Tired of the Hate

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I've been stewing for a couple of days over all the hate that has been spewed lately against several writers and enough is enough. Recently, Efindumb announced that they (I'm using a non-descriptive word for a reason) would be leaving BigCloset because of all the negativity that has been leveled against them in their writings. I made an initial comment about it on her blog, telling the author that I thought they should not leave, that the story the author is writing is not finished yet, and that I thought their Muse would drive the author insane if the story wasn't finished.

Later on that evening, I was reading the comments that were posted on an earlier chapter of the story, and the light bulb went off! I wasn't aware that there was a literary critic within the BigCloset community. I say this because one person took Efindumb to task about the entire chapter. The critic complained about every little thing within the chapter. An event wouldn't have happened a particular way, or it was wrong to handle an event in the manner in which Efindumb handle the event. REALLY?

As has been previously mentioned in another blog by another individual, most every person involved in this site uses it as a kind of release valve. Most of our members have to live clandestine lives. We've been ridiculed by family and former friends because we KNOW we are different. When a person jumps all over one of us for our writing skills, or lack thereof, it's just another form of piling on the hate and discontent that we've already had more than enough of.

I had been planning on becoming a monthly contributor to the hat box to help defray the cost's associated with running BC instead of making a couple of large contributions during the year, but because of what has been happening of late, I have put that decision on hold until the first of the year when I will evaluate where all of this hate stands. I'd hate to leave BC, and I'd hate to NOT make a monthly contribution, but first we have to stop criticizing our writers over every little thing. Instead, we have to start encouraging each other. Then, and only then, will I begin to make a monthly contribution.


I'm not omniscient

erin's picture

I can't take action about bad comments if no one points them out to me, preferably in a PM. Contrary to what some might believe, I don't read every story or every comment. I can't and legally if I did and made decisions about every one of them that would leave me open to some legal challenges.

I need the help.

A comment or two that is out of line is nothing at all unusual on most websites. BC is different because people care and help me out in finding things that do need action.

Attacking authors is not allowed here, it violates the rules that are in the right hand column. But I can't act without a bit of help.

Hugs to all,

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

You are a saint

Erin, we all know that if you were to read every little thing that is posted here, it would be a 30 hour a day job! I know that you do the best you can and am thankful for what you do. If you want to read the particular comment, I will PM you with the chapter. It is in Efindumb's current series, but I will not Publicly say which chapter or who wrote it. THAT would be against the rules. Always keep it nice! LOL

Red Dog

Here's what you need

You need some chemicals, and a flash of lightning (or a particle accelerator explosion). Then you can read every comment with super speed. ;)

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

I have already been in communication with Effindumb

about the incident all day long and no one here wants him to leave. I have tried my damndest to convince him to stay. It's up to him really. I want him here. Great author and commentor.

I need others to let him know too. I screw up all the time including today. I'm still here. I see no reason why Effingdumb cannot stay either. It's life. We get over the matters after a bit and carry on.

Effingdumb, you are loved by at least myself and Red Dog here, and I am quite sure by many others. There is no need for embarassment or shame. We all learn.

Come back home.



I couldn't agree more! Well said ...with one exception.

Erin needs the help. I'm retired, living on a fixed income. I do my best to send $ to Erin. It ain't much, but I do my part to help BC survive.

As for the bastards who make life miserable for others, I feel sorry for them. They must have pitiful lives.

In the meantime, I tell Erin. It is HER site, and she takes that responsibility seriously.

Again, thanks for your comment. Down with the Haters!

Red MacDonald

I've said this before as have others

littlerocksilver's picture

If you want to critique style or grammar; do it privately. Don't publically drag the author over the coals. Holly Hart would figuratively take me by the throat and shake some sense into me and my writing. I couldn't have thanked her enough. The thing was that it was always in private, and that's where it should be - private.
