I very dismayed to hear Angharad was stopping her writing I hope it was bogus.It is hard keeping my spirits up while laying in the prison my bed has become. I actively look forward to her stories as well as other peoples.I will not think of hurting myself.Too many people care for me and whom I also care for. but it is hard sometimes.
There was some warning
A while back she did say that she would be quite busy at University. I suppose she'll post new episodes as she has time.
But unusually she hasn't replied to my emails this weekend.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
She tells me she is fine.
She was very busy with
She was very busy with dormouse research, her profession, and her University course.
She did post last week.
The Comment That Got People's Attention
I am not going to tolerate
people trying to drive an author off of our site! Not now, not ever! If you happen to dislike or disagree with an author: Just stop reading their material and do not comment and do not PM them. There are plenty of people that have their favorite authors here.
I do my best to try and help the authors out and do what I can for them. But I will find out what happened and why Angharad is no longer here.
This site is for authors of every genre! Not just the ones YOU like. And I will make it the best that I can for them.
So sad
Thank you dearest of dears
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm heart broken that it's
I'm heart broken that it's come to this. The loss of Angharad and others is great. I'll miss their writing. I just hope that they'll reconsider.
Think on your actions
For those that have been hounding any author on this site, I say read this story by Cyclist, http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/59702/place-sea, read the rules of the site and reflect. This is supposed to be a site of tolerance and friendship, yes if you don't like someones stories don't read them, there will be plenty of others that do. Personally I will be very sad to see Angharad go.
This site is not just for you but us thanks to Erin and the others.
I to will b very sad to see
I to will b very sad to see her go, i've been visiting the site for ages 8/9 years possibly longer, and haven't posted before, but having read all of bike and snafu will miss the postings , it's a real shame that depths some will go to to hound others away from doing something they seem to enjoy doing and we enjoy reading. Like others have said work on the site here are a work of fiction, although some are so well written you would question ureself sometimes like A Touch of Magic by effindumb, or Frills for examples, and those that disagree with a person's written tale, well they have the option of not reading.
All this talk of writers leaving,
has made me very angry! I've spent years here at Top Shelf and, while not every writer is one I read, their work is nontheless important to them and their fans. Writing is a way to deal with the anxiety and even pain that comes with being Transgender and being able to get those anxieties out in writing helps each and every writer to deal with those pains and anxieties.
It also provides entertainment for those who either can't write, or think they can't. Do any of you suppose that Erin has virtually ruined her financial life by keeping this site open and going strong for a lark? If you do, then you are more of a fool than you know. Erin and her friends, co-workers and volunteers have done what they've done for the love of what they do for others and to provide a VITAL service for those of us too timid or unable to "come out!"
Some of the ones who read here can only express themsedlves here at Top Shelf. For them it's the only way they can acknowlege who they really feel themselves to be, and some malcontents would choose to deny the others of that respite from what might very well be a grim, half existance, relieved only by writing, reading, or blogging here? For some, who have had the courage to write and publish, the small amount of income might be the difference between them eating and paying the bills, or starving and being homeless and some of you would deny them this?
How much better would this world be if everyone just followed the Golden Rule? No, I don't mean the one about who has the gold, makes the rules. No, I mean the one that says: 'TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD BE TREATED. IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY, SAY NOTHING!
This is a PRIVATELY OWNED SITE, AND ERIN IS THE OWNER. If you don't like how she does things, then maybe you SHOULD leave instead of driving others away with unkind comments and insults. It's NOT a public forum for you to spew hate and say whatever you like! Erin allows a great deal of latitude here, but when it gets too bad, she HAS to step in and remove hateful or harmful comments and stories. That's her RIGHT as the OWNER of the site!
So to everyone who thinks they can do anything they want or say whatever they want, regardless of who it might hurt, I'll say this.
HOW DARE YOU TRY TO RUIN THIS VALUABLE RESOURCE FOR THE REST OF US? If you don't like it here, then maybe YOU should leave instead of driving others away with your ill thought out comments that harm others!
I've been a member here for over 12 years and I'll be DAMNED if I'll see this shit happening without me speaking out against it! SO this is me speaking out! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE A STORY OR AN AUTHOR, DON'T FRIGGING READ IT!!! But don't spoil a good thing for the rest of us!
Now I've had my say and I'm sure that I'm gonna get flamed by the rabble rousers who feel THEY have the right to spew their hatred on others. Well, go ahead. I've remained silent on this whole thing for far too long. Well, I'm a big girl and I can handle any of the crap you wanna try to pile on me. Hell, even Erin might delete this comment, but I had to get this out of me before I lose it completely and REALLY cut loose! If you gotta, Erin... then delete it. You won't hurt my feelings.
A pissed off Catherine Linda Michel said all of that!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Our Site Will Be Much Poorer Without Angharad
She has written a TON of material, has a dedicated fanbase, and she even supported our site.
I want her back. I want her to write again.
I do not want to lose any authors.
It certainly will.
It's not long since she posted an episode of Bike but because she's embarked on a time consuming Open University course I expected her rate of posting to reduce drastically. To be honest her contributions are one of the main reasons I visit the site regularly. I just seem to be in tune with her wicked sense of humour and I know she's a really nice person because I once actually had the opportunity to meet her in RL. She's one of the few who have some idea of my true identity - and I hers for that matter.
I certainly share her feeling that at last the lunatics have taken over the political asylum this year. The only bullet we seem to have dodged is to have Boris as Prime Minister but we still have to suffer him as, of all things, Foreign Secretary. Well, whatever happens it's not going to affect me in 20 years time (or even sooner at my age :) ) but I'll certainly miss the few PMs we used to exchange.
I hope she at least lurks.
We were warned ...
I remember a post of Angharad's about a month ago, warning us that she might be too busy to do much with Bike. This should be confirmation to me that I've not quite gone "off the rails" senile. I don't make out why people have chosen to forget this and make the latest events something which it is not.
As to nasty comments; at least many of you lot get comments, so stop wingning. My own talents are so marginal that most readers simply ignore me.
Children behave yourselves.
I hope she's just needs to take some time off. Six months, a year...
Anyone who's given this site and all of us as much as Angharad has
certainly deserves a little me-time. As another famous Scot once said:
"Never Say Never Again..."
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Like you all
I found myself sad that one of my authors had felt she had to give up because of adverse comments. I sent a PM saying so on 22nd, and received a polite response the same day, and now another lovely episode of "Bike".
As regards comments to this blog, I followed the link to cyclist's story which I found to be well written and powerful, with one commentor effectively saying as much but that the author of the comment had not given a kudos because (effectively) it was too unsettling. If anything is well written, and you appreciated it, even if the subject was difficult, why not leave a kudos too? If it is a topic you personally do not like (I cannot understand fascination with diapers, and sci-fi) then leave nothing.