So...I write for ME... No, really, I do...
I enjoy writing... It is FUN!
I can put into words my fantasies, me desires, my NEEDS...
It is not about whether anyone appreciates my Is ALL about me getting my 'feelings' out there... Right?
Yeah--that is it!!!!
So... Why does it bother me so much when my 'likes' top out at a 'nine'? You know... 79...89... Or, the WORST...99?
Why does that last 'like' matter so much? Who knows...
But if you are THAT reader that reads ANY story and LIKES it... PLEASE hit the like button if you really do... It could make the difference between a writer continuing to write that story that you really want to know how it ends--and that writer that gives up...
Is it just me?
Gee, I Hope So (g) ...
I can see where there's a sense of accomplishment in writing something that garners 100 kudos, but the difference between 59 and 60 doesn't strike me as something to fuss over, unless there's a competition of some sort going on.
Only with myself! :)
You are right, the difference between say 59 and 60 is not that great--but it IS psychologically. That is why people in marketing price things at $1.99--it is less than $2.00, right? ;)
I thought that was about sticky fingers
The .99 meaning they had to open the till to get change so they couldn't just pocket the money
I think it must be a personal thing
I'm not an extremely popular author here. I write a bit of fluff now and then. I never really get into the heavy issues of being transgendered, mostly keeping to the discovery of the feminine inside by young, sometimes very young, trans women.
My best liked stories (2) have 69 kudos so the 9s are great for me.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I am not really complaining...
I am grateful for each and every kudos!
It was just something to throw out there for discussion during a really bad football game... ;)
Have you noticed that with
Have you noticed that with the new voting system you can give yourself a "thumbs up"? So if you see one of your stories has 99 votes, you can be #100!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Hmm... That's is not THAT big a deal... I could have several accounts and run up the total, too. :D
I pine for more......
... isn't recognition what we crave, once our inner satisfaction has been stroked?! Can't imagine not hoping for another... and another... and a comment.... and encouragement...... and sisterly feelings.... and love of a common spirit! Ginger xx