

ElrodW has a number of Whately stories, especially Kayda and check out Anon Allsop's Twilight Zone stories.

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Can't remember the name but....

GrandiaKnight's picture

There was a universe on here that I really enjoyed but I've forgotten the name of it. There was a guy who got transformed into the the physical incarnation of the Goddess and had serious magical powers. One thing was that she kept having flashbacks to all these different past lives she had lived. There was also her best friend who turned out to be a wizard who can control electricity. I wish I could remember what it was called because I'm not explaining it very well.

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"


Sadly it does not look like it will ever be concluded.